Wildwood Weekly
Grand Finale!
We wrapped up our year with a busy and exciting week! Move Up Day, West Field Day, Spirit Days, and more...
A perfect way to slide into summer!
We have had an amazing year together and wish you all the best for a restful and relaxing summer vacation!
PAC News
Start/End Times: '23-'24
The chart below includes the arrival window for students at all WPS buildings for the fall of '23. We thought this might be helpful for families in their planning!
2023-2024 School Calendar
About Us
We are always here! Please reach out to our office with any questions or concerns.
Email: kate.bissell@wpsk12.com
Website: https://wildwood.wpsk12.com/
Location: 22 Carter Lane, Wilmington, MA, USA
Phone: (978)694-6010