Weekly Update

11-15: Scholastic Book Fair, Library
11: Grand Event, 6-8pm
12: Parent Teacher Conferences
13: World Kindness Day Spirit Day
13: Math Fact Scholars, 8:10am
13: 2pm Dismissal
14: Parent Teacher Conferences
14: Picture Retake Day
20: Math Fact Scholars
21: Choir Rehearsal, 8:00am
27-29: No School
Current Attendance Percentage
Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up
November Lunch Dates
Click the image to sign up for an November lunch date!
Picture Retake Day
Mason Ridge Elementary
Absentee/Retake Day Picture Day is:
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Wagner Portrait Group will be at school to photograph any students who were absent on the initial picture day or any student that needs his/her picture retaken.
If you are having a picture taken as a RETAKE, please make sure your student returns their package in its entirety, including the package insert sheet, to the photographer on retake day.
(Feel free to attach a note to describe what you’d like us to do differently.)
Online Pre-Order Password: 4D2Z8V5W
Can’t order online or have other questions? We are happy to help! 314-567-5900
Specialist Newsletters
PE News from Dr. Wall & Mr. McDaniel
Library News from Mrs. Corsale
Click image to learn about all of the fun details!
November News from Nurse Wos
Please click the image to open the newsletter.
PTO News
Grand Event on November 11th
Yearbooks on sale!
Yearbooks are on sale now! Order yours before 12/15 for $18.50. Price goes up to $25 after that. Order here!
Parent Social Night - 11/19/2024
Cardinals Calendar Campaign
Support Mason Ridge PTO
Click the image to donate!
Spirit Nights!
Minted Fundraiser
Thank you, Mighty Mustangs!
Thanks to the admirable generosity of our Mason Ridge community, we raised over $30,000 ($2k above goal)-click above to see MMF Donor List!
Helpful School Information
School Hours
Morning Arrival: Doors Open at 8:45 am, Carpool Gates close at 9:00am
Afternoon Dismissal: All students should be picked up by 4:10 pm
About Us
Email: jbuchek@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/17
Location: 715 South Mason Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6450
Absence Line: 314-415-6476
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MasonRidgeElementary
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pkwymason_ridge/