Hillside School's Fun Friday
Making Learning Fun One Friday at a Time!
The Fun Friday Menu
Fridays in June are all going to be SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS! Have your child join in and share his or her love for Hillside by wearing their yellow Hillside School t-shirt as they participate in Fun Friday!
BeeTV will also be shared on Fridays during the month of June, so "bee" on the lookout for our latest episode!
Students should share something (a picture, comment, video, etc.) from each Fun Friday on their grade level Padlet. The link to each grade level's Padlet can found at the bottom of the newsletter.
Mrs. Bailey's Reading Room
Breakout Time with Miss Snedeker
Click below to enter the breakout and try to solve all of the locks! You can also check the Wall of Fame to see all of the successful solvers!
Power Hour with Mr. Rizer and Mr. O'Neill
Mr. Souza's Creativity Corner
You will need a black paper, a white crayon, and a yellow crayon for the firefly art. To create a butterfly, you just need a piece of paper, a pencil, and your favorite colored pencils, markers, or crayons! Find a clear space to work and follow along with the video below to create your summer bugs!
Jumping with Colors
It's Showtime with Mrs. Diomede
Music, dance, and theatre are very important things in our world and can be found in so many places -- some that you may not expect!
What are some things that you would like to do this summer that involve performing arts? Let's make a Performing Arts Summertime Bucket List! Making a list of music, dance, and theatre related activities will make sure that your keep the performing arts alive in your life during the summer months!
Mrs. Diomede's Performing Arts
Summertime Bucket List
* Listen to my favorite songs while relaxing by the pool!
* Practice playing my instruments!
* Learn a new dance!
* Watch some of my favorite musicals on TV!
* Sing songs with my family!
* Read a book about performing arts!
What are some other things that you could do?
Make your own list!
You can check out the video below to get started on checking off items on your list by learning a fun new dance for the summer!
Be ready to share your performing arts summertime bucket list on your grade level Padlet or share with your class in your class Zoom meeting today!
Share One of Your Activities From Today in Your Grade Level Padlet!
Hillside School
Email: ediomede@allendalek8.com
Website: www.allendalek8.com/hillside
Location: 89 Hillside Avenue, Allendale, NJ, USA
Phone: (201) 327-2020
Facebook: facebook.com/hillsideschoolnj
Twitter: @HillsideSchool3