News Around the Clinic - March 2019
Construction is Almost Complete!
Phase 2 will start when the construction is over and that is when we will begin to put the clinic back together and devote time to bringing our vision for the clinic and the unique spaces to life.
As construction comes to an end and we move into Phase 2, we will be changing some of the policies at the clinic related to check in, physical spaces usage, etc. Check in with our facebook, instagram, and twitter accounts for progress as well as policy updates.
The fish tank has moved!
Check Out Our New Sensory Supplies
Our swings are almost ready to be hung
New Staff at Our Clinic
Bobbie Vergo OTD, OTR/L Doctor of Occupational Therapy
Bobbie emphasizes the use play as the primary occupation of childhood to engage and motivate each child to work on her or his individualized goals. As an occupational therapist, Bobbie understands that most of the time the client is not just the child that she treats in the session--treating children means working closely with the family and/or caregivers, schools, and any other professionals that serve each child. She believes that holistic, collaborative care that is sensitive to each child's unique strengths, limitations, interests, and culture provides the best results long-term.
Bobbie has worked in various pediatric settings including mental health facilities, schools, early intervention, outpatient, and an ABA clinic. She is comfortable working with children from infancy through young adults, and with a variety of diagnoses including Sensory Processing Disorder, mental health diagnoses, executive function limitations, developmental and genetic conditions, and physical disabilities. Bobbie has participated in continuing education courses with emphasis on trauma and sensory processing disorder; music-based approaches to treating sensory disorders, such as Integrated Listening Systems and Therapeutic Listening; development of handwriting skills with Handwriting Without Tears; and various courses to increase understanding and hands-on techniques for treating physical limitations across the lifespan.
Amy Slutzky, MA, LPC, NBCC - Counselor and Educational Advocate
Amy’s goals revolve around helping individuals and families be their best selves by using successes in the past to confront and conquer current life challenges. Amy works with adolescents,individual adults, families and couples in therapy in addition to providing Educational Advocacy Consults at Therapediatrics. She is passionate about helping parents trust their instincts in advocating for their children in and out of the classroom and has her own company Live n Learn through which she provides a full range of Educational Advocacy Services and Presentations to the community.
Amy was a classroom teacher for 15 years with the pleasure of having taught in public high schools, alternative high schools, a charter middle school, and a gifted program for upper elementary students. She has been honored in Who's Who Amongst America's Teachers in 2000 and named to the Honor Roll of the Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice in 2015. During a transitional phase of her career, Amy pursued her master's degree in Professional Counseling with a focus on community counseling. She completed clinical work in the field of juvenile justice and substance abuse to complete her licensure and continued as a life coach specializing in work with adolescents, families, and substance abuse.
Social Skills
Our clinic has always found that groups are helpful with children who need to practice their social skills. Social skills groups increase the confidence of kids when they explore more in the community.
Therapediatrics is currently offering the following social skills groups:
- Girls and Boys 6-8 years: Wednesdays at 5:30-6:30 pm
- Girls and Boys 9-11 years: Tuesdays at 5:30-6:30 pm
Start date: Currently ongoing in 2019, call to register
Dungeons and Dragon Social Skills Group - Adventure Awaits!
Role Playing games are an innovative new way to help children and adolescents to practice real life social skills in a safe setting. Participants will play Dungeons and Dragons with a therapist “guide” to help them improve the following skills:
- Improving communication and conversation skills
- Enhancing Self-Esteem
- Managing Impulses
- Reducing Social Anxiety and Stress
- Developing Anger Management Skills
For ages 10 and up
Meets: Every other Saturday at 12 pm
Start Date: April 6th
Cost: $25/session
Support Groups
Divorced Parents Support Group
A therapist led support group for parents experiencing the challenge of divorce.
Meets: The first Monday of every month 8-9:15 pm
Next Group: March 4
Learning for All - A Parent Support Group for Children Struggling in the School Setting
Is your child having difficulty at school? Unsure about the difference between a 504 plan and an IEP? This support group is led by a lawyer with special education expertise and is for parents trying to assist their children in getting appropriate assistance at school. A group for parents to connect and brainstorm ideas to help their children maximize their ability to learn in the school setting.
Meets: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm Monthly
March Group meeting TBD
Help Build Your Child’s Shield: Developing Your Child's Resilience to Stressful Events
This parent workshop is designed to show parents how to help their children to not give their power away. This program focuses on providing practical strategies to increase empowerment and control and also how to help children how to assess the safety of a situation and what responses are needed. Parents will learn to help their
children :
*Defining Teasing vs Bullying
*Identifying and Recognizing Put Downs
*Effectively Responding to Negativity
*Assessing Safety in a situation
*How to be a Responsive and Safe Bystander
Cost: Free to the community
Saturday, Mar 9, 2019, 01:00 PM
200 North Fairway Drive, Suite 208, Vernon Hills, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Stress Free IEP
The Stress Free IEP is designed for parents of children aged 3 to 13, whether they are aging out of early intervention or starting to age out of school. In this presentation, parents will learn more than just the process of getting an IEP. Parents will learn how to design that IEP for what makes your child a part of your family, not just a student who completes generic goals.
It can be stressful to advocate for your child without fighting. This workshop also includes strategies to keep your sanity. Using strategies of mindfulness and CBT, parents will discover easy, practical, and effective ways to feel strong and empowered.
The Stress Free IEP will help parents:
• Learn about resources and strategies for your child and YOU.
• Feel support as you navigate the unchartered waters of school professionals
• Find a community that accepts all your feelings and experiences
Isn’t it time to be free from stress?
led by Educational Advocate Amy Slutzky, MA, LPC, NCC and mom of son with ASD
Fee: $20/person
Thursday, Apr 11, 2019, 06:30 PM
200 North Fairway Drive, Suite 208, Vernon Hills, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Therapediatrics LLC
Email: Info@therapediatrics.com
Website: Www.therapediatrics.com
Location: 200 North Fairway Drive, Suite 208 Vernon Hills, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 996-6666
Facebook: facebook.com/Therapediatrics