Te Aroha Primary School - Week 10
June 27th, 2023

Te Aroha Primary School - Week 10 update
And that's a wrap...
Kia ora parents, whānau and caregivers, welcome to the final week of Term 2. What a term it has been...we've had Tennis coaching, Kapa Haka, the Netball season, Bible in Schools, the School values programme, Rippa Rugby, the Special Schools kapa haka festival, NYLD - National Young Leaders Day, Hub workshops, Croquet, John Parsons, the Year 8 Rotary writing competition and so much more...and it isn't over yet, on Friday we have the new mid-year reports coming home. These follow on nicely from the 'Learning conversations' that were held earlier in the term.
The newsletter this week is a combination of celebrations from this term and a bit of looking forward into Term 3. We hope you enjoy the read...
Matariki Breakfast
Come and join us for a Matariki breakfast on Monday 17 July 8:15am - 9:00am
https://forms.gle/Ks3eCR4XgPWp35pu7 Use the link to register interest. Parents and whānau welcome.
Farewell Mr Rasmussen
Mr Rasmussen - there is no way we could have you leave without acknowledging your loyal and dedicated service to our school over the last 32 years.
From “Where Duty Leads” to “Accept the Challenge” you have contributed to our school through these vision statements wholeheartedly and with commitment, care and aroha.
Mr Rasmussen, your 32 years of work at our school has been varied, constantly changing and has always had our students at the heart of what you do.
You have been a parent of our school and as well as the best caretaker, cleaner and groundsman EVER, you have also been a teacher aide, sports coach, expert for all our Enviro-schools projects, calf rearer, best tree climber and roof walker, bird catcher, ball extractor, under the verandah collector and most of all, the best supporter of us, the pupils of Te Aroha Primary.
There isn’t a visitor to our school that doesn’t comment on how amazing our grounds and buildings look and how clean and tidy they are. This is down to you and the extra mile you go to make our environment safe, attractive and fun to be in.
With all our big events, it is you that does all the behind the scenes setting up and packing up - so that would be 32 swimming sports, cross countries and athletic sports as well as a number of sporting events, galas and fairs, concerts and performances and the 125th school reunion. You leave with our best wishes and many, many warm memories.
Tech at Te Aroha College
Some of our senior students have been making these clocks over the past term. They look amazing! I wonder if they are for sale?
2023 TAPS Netball season
2023 was a great year for Te Aroha Primary Netball. We had a number of teams participating. It was fantastic to be a part of it and to see our children running around improving their skills and enjoying sports. All children did extremely well and can feel very proud of themselves. I look forward to seeing the continuation of their skills development and sportsmanship in 2024.
Room 7 have had lots of fun being active this term...
We loved our tennis coaching sessions and look forward to getting even better over the next few years.We had lots of people pick up Netball and Basketball this year which has been really cool to see. Our boys have been fantastic at rugby as well!! A highlight for us was all wearing pink to support the anti bullying campaign.This was a chance for us to be big, bold and stand up for what is right. Room 7 have had to show resilience towards the end of this term when Mrs Paul had to go on leave and leave them in the hands of relievers. I am so proud of them.
Room 8
Room 5 have enjoyed ...
Tennis sessions, making rockets, supporting Pink Shirt Day and playing with balloon creations.
Year 8 - Rotary Writing competition
Our Year 8 students took part in the Rotary Writing competition this term. They all did extremely well, there was a lot of new learning about writing techniques in Room 9 & 10. Three of our students made it to the finals, Joshua, Brooklyn and Baxter. Joshua was selected as the overall winner...receiving a large trophy for his efforts. Well done to the 3 of you.
Below is a copy of their entries...
Competition Winner
Joshua with his trophy
Our Rotary Finalists
Brooklyn, Baxter, and Joshua
Kapa Haka
Our Kapa Haka Roopu has continued to impress and improve as the year has gone on...here are some pictures of them in action.