Cougar Update
January Edition

Please read the message from Dr. Smith, Principal.
Congress Cougars,
The first month of the new year is behind us, and we are moving forward, looking for better than the latter! Our start of the year has been phenomenal despite a few challenges here and there, but that's what life is all about and the only way to learn and grow from situations.
Teachers are conscientiously teaching, students are learning, and we will soon be scheduling for the new year. Eight-grade students are in the process now of selecting the classes for next year.
Parents, at times, have the most vital voice of support. While we are here making a difference by building relationships, making sure students feel safe, and listening to them when they have a concern, we ask you to continue to support and encourage your/our students to be the best they can be. We encourage our students to strive to be the best and exceed their expectations by completing assigned work and rocking out on the NWEA/MAP test.
Please discuss the importance of being on time for school and ready to learn with your child. As many of you know, our cell phone policy was updated at the middle school level to allow students to carry their phones or place their phones in the lockers. However, students are not allowed to use their phones during active instruction and at no time are permitted to make phone calls. If you need to speak directly to your student, don't hesitate to contact our front office so we can call them down to make the call.
There is always a potential for inclement weather, so please check emails or voicemails for school cancellations. To ensure students are continuing learning opportunities, please know you can access team information from our Congress web page by clicking the About Us Tab. I have received several requests to cancel school after the Kansas Chiefs win the 2023 Super Bowl. While I'd love a say, I do not get a vote that decides if we have school after winning the 2023 Super Bowl.
Thank you, again, for the inspiring support you bring to Congress. Sometimes we feel troubled on every side, but no matter what, we provide safe spaces for students to learn, grow, and appreciate knowing that our parents/guardians are also in the trenches.
We are better because of you!
Special Update - MOCSA Child Abuse Prevention Education Opt-Out
MOCSA Child Abuse Prevention Education
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Beginning this school year and every year hereafter, our district will provide age- and developmentally appropriate sexual abuse prevention education to students. The goal of this programming is to keep your children safe.
This programming will include videos with a discussion facilitated by Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault. This lesson will empower children to respond to child sexual harassment, abuse, and assault and to provide students with the tools needed for personal safety.
The objectives of this lesson are to enable students to
Define sexual harassment, consent, and sexual assault;
Identify types of sexual harassment;
Respond appropriately when they are or someone they know is a victim of sexual harassment or sexual assault; and,
Access resources such as the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA).
This curriculum is designed by MOCSA, an expert in preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault recommended as a resource in this area by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
National statistics report that one out of every four girls and one out of every six boys will be sexually abused by the age of 18. Through this program aimed at educating and empowering students, we want to provide your student with the knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual abuse. If you have any questions about the content of the program, please contact your school’s principal or counselor.
All students will participate in sexual abuse prevention lessons unless you choose for your child to NOT participate. Please complete only if you DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD TO PARTICIPATE.
Your student will be located in an alternative location during the presentation.
Miles of Smiles (Level Up Kids)
Miles of Smiles (Level Up Kids) will be at CONGRESS MIDDLE SCHOOL
Miles of Smiles (Level Up Kids) will be at CONGRESS MIDDLE SCHOOL
MARCH 15th – APRIL 17th, 2023!
Miles of Smiles, a program of Level Up Kids, provides free dental care to children in the Northland who do not have access to oral health services. The dental care will be provided to students at CONGRESS during the school day MARCH 15th – APRIL 17th! All care is provided by a licensed dentist and assistants and all patients receive a comprehensive exam, cleaning and x-rays.
Please register ASAP if you would like your student to be seen during the school day. We highly encourage online registration, which is quick, easy and convenient! You can register right from your phone! https://practisforms.com/milesofsmilesinc/forms/milesofsmilesinc-registration-form
Paper forms will also be sent home in your student’s backpack or folder. If you wish to complete the registration that way, please fill out in its entirety and return as soon as possible.
Please contact Karen Schaff (816-359-6175) or Morgan Rietzke (816-359-6981) if you have any questions or need help registering your student.
Students/Parents/Guardians - Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook
February 1st or 7th
Community DEIB Conversations
Members of the Park Hill School District's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Council will facilitate this community update and conversation, in partnership with Sophic Solutions. Join us!
Park Hill School District parents/guardians, staff, and community members are welcome to join us for these conversations. In these upcoming online forums, we will start with large group discussion, overviewing all the work our DEIB Council has accomplished since our community forums in January of 2022. We'll also share how this aligns with the newly developed 2023-2028 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP).
After our large group presentation, we will move into small groups where participants will get the chance to engage in dialogue about the work that is being done and give input on continued learning opportunities.
We look forward to sharing how the community’s input has informed our progress so far. We also look forward to our next steps in alignment with our DEIB drivers and narratives. We have good work in our action plan ahead - thank you for your connection to this work!
We are hosting two community forums.
Please choose only one of the forum dates to join.
PTA Meeting - February 6th @ 6:30
Congress PTA
Parents, how exactly could a 100% participation hurt Congress Middle School? With after-school activities, working late while trying to prepare a meal for the family can seem unbearable, but if you cannot join us in person, join us online. We are having in-person and virtual meetings to accommodate our families. We would like to do so many things this year but need your support. Our Congress Middle School staff appreciates all you do for our students and staff. Our PTA ROCKS!! . It starts with your membership. Just joining you will help us provide needed resources for staff and students.
February 6th in the Congress Café' at 6:30 PM.
2023-2024 Teacher of the Year
The Park Hill School District has honored a recipient from Park Hill as teacher of the year for more than 40 years. Once again, we would like to honor the teacher of the year for the next school year (2023-2024).Please submit your nomination and supporting statements for the 2023-2024 Park Hill Teacher of the Year. The winner will be recognized during the Employee Service Awards.
Resolutions 🙄
Just Say The Name Congress!
Congress Middle School PTA will receive 15% of fundraiser
Spread the word!!!
Congress Middle School PTA will receive 15% of fundraiser sales* during this fundraiser. Participate on Feb 27, 2023 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm by ordering digitally or at the physical Freddy's restaurant. To participate digitally, order on the Freddy's mobile app or website using the code GIVEBACK. To participate at the restaurant, tell the cashier of your participation (before payment) or show the fundraiser flyer below to the cashier (before payment).
Can't wait to see you!
Help Control The Leaves
Quarter 3 Begins 12/25/2022 Ends 03/19/2023
News from the Library Media Center:
We are starting off 2023 in the school library with a ton of book fun! We are offering a new monthly book subscription program for students who are interested. Those who fill out the survey link will receive a bag with 2 books, trinkets, candy, and a book review. They will have to return the bag with the books and leave a book review, but they can keep the trinkets! We are starting small, but have a growing interest, so we’ll try to add more bags as we are able.
If you would like to help by donating trinkets or candy for the subscription bags, please contact the school library. We would certainly appreciate it! January’s library lesson for all grades was a fun book personality lesson. We took fun and easy book personality quizzes, and checked out books in our favorite genre or genres. I’m sure it will come as no surprise to know Congress’s student population holds many Comedians who love a good humorous books, Questioners who enjoy a good mystery, and History Buffs who really get into a book about the Allies crushing the Nazis during World War II.
Here is the link to the survey for your student to fill out if they want to participate: https://forms.gle/tzvM7CEQt6viUWcM7
Wishing you a Happy 2023! –Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Guinn
Please read the message from Mrs. Kahler, Assistant Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians:
It is the time of year that we begin recruiting and selecting students for our AVID program for the 23-24 school year. Please read the information below to learn more about our AVID program.
AVID is a program dedicated to helping students achieve their goals of going to college. Students are invited to apply for acceptance into the middle school AVID program. AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness program which is designed to increase school wide learning and performance. The AVID College Readiness System (ACRS) accelerates student learning, uses research-based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional learning, and acts as a catalyst for preparing students to be college and career ready when they leave high school. All Park Hill Secondary Schools (middle schools and high schools) have AVID as part of the school day. AVID is not an ‘at risk’ program. It is a college and career preparatory program and is currently being used in over 3,500 schools. The AVID class, held within the regular school day, provides support, academic monitoring, and tutoring. We will hold a question and answer informational meeting for parents and students on February 13th from 6:00-7:00 pm at Congress in the library media center. Please use the QR code on the next page to access our online application.
How does my child get accepted to AVID?
Students are accepted into the AVID program after a careful screening process. Students first need to complete the digital application by no later than Friday, February 24th, 2023. Selected students will be interviewed by our AVID teacher, Mr. Bratcher and/or a member of our AVID Site Team. Our AVID Site Team is composed of teachers and administrators. From the application and interview process, decisions will be made on acceptance into AVID. Parents and students need to understand that participation is voluntary; however, it is the student who needs to be committed in order to be successful.
What is required of an AVID Student?
AVID students are enrolled in the AVID elective class. The AVID class, held within the regular school day, provides support, academic monitoring, and tutoring. In this class students learn organizational and study skills, work to think critically and ask probing questions, and participate in enrichment and motivational activities. Students keep track of assignments on assignment sheets and are required to take DAILY notes in all academic classes. Notebooks are graded weekly for content and organization. In addition, students are taught study skills, test preparation, time management, and the writing process.
Who are AVID Tutors? What Do They Do?
AVID tutors are staff who receive training in AVID. They are in the AVID classroom weekly to serve as models and to help students achieve success in rigorous classes. All three of our AVID tutors are experienced in AVID.
What can parents do to support AVID Students?
Communication between the AVID teacher and the parent(s) is essential. We will contact you to share your student’s progress, and appreciate any information you share with us. At home, parents can see to it that students are doing their homework in a quiet place with few interruptions. In addition, stressing your belief that your student can succeed in high school and attend college will also motivate your child to work harder and achieve more.
Please remember to join us for our (in person) Congress AVID Informational Night on Monday, February 13th between 6:00-7:00 pm to find out more information about AVID. Please contact me if you have any questions about the AVID program.
Amber Kahler
AVID Application
Congress AVID Information Night
with Mrs. Kahler and Mr. Bratcher on
February 13th from 6:00pm- 7:00pm in the library media center
Our AVID Elective Applications
for the 23-24 school year are available by using this QR code or using the tinyurl link below.
All applications are due by February 24th, 2023.
HELP!!! It's Career Day
Parents, want to share your career with middle schoolers? We are still looking for volunteers for our Career Day on March 30th! If you or someone else would be interested in sharing their career with the students, please contact Mrs. Kahler to sign up. March 30th from 7:45-9:20.
Contact Mrs. Kahler for more information! kahlera@parkhill.k12.mo.us
Congress Families,
Please find more information concerning spring sports on our website "Get Involved".
Please make sure you download the "REMIND" app on your phone. Enter the information below and don't miss any important updates this season!
Parents Remind App Code; @t-parent
Athletes Remind App Code; @t-athlete
Please look for more information, but we would like to have spirit nights on some of our home and away games. If you still need to check out our school store, please do so and order your Congress gear. Proceeds raised will go to support our programs.
Parents, this is also the perfect time to encourage your students to manage their grades. Failing grades will eliminate some students from participating in extracurricular activities.
Please check our school website, Get Involved at Congress, for all updated sports-related information.
Athletics Information
Students seeking to participate in any of our sports this year must have a current physical and ImPACT test on file. All information related to our sports may be found on our school website under the Get Involved Tab. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Assistant Principal Athletic Director Brian Van Horn (816) 359 – 4230.
Read more about ImPACT testing.
The IMPACT test is valid for 2 years so if your athlete took it last year, they do not need to re-take it this year. Please have them double check if they are unsure.
Because You Care
Our employees are the reason we are so successful here at Congress Middle School and the Park Hill School District, and the Park Hill School District would like to recognize us for all we do for our students.
The Park Hill Star award is awarded monthly to any staff member in the school district. Anyone can nominate an employee for this award by using the form below. In addition, please send a note of encouragement to our Congress Staff, letting them know you care.
Sometimes, negative comments are made directly to our staff members or posted on social media. We want to change that narrative! We want the positive vibes to outweigh the negative vibes. Please vote for one of our staff members or send a kind note to staff members for the entire month of December.
AMI School Days
Winter months are upon us, and we've already experienced the first snow of the season. Below you will find links to our Alternative Modes of Instruction (AMI) schedules for teams. As we prepare our students for high school, we expect them to take responsibility for their learning. It may seem like they need help navigating different websites and learning platforms, but they always shine once given the opportunity. Some may take longer than others, but they all find a way. Our Congress kids are true ROCKSTARS!
FAN GEAR! Get Ready For The Game!!!
Store Password: Cougars
Parents We Need Your Help!!
Message from Sprigeo
We created Sprigeo so people would feel safer at school. When a person really needs help or there is a safety threat at school we hope you will step up and send in a report. Sending in a false report makes it harder for your school to help the people who really need it. If necessary you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You can find out more about Sprigeo and the School District Safety Evaluation at Sprigeo.com. Thanks for using Sprigeo!
Joe Bruzzese, Founder of SprigeoIf you feel unsafe or know someone who feels unsafe, please report it here. After you fill out the form below, Sprigeo sends an email to a school administrator with all of the details from your report. You can also download one of our apps from the Apple Store or the Android Marketplace to submit a report.
- Safety threats, bullying, harassment or intimidation at school
- Safety threats, bullying, harassment or intimidation outside of school
- Cyberbullying; Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
- Fights, drugs, alcohol or weapons at school
- Friends who talk about hurting themselves