HES Shark Scoop
October 6, 2023

A Message from Principal Cutone
May 17, 2024
Hello HES Caregivers,
This week has been a whirlwind of excitement and achievement for our school community. Our 3rd and 4th graders completed the mathematics section of MCAS with incredible determination and hard work. Their dedication to learning truly shined, and they should all feel proud of this accomplishment. For those students who were absent on testing days, we will be wrapping up any makeup next week.
One of the highlights of the week was the Monomoy Regional High School Senior Stroll through our halls on Thursday morning. Our HES Sharks greeted the seniors with handmade posters, signs, and pom-poms, creating a vibrant and heartwarming celebration. This new annual tradition was filled with joy and community spirit, as our students cheered for their siblings, neighbors, and babysitters. It was a beautiful reminder of what a special community Monomoy is.
Looking ahead, our PTO is busily preparing for the much-anticipated Book Fair next week. This event is always a hit with our Sharks, who are eager to dive into new books. We invite you to come and browse with your Shark next Wednesday from 3-5 pm, and perhaps pick out a few new favorites to enjoy together.
As we head into the weekend, I want to wish everyone a terrific and restful break. As always, please let me know how I can support you and your Sharks.
Warmest regards,
Our new trees on the playground are still young and need our love. Will you consider signing up for one week this summer to help keep them thriving? Click on the blue button above. Thank you!
MRHS Senior Stroll
Congratulations, Sharks! Fabulous Keyboarding!
From the Health Room
School year 2023-2024 is almost over. Wow, it has gone by quickly! As we try to finish up all of the loose ends, we need your help. If your child (all grades, but especially fourth) has had a physical in the last two years, and you have not sent us a copy, please do so ASAP. It would be very helpful if we could have them by the end of next week. This allows us to keep our records up to date. You may make a copy and send it in with your child, ask your child’s provider to fax us a copy (they all have our fax number), or you can scan it and email it to Hes_nurse@monomoy.edu or jginsburg@monomoy.edu. Thank you in advance for taking care of this as soon as you are able.
Innovate and Create with Monomoy Computer Science
HES United Arts Teachers are on Instagram
Mark Your Calendar
May 20-24 -- Spring Book Fair
Wednesday, May 22 -- Early Release 1:20 pm Dismissal
Monday, May 27 -- Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
Monday, June 3 -- Fourth Grade Step Up Day to MRMS
Wednesday, June 5 -- Early Release 1:20 pm Dismissal
Wednesday, June 12 -- Field Day K-4
Wednesday, June 12 -- Band and Chorus Concert 5:00 pm
Thursday, June 13 -- Field Day K-4 Rain Date
Monday, June 17 -- Fourth Grade Graduation 9:30 am
Tuesday, June 18 -- HES Step Up Day
Tuesday, June 18 -- MRSD Last Day of School 10:50 am Dismissal
PTO Updates
Community Resources and Events
Important Links
Bureau of Special Education Appeals
The Bureau of Special Education Appeals, which derives its authority from both federal and Massachusetts statutes and regulations (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; "IDEA"; MGL ch.71B; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) conducts due process hearings and renders Rulings and Decisions concerning eligibility, evaluation, placement, individualized education programs (IEP), provision of special education and procedural protections for students with disabilities.
To join an Informational Session: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/mediation-and-facilitation-informational-sessions
To learn about BSEA Mediation: https://www.mass.gov/mediation-at-the-bsea
To learn about Hearings at the BSEA: https://www.mass.gov/due-process-hearings
Did you know? Past issues of the HES Shark Scoop can be found on our website at https://hes.monomoy.edu/news/hes-shark-scoop.
Stay in Touch
Ms. Allyson Joy, Assistant Principal
Email: ccutone@monomoy.edu
Website: https://www.monomoy.edu/Domain/9
Location: 263 South Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7216
Twitter: @monomoyschools