BHS Parent Newsletter
September 11th
Never Forget
We are working very hard to change the culture of behavior on campus. We have focused most of our energy these first few weeks on a few key rules. Please help us reinforce these rules at home, so we can partner to help our students make good decisions at school.
- IDs - Safety and security are our number 1 concern. IDs are a big part of that. It helps us identify who belongs on our campus and who may not. Students are required to wear their ID at all times.
- Closed Campus - We are doing our best to keep all students on campus throughout the day. Please know that we are responsible for your students during the school day. We cannot protect them if they leave without our knowledge.
- Dress Code - Please make sure students dress within the dress code everyday, so they can stay in class and learn at the highest level. We will have them change clothes if they are out of compliance.
- Tardies/Absences - Students cannot learn at high levels if they are not in class on time or at all. We are sweeping hallways and restrooms and working to make sure all students are in their classes all day.
Thank you all so much for your support. We hope to see you all at Meet the Teacher on September 19th from 4:30-6:30. This is an event for parents to get to know teachers. Students are not required to attend, but can if you would like. We encourage students to go to their regularly scheduled practices or work. We will have plenty of help for you to find classes and get information that night. More information will come out later this week.
If you need anything, please let us know. We are here to help.
Go Cubs!!
Jennifer Griffin, Principal
Peach Jar Flyer
Many of you received a flyer about The College Movie night. Please know that though it said it was from Brenham High School, we did not send it. This was sent from a vendor that is not affiliated with the high school. Sorry for the confusion.
Car Rider Drop Off and Pick Up
Please do not drop off or pick up students in the back parking lot. The car rider line must enter from A.H. Ehrig. It is imperative that you go through the correct line as staff need to come and go through the back parking lot, and you lining up impedes them from doing that. We appreciate your assistance in going through the proper car rider line each morning and afternoon.
Cubs Closet Clothing Drive
Our Cubs Closet Clothing Drive will be continuing through this week. Please take some time to find any gently used clothing to donate to those in our community who may need them. There is a receptacle in the lobby of the high school for you to drop your donations into. We appreciate all the support!
Compulsory Attendance
The law in the state of Texas (HB 2398) requires that students up to age 19 attend school. As a parent, legal guardian, or person standing in parental relation to the child, you are responsible for ensuring that your child attends school regularly. It is crucial to note that in order for your child to receive credit for a class, they are required to be in attendance at least 90% of the days the class meets. Your child’s success in school is important to us and attending school regularly is a part of that success.
Please make sure that if your student must be absent that you send a note indicating the reason for the absence. If you can get a doctor's note, please provide that as well. We want to partner with you to help your student if a need for excessive absences arises, so please reach out to their administrator or counselor if necessary.
Thank you for working with us to ensure your student has good attendance at school.
School Cafeteria Balances
Please remember that meals are not free this year for all students. Several students have reached their limit on charging already. Please go to the SchoolCafe app and add your student using their student ID. You can apply for free and reduced meals, pay accounts, and much, much more. This app is very important, and can help students get the meals they need.
Progress Reports
Our first 3 weeks progress reports went home this week. Please get with your student to make sure you see their progress so far. There are still 6 weeks left in this first grading period, so there is time for your student to make progress toward their goals. Let us know if you have questions or need assistance with grades.
Save the Date - Homecoming Game September 30th and Homecoming Dance October 1st!
Homecoming Parade Participation Form
Join PTOI!!
You can find BHS PTO on social media @brenhamhspto on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Questions? Email them at