Grant Line Buzz
December 13 - 20, 2024

We need your help!
A Note from Mrs. Satkoski....
Friday, December 20 is our last day of school for our first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. We are on winter break from Saturday, December 21 - Monday, January 6. Students return on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We are so very thankful for each and every family at Grant Line. Have a Merry Christmas and holiday season. We will see you on January 7, 2025! I will send a newsletter in January to update you on any new items to start the new year.
12 days of Christmas....
Monday, December 16th (5th Day) – Run, run as fast you can. You can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man! Wear your favorite workout gear.
Tuesday, December 17th (4th Day) – Wear your best ugly sweater or sweatshirt and make a special ornament at school today.
Wednesday, December 18th (3rd Day) – It’s family picture day! Get some friends together for matching fun!
Thursday, December 19th (2nd Day) – Wear your favorite reindeer headgear and be ready for Everybody Prance Now! Each grade level will have a dance break in the gym!
Friday, December 20th (1st Day) – Close out the semester & prepare for a perfect break in your comfiest PJ’s!
We are hiring!
We are hiring a new special education assistant. The hours would be 7:45 am - 2:45 pm and include all student days. If you are interested, please call Mrs. Satkoski or go to www.nafcs.k12.in.us and click on employment to apply. We have a great team - join us!
Upcoming Events
December 21 - January 6 - Winter Break
January 7 - Semester 2 Begins
January 14 - PreK Open House for 2025 - 2026 School year - 5:30 - 6:30 pm
January 17 - Camo Day
January 20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Inauguration Day
January 30 - Kindergarten Open House for 2025 - 2026 School year - 5:30 - 6:30 pm
January 31 - Basketball Jersey Day
February 13 - Red and Pink Day; Valentine's Parties
February 14 - No School - Teacher PD
February 28 - Tie Dye Day
March 14 - Green Day
Clubs this Week
December 16: Onstage Drama, Backstage Drama,
4th Grade Bracelet Club
December 17: Onstage Drama, Backstage Drama
December 18: Kindness Club
School Family Commitment of the Week
I will listen to adults and follow directions.
Counselor's Corner
Just a reminder that the student's who are signed up for the Elk's Lodge shopping trip, should arrive at the Kohl's on Charlestown Rd. tomorrow(Saturday) at 8 am. After shopping, these students and their parents are to go to the Elk's Lodge in New Albany for breakfast.
Have a great weekend,
Lisa McCory, Counselor