Jefferson Jewels
Week of December 9, 2024
Hello Jefferson Leadership Academy (JLA) families and caregivers,
This week, we are gearing up for the holiday season. We will host our Winter Music Concert and wrap up our basketball and track regular seasons. If we reach 100% competition on their i-Ready Diagnostic 2 assessments, all students will earn free dress on Friday.
Our students and staff will participate in an emergency preparedness lockdown drill on Monday. Please remind your child that this drill is part of our safety plan to ensure that all students and staff understand how to respond in an emergency.
Here are a few details as you prepare for this week at JLA:
- Regular Day Schedule: Monday- Friday 8:00-2:40
- Boys Basketball game: Monday 12/9 JLA @Hamilton 4:30-5:30
- Habit Burger & Grill Fundraiser: Tuesday 4-9 P.M.
- Girl's Track-Divisional City Championship: Wednesday 12/11, @Wilson HS 4:00-5:0
- Winter Concert: Wednesday 12/11, 4:30-6:00
- i-Ready Free Dress Friday: 12/13- this Friday
Please see below for all the details about this week's events. We are looking forward to a productive week!
In partnership,
Dr. Renée Shipman
Principal, Jefferson Leadership Academy
Week At-Glance
December Cafe Menu
Holiday Toy Drive
Picking Up Students Early
When picking up your student before school dismissal, please plan to pick up your student before or after the lunch period. To support lunch supervision, all support staff are unavailable, and we will not be able to release students who are at lunch. Please plan ahead and pick up your student before or after lunch.
JLA Bell Schedule
PE Students Dressing Out
Parents can purchase PE uniforms from our banker, Mr. Ryono, on Monday afternoons, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students will also have the opportunity to purchase their clothes during PE classes on December 10 or 12, 2024.
After School Student Support
After School Clubs
Are You Ready For High School?
8th grade Parents- It's time to start thinking about the process of selecting a high school for your student. This is a very important and exciting time. Here is the schedule for the high school choice site nights where you will be able to visit and learn about our LBUSD high schools!
Visit the School Of Choice website for more information.
i-Ready: Parent Workshop
Do you have questions about i-Ready lessons/diagnostics? Join us as we cover these topics. Coffee and Donuts will be served. Contact Mrs. Lopez ( or Mrs. Peterson ( for more information.
Student and Family Resources
Please find the attached student and family Mental Health, LGBTQIA support, Housing and Food Resources. Contact Mr. Gonzalez for more information.
Looking for more ways to connect?
For school information
Visit and favorite/bookmark the Jefferson Leadership Academy Website
Visit our Instagram page
@lbjefferson_jags or and request to follow us.
Dr. Renée Shipman
Jefferson Leadership Academy
750 Euclid Avenue, Long Beach, Ca.90804
Pronouns: she/her/hers