Spartan Spotlight
October 2021
From the Principal
BRHS Families:
We are getting ready for the second quarter. As we continue our transition to "in-person" learning, I want to again encourage our students to challenge themselves in balance with their personal and school activities. When you find yourself struggling, use the help provided by your teachers, and let’s work to develop persistence through adversity.
The safety of our school is beyond any priority; it is by far the most important aspect to help enhance school climate and student achievement. I acknowledge recent reports of incidents have raised concern. I reiterate what I have stated to students, staff, and families, our greatest tool for the safety of our school is, "See something, say something." If you see ANYTHING of concern in a hallway, bathroom, classroom, on social media…ANYWHERE…say something! I understand sometimes we may not want to be "the one who told" or a "snitch," but I challenge us all to not accept these bogus labels and demand better of our school and each other. If others are not acting in a respectful and appropriate manner, say something.
Congratulations to our Competition Cheer team on being Regional Champions. They will participate in state competition on November 6. Compliments to all our fall teams on a great season. The Football team is still competing, and we are getting ready for winter sports to start on November 8. Our fine and performing arts have had wonderful fall concerts, and our Marching Band is gaining accolades in their fall competitions. Our Theatre group placed second at the District competition and is getting ready for regionals. DECA students are getting ready for District Leadership Competition on November 6, and our debate team continues to have record numbers and many individual and team wins.
As the school year has progressed our various student groups have been active. From affinity groups to student clubs, it has been great to see students getting together with common interests.
Every fall, there are requests for changes to students’ courses/schedules. We work individually with students, parents, and teachers to address these. Class changes in the fall may not be approved or even possible. We will begin scheduling for the 22-23 school year in January. We will post significant timelines and course information to guide and inform the process.
Please consider coming out to enjoy our fall play November 18 – 21, or join us for a parent session through school counseling virtually on November 9 at 8 a.m.. Our PTSO meets next on November 8 at 7 p.m. in the library. Our career center is working to showcase various careers for our students. If you are interested in presenting, please reach out to A significant amount of information is relayed via our school Blackboard Connect Ed system and our school counseling Naviance system. If you or someone you know is not receiving these, please email me at
Thank you,
Dave Spage
This past month, our DECA chapter has been busy getting ready for the annual District Leadership Conference and Competition. We will have 45 students competing at Districts among the top marketing students in Loudoun County.
We want to wish all our competitors GOOD LUCK as they will be representing our school and DECA Chapter in the most honorable ways when they compete on November 6.
To prepare for the competition, our competitors have been attending morning workshops, studying for marketing exams, and practicing marketing and business role plays. We are so proud of all our competitors (and their competition mentors, too), and we can’t wait to celebrate all their DECA DLC accomplishments!
On November 12, our DECA Chapter will host a DLC Awards Ceremony where we will congratulate all our competitors, along with, get to see who will be competing at the next round of competition at DECA States! Good Luck to all our DECA District Competitors, and thank you to all our DECA Advisors, DECA Officers, and our DECA Mentor Team who helped all our District Competitors!
The Asian Student Association
The Asian Student Association is comprised of students with Asian heritage from all around Asia--from Turkey to Japan and everything in between. This month, they celebrated Filipino Heritage Month with a wide variety of cultural food as well as Filipino language lessons and games. It was nice to see new faces, and this was an extremely encouraging first event of the year! Let's hope for more great turnouts in future events!
Sundries and Coffee
Introducing Spartan Sundries!
Spartan Sundries is a small student run business that will offer unique rag balls [bowl fillers], tree ornaments for the holidays, and dog treats. The rag balls will go on sale Wednesday, November 10 and be displayed in work room 143. Stay tuned for information on when the ornaments and dog treats go on sale!
See Pam Quinn or Lisa Kohr for more information.
A Cup Of Spartan is coming your way!
A Cup Of Spartan is a student run business that will offer coffee during 7th block for staff.
Stay tuned for more info on this incredible achievement these awesome students will bring to our school! "A good day is always sponsored by a cup of coffee! "
See Bob Somers or Anita Lewis for more information.
News from the Special Education Department: Disability History and Awareness Month
October is Disability History and Awareness Month. This month is a great time to spotlight the accomplishments of our students learning important life skills. Our Spartans are hard at work each day, managing The Spartan Express Copy Center. When orders are submitted, our students are sure to process each copy job with precision. Teachers, be sure to submit your work orders!
Additionally, students work in teams to make sure all teacher workrooms are stocked with plenty of copy paper. Students are also working with our Transition Teacher and Job Coach on their business plan! Time is being spent creating products that they will be able to sell to staff and students. The practice they are receiving with social skills, and practical skills, such as handling money, is helping our Spartans prepare for life after high school. We always celebrate the Ability Within for all of our students, but this month seems like a particularly good time to highlight the work of these amazing young people.
Testing Information
If you would like your child to take either the SAT or the ACT at Broad Run this school year, please register them soon. Broad Run is a popular testing location and tends to fill up quickly.
Upcoming test dates at Broad Run are as follows: ACT (April 2, 2022), SAT (May 7, 2022), SAT (June 4, 2022). It is always recommended that students take a practice SAT and/or ACT to see what they are like. Please see and websites for more information and to register.
Broad Run HS
Location: 21670 Ashburn Road, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: (571)252-2300
Twitter: @BroadRunHS