October Newsletter Greenacres
Friday, October 25th
From the Principals Desk
Each year, every school in Washington State is responsible to complete a School Improvement Plan (SIP). This is to be the guiding document for how school's intend on improving outcomes for all students. While we do have goals around increasing the sense of belonging and attendance for kids, we take an academic focus in the areas of math and English Language Arts (ELA). I want to share those goals with you below and ask that if you have any input or questions about our two academic goal areas please don't hesitate to ask. In addition, if you would like to see our belonging and attendance goal I'd be happy to share that, but wanted to save some space. Please see our math and ELA Goals below.
ELA :Over the next two years, 2023-2025, Greenacres Elementary students as they progress through grades 3-5 will demonstrate a 6% increase in proficiency (3% per year) on the English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment. For our students who are served in Special Education population will show an 22% increase in proficiency (11% per year) on the English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment.
Math: Over the next three years, 2023-2025, Greenacres Elementary students as they progress through grades 3-5 will demonstrate a 6% increase in proficiency (3% per year) on the Math Smarter Balanced Assessment. For our students who are served in Special Education will show an 22% increase in proficiency (11% per year) on the Math Smarter Balanced Assessment.
Again, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out!
Lastly, as for Halloween on Thursday, October 31st, we do allow costumes on this day. With that said, we ask that there be no blood, gore, masks, and that it be school appropriate. Thank you for your understanding.
Brandon Dunn
Volunteering at GES
Volunteers: In order to volunteer for field trips or school events, you must be an approved volunteer. Volunteer status is good for two years. Sign up here!
PACE Assembly
From the Health Room
This Week's Events
😴Monday Oct 28😴
National Chocolate Day
😄Tuesday Oct 29😄
Community Link Event @6pm Ridgeline HS
👬Wednesday Oct 30👭
National Candy Corn Day
🌸Thursday Oct 31🌸
All School Field Trip to Cascadia
💛🖤🏈Friday Nov 1🏈🖤💛
Go the Extra Mile Day
PTA News
5th Grade Music Program
Dear Parents,
I am so excited for our upcoming 5th grade music program. We have had the opportunity to discuss the importance of Veteran’s Day, why we celebrate, and what it means to a lot of people. Through this program we have been able to look at the evolution of music through our society and cultural. The students have done a really great job learning this ambitious program, and I am excited to share it with you.
Our program will be Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Students will have a practice for the rest of the school earlier that day. Students should plan to dress nice, and can wear an Americana/Patriotic theme if they choose. The doors to the school will open after 6:00pm, students will need to arrive in their classroom between 6:10-6:15pm, and then teachers will bring them down to the music room. Parents can go straight to the gym to get your seat. We will begin promptly at 6:30pm. The program will last approximately 30 minutes, and then students will be released back to their teacher and you can pick them up in the lunchroom area.
Thank you so much, I look forward to sharing this program with you and your family.
Mrs. LaPlante,
Music Teacher, Greenacres Elementary
509.558.4215 alaplante@cvsd.org
CARE Closet
Care Closet: Greenacres Elementary has a “Care Closet”. The “Care Closet” houses many basic need items here at our school. If you are interested, please fill out the form to let us know which of these items your child needs. As the year goes on, please feel free to contact Mrs. Schneider (hschneider@cvsd356.org) if you are in need of additional items.
Theater Opportunity
In November, CYT Spokane will be performing Disney’s Beauty and the Beast downtown at the Bing Crosby Theater. Theater is a wonderful way to introduce children to the arts and performing. In this venue they will get to see a wonderful show performed by kids just like them.
To purchase tickets at a discounted rate, click this link: https://bit.ly/CYTBEAST
NOVEMBER 8-9, 15-17
Bing Crosby Theater
Spokane, WA