Dike-Newell School Newsletter
January 10th, 2025
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
February 17th - NO SCHOOL for President's Day
February 18th - February 21st - NO SCHOOL for Winter Break
March 14th - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
March 27th - Parent Teacher Conferences - 1/2 day for Students
March 28th - 1/2 day for students
April 21st - April 25th - NO SCHOOL for Spring Break
News from the Nurse
Cold Weather Safety
It’s cold out there! Follow these tips to keep you and your family warm when heading outside.
Wear layers from head to toe, cover the neck, head and hands.
Never wear wet clothing when it is cold outside, change wet clothes right away.
Frostnip comes before frostbite, the skin may feel numb and tingly and appear red or swollen. Warm up if you experience these symptoms.
Frostbite will present as pale, gray or blistering skin on fingers, ears, nose and toes. Use warm water to warm up cold skin, never use hot water.
Use your best judgment when playing outside in the cold weather, check in regularly to see if anyone needs to take a break and warm up.
Healthychildren.org has more information on frostbite and hypothermia.
Lines from the Library
Pre-K and kindergarten students have been reading about cows as well as learning how to find information on cows and other animals on Epic and PebbleGo. We read:
The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson
Cows by Emily K. Green
Only Cows Allowed! by Lynn Plourde
Petal the Angry Cow by Maureen Fergus
Super Cute! Baby Cows by Kari Schuetz
To use PebbleGo, please visit:
Epic is only free during school day hours (but can be used over school vacations and snow days). To log in, use class code csr7922 at:
PTA Information and Updates
Welcome back! We are so excited for 2025! Before break, a student directory for those families who chose to fill out the information was provided to all students. This was prepared by the PTA using contact information provided by parents in the beginning of the school year. We hope this is helpful for play dates and birthday parties!
Thanks to your support, we were able to stock the teachers lounges with snacks and drinks to begin the year. They were so appreciative and it felt great to give the staff some fuel to begin the new year!
Our next big event will be our Annual Valentine’s Day Family dance on February 7th! Follow our Facebook Page linked below and sign up for our email list for all of our latest updates!
Keep an eye on our FACEBOOK PAGE for all PTA related events.
Volunteering in RSU1
Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information. At site preference, scroll down to select DNS and be sure to click Submit after the form is complete and signed. Please allow one week prior to a field trip or event for processing.
Dike-Newell School Information
Email: kwalker@rsu1.org
Website: https://dns.rsu1.org/o/dike-newell-school
Location: 800 High Street, Bath, ME 04530
Phone: (207)443-8285