Title 1
Camino Real Elementary
Title Annual Meeting: Requirement
The requirement: All schools receiving Title I, Part A funds are required to convene an annual Title I, Part A parent meeting
- To inform parents and families of their school’s participation
- To explain the requirements of the Title I, Part A program
- To explain the right of parents to be involved
- Parent's Right Know
What is Title 1?
Title 1 is a federal program that provides schools that qualify with additional funds to help supplement educational programs and other resources that help improve student academic achievement. This year Camino Real Elementary received $190,030. The funds have been allocated as follows:
- 2 Interventionists/Instructional Coaches (160,000)
- Math Instructional Resources (10,030)
- Reading Instructional Resources (10,000)
- Professional Development (10,000)
What is a CIP (Campus Improvement Plan)?
The CIP is the Campus Improvement Plan that is developed with information from the following:
- Campus Needs Assessment and Summary Data
- Goals and Strategies
These components assist to address the academic needs of students, professional development needs, and the coordination of resources/comprehensive budget. You, the parent of a Title 1 campus, have the right to participate in the development of the CIP and the Campus Leadership Team Committee.
If you would like to join, please complete the Google Form below.
Campus Leadership Team (CLT), also called the Campus-Based Committee
We NEED you!
We have an opportunity for parents and community members to meet with the principal and other staff members at Camino Real ES to help us improve our school.
- We will meet on the following dates: Sept. 16, Oct. 21., Nov. 18, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, May 12.
- We need 1 community representative, 1 business rep, parents
- If you are interested in more information, call Yvette Soliz at (512) 268-8505, or email at yvette.soliz@hayscisd.net.
School-Parent Compact
What is the School-Parent Compact?
- The compact is a commitment from the school, the parent, and the student to share in the responsibility for improved academic achievement.
- You, as Title 1 Parents, have the right to be involved in the development of the School-Parent Compact. We developed our compact with the help of parents.
- We will send the compact home by the end of October.
Use the Google Form to make suggestions, edits, or additions.
Title 1 Parents have rights....
- You, as Title 1 Parents, have the right to request the qualifications of your child's teachers.
- You can contact our secretary, Araceli Ramirez, with your request and administration will provide this to you.
- We are required to notify parents, in writing, if we have teachers who are not "highly qualified."
- Highly qualified means that teachers are certified to teach in the state of Texas.
Ideas or Things you would like to see this year.
Use the Google Form Below to share your ideas.
Parent Survey
Yvette Soliz
Yvette is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters