- Read to your child: I recognize that all families are busy and, especially during the week, between daily routines, work, after-school activities, and life in general, it's easy to push this off--but reading to and with your child has vast benefits! A child who is read to daily may know thousands (up to 4,000!) more words than children who were not read to daily. Daily reading increases students' language acquisition and understanding, increases attention, emotional and cognitive development, as well as builds a love of reading.
- Day of Giving: A huge thank you for all of the donations that have been brought to school, as we prepare for our annual, "Day of Giving." We are still accepting donations!
- Just a reminder that next week is a short week, so there will not be a Weekly News. Stay tuned for our next edition on December 4th!
- Next Wednesday, November 27th will be a Single Session Day for all students! Please plan ahead to ensure students are picked up on time.
- Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. McArdle, Mrs. Jordan, Mr. Slevens, and Mrs. Saley's Classes 8:30am-12:00pm
- Mrs. Amiel and Ms. Ciccarelli's Classes: 8:30am-12:30pm
From the Office-
Please make sure to LABEL all clothing, coats, jackets, etc. with your child's name.
JPC Lost & Found
Please stop by the Main Office if your child is missing anything. We are keeping a box with collected items .
Dues: Unfortunately, we still have not yet reached our goal of 50% of family contributions. This means our students may not have the opportunity to receive some of the activities you may hear happening at Wilson Primary Center. Please consider donating today- not only will you be helping our students and school but our kids can still earn a pajama day!
Day of Giving: Thank you for those who have signed up! We will be in touch up with instructions. The PTO and Jefferson School Community very much appreciate your help and your time!
Holiday Gifts: With the holidays right around the corner, please keep an eye out for communications from your class parents - they will be coordinating teacher gifts as a way to say thank you.
How to Plan a Balanced Thanksgiving Meal for Picky Eaters (Eng and Span)
How to Practice Gratitude & Improve Your Family’s Mental Health (Eng and Span)
November 2024
27th: Single Session Day-all students
28th & 29th: No School
December 2024
December 16th: Sing-A-Long (2:15-2:45pm)--Snow date, the 18th.
- I observed...
- students working with their teachers in small groups, reading stories or blending sounds to read words
- using their letter-sound knowledge to write CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant words)
- practicing their number formations
- using numbers to represent groups of objects
- Mrs. Amiel's Class: Students have been learning all about Turkeys! They read the book Turkey Trouble then disguised a turkey and wrote about it. Students then followed a visual recipe, practicing visual literacy and math skills, to make playdough and turned their playdough into turkeys!
From the JES PTO
Jefferson Elementary PTO Holiday Shop- Tuesday, 12/10/24
JES 5th Grade Minted Fundraiser
Primary Centers' Visitor Protocol
Parent Portal (Genesis--Access Student attendance, report cards, etc.)