First Day Reminders
All Student Reminders
What to bring....
- At least one change of clothing, labeled in a bag, to be kept at school
- Water bottle
- Tote bag/backpack to go back and forth daily from school to home
- Sunscreen
- Diaper cream, as applicable
- Blanket for rest time for all students not in a crib
- Any other classroom specific items requested by your teacher
Pre- K Specific Reminders
Parent Portal Reminder
It is essential for families to complete the Annual Data Update (ADU) at the start of school in the Parent Portal. Help drive YOUR school to be the first to reach 100% submission! The ADU lets you
make sure we have your current contact information
provide your student's health information
complete mandatory district sign-offs
Additional guidance and login help are available from https://www.csdecatur.net/adu – or, go straight to the Portal, select the three-line menu at the top-right, select More, and select Annual Data Update.
Breakfast eaters will receive a yellow tag to be secured to their backpack so that staff can quickly identify who should transition to the cafeteria.
Arrival- Carpool
Parents must help their child if the child is not able to independently buckle or unbuckle the seatbelt. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD'S CARSEAT IS LOCATED ON THE PASSENGER SIDE OF THE BACK SEAT.
Students placed in the building and cottage A should be escorted to the front steps of the building entrance. A staff member will transition your student to his/her classroom. Students arriving after 7:50 am should be dropped off at the front door of the building.
Field Trip Fee
0-3 Specific Reminders
Drop off and Pick Up
Infant Feeding Plans
College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center
Email: ljoiner@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/ECLC
Location: 917 South McDonough Street, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4480