Tonasket School District
Weekly Update ~ 10/11/2019
"Focused on Learning and Linking Learning to Life"
Be Positive, Be Grateful, Be Involved
Capital Project Update
The installation of the two chillers was completed last weekend and this weekend they will be doing system testing.
Powerful Teaching and Learning
- Bill Eagle worked with the high school leadership team this week. They analyzed building data and worked on their school improvement plan.
- John Glenewinkel met with the administration team on Tuesday to discuss ways to support staff in implementing Social Emotional Learning in their classroom. He will be visiting each building soon to have conversations with staff to gauge our needs prior to building a support plan. This is funded by a grant via The Rural Alliance.
- On Wednesday, Trisha R., Tyler S., and I met with a representative from the Methow Valley Arts Alliance. They support schools with performances and help with arts integration into our curriculum. We are looking to partner with them in the future.
District Culture and Climate
- The team-building culture and climate surveys met again this week. Sterling Headridge is taking the drafts to his psychology class for further refinement prior to completing the final drafts.
- Elementary students fulfilled their path to success. That means that every ES classroom filled its paw container at least once as a result of meeting the schoolwide expectations. To reward students, they purchased t-shirts. This ensures that all elementary students have blue and gold to wear on Spirit Fridays. Congratulations TES students for meeting the ROAR expectations of being Respectful, On task, Always Safe and Responsible.
College, Career, Life Readiness
Today Dennis Conger, ESD 101 and 171 CTE Support, was in the district to discuss how he can help support our CTE program and to get an update on current changes in CTE law. Janet is working on several competitive CTE grants and Dennis was able to help us with those as well.
TEA and PSE Updates
Both the TEA and PSE have labor management meetings next Wednesday.
Staff Updates
We are currently advertising for a paraeducator in the ES.
- When Ken checked all of our exterior doors on Thursday morning as part of our security check, he found that all exterior doors were locked and closed. Thanks for your great work in helping to keep everyone safe!
- Also a huge thanks to the transportation staff who stayed after their morning route to provide some extra staff presence on the perimeter of our campus on Thursday.
What Every Employee Needs to Know - Reminders
Superintendent Steve McCullough
Location: 35 DO Hwy 20 E
Phone: 509-486-2126