Section School Newsletter
Principal's Note
Dear Section Families,
Welcome to the August edition of our school newsletter! I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing and fun-filled summer. As we prepare to kick off the 2024-2025 school year, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the wonderful learning adventures that lie ahead. To our returning families, welcome back! To our new families, we are thrilled to have you join us. Together, we will create a supportive, engaging, and inspiring environment for our students.Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead!
Rachel Crockford
Welcome to New Section Staff!
Please join me in welcoming the new Section staff members
Lauren Van Kampen
School Psychologist
Jamie Rosman
3rd Grade
Owen Butenhoff
5th Grade
Karlie Bettack
Special Education
Victoria Czerwonka
- Instructional Coach
Infinite Campus Portal Opens August 5th - Classroom Assignments
Required Annual Updates in Infinite Campus
Each year the primary household is required to login to a parent/guardian portal and update/confirm all information for their students enrolled in a MASD school for the coming school year. This information will be required of all households and school personnel will be contacting households that do not complete this before the school year begins 9/3/2024.
Please select More > 2025 Online Registration > 24-25 School Year EXISTING STUDENT REGISTRATION > Start
Before you begin the annual online update process, please make sure that you have the following information available.
- Household information - address and phone numbers
- Parent information - work and cell phone numbers, email addresses
- Student information - demographic, health/medication and immunization information
- Emergency contact information - addresses and phone numbers
We have had numerous families not able to complete this process because their pop-up blockers were on.
Questions? Email: brezosu@masd.k12.wi.us Phone: 262-363-6300 ext 24115
In Person: If you do not have access to a computer, please contact your students school to schedule an appointment (summer hours vary by building) for help completing the annual update.
Section Start-Up Open House
This school year we are excited to welcome Section families back to the building on Wednesday, August 28th. Students are invited to bring their school supplies with them that evening to drop-off in their classrooms. The schedule for the evening is below.
4:30-6:30 Classrooms Open
- Meet the teacher
- Drop off school supplies
4:30-6:30 Community Partners in the Gym
- Meet with local clubs and organizations
- Kid Connection available for questions
- Dousman Transport available for questions
Presentations for New Families - Library (Attend the session that works best for you)
- 4:30-5:00
- 5:30-6:O0
- Meet the Principal and Specialists
- Meet the PTG
School Supply Lists
For convenience, two options are available for school supplies.
School Supply Lists
Those wanting to shop for supplies at local stores can find grade level school supply lists at this link .
Online School Supply Ordering:
Don't forget that your Section PTG does the work and partners with School Toolbox to put together boxes of school supplies, so you don't have to. Order online, delivered to your door.
Best part? This is another way for you to support Section students. A portion of all sales come back to Section students through the PTG. Wahoo! To ensure on time delivery, please order at least 10 days before you will need it. Click here to order.
School Picture Day - SEPTEMBER 24, 2024
Here is the link to order your students school picture. Click on "Section"
Student pictures will be taken by Network Photography during the school day on September 24th. Picture packets can be ordered and paid for online only, directly to Network Photography.
Yearbook orders are not taken until the spring of 2025. Information regarding this will be communicated via future Parent Newsletters.
Daily School Schedule
- There is no student supervision prior to 8:20.
- Student may not be dropped off prior to 8:20
- Parent Pick-up & Kids Connection at 3:30 p.m.
- Parents must pick-up students under the vestibule
- For safety purposes, students may not walk in the parking lot unsupervised
- Please access the parking lot via the crosswalk at the north end of the parking lot.
Afternoon Departure for Bus Riders
- K-6 Students- 3:35 p.m.
- Busses depart at 3:40
Reporting Your Students Absence
Attendance Requests through IC There is a new feature in IC that allows parents to enter their students absences through their parent portal, rather than calling the school attendance line. Click here for step by step information on how to do this.
Section School Attendance Line offers 24 hour voice mail messaging. Please call the main office numbers 262-363-6260 and listen for the prompts. All absences and tardies should be called in by 8:30 a.m. on the day of the absence or tardy. When calling in, please state clearly your child's name, grade, homeroom teacher, reason for absence and if you want to leave a homework request. If it is a late arrival, please leave your lunch choice if taking hot lunch and an approximate arrival time if known. It is important that you call in your child by 8:30 a.m. as the number of lunches needs to be called into the central kitchen by 9:00 a.m. for delivery to our school and we will start making calls to parents for absences not called in. We appreciate your help with this process.
Pink Notes
Section Elementary uses pink notes to communicate with the office and teacher. Additional pads are $1.00 in the school office and will be available for sale during the Open House on August 28th.
Please use these slips if you have a change of schedule for your child that is due to an appointment/practice/game/family need, but does not affect the permanent way your child goes home.
Class Codes
Section Elementary uses class codes to easily identify the grade and teacher for each student. Please review the list below and locate your child's teacher. This code can be used on communication to the office, for example on pink slips or other permission slips.
K-L = Lang
K-M = Moriarty
K-N = Nale
1-H = Hooley
1-K = Kuehl
1-O = Olsen
2-B = Bennett
2-K = Krejcarek
2-W = Williams
3-M = McLain
3-S = Schultz
3-R = Rosman
4-R = Ransom
4-S = Sitzberger
4-W = Wipperfurth
5-B = Butenhoff
5-D = Dokken
5-M = Moore
6-RC = Richberger-Cloud
6-Su = Sullivan
6-Sw = Switlick
To ensure we send your student to the right place at the end of every day, this form must be completed at the beginning of every school year. Any changes either temporary or permanent can be communicated by sending the "pink note" (note to school office) with your student to school. Please complete one for each student you have attending Section, even if their schedules are the same.
**If your child follows a calendar/rotating schedule, please share this with the office by sending a weekly or monthly paper calendar or emailing the office clerk madsoan@masd.k12.wi.us
This form must be completed before the first day of school, if we do not have a schedule on file for your student, you will receive a phone call to confirm dismissal.
Every year the PTG compiles information for a student directory. The directory provides contact information for students' whose parents opt-in to sharing it. Please follow this link to both opt-in to sharing your contact information and order a directory for $2. You must complete the form by 8/30 to both submit your information and order a directory.
Registration Fees and Lunch Payments
Please check you parent portal on Infinite Campus for all fees
assessed for the 2024-2025 school year.
Welcome Back from your Section PTG!
How can summer almost be over already? Thankfully your PTG has been busy preparing for all the wonderful activities for the 24/25 school year. We are honored and proud to be able to continue to provide new and fun opportunities to our students and their families. Our first meeting will be held on August 7th at 6pm in the Section Library, where we will discuss our plans for the year. This is a great opportunity to familiarize your family with all the activities of the year and also help us discuss and brainstorm ideas on how we can improve the experiences we provide for our students.
A few initial Save the Dates:
8/7 - First meeting of the year
8/28 - Look for the PTG Booth at Section’s Open House
9/11 - Second meeting
9/30 and 10/1 - Section 60 (watch for volunteer info soon!)
Student Directory
The Section PTG organizes the Section School directory each year, which requires parents/guardians to opt in to providing their information and reserve a copy for $2 payable to the Section PTG. If you would like to have your information added or order one, please do so HERE.
*New This year* The PTG recognizes that not everyone uses social media, and wants to be sure that no one misses out on volunteer opportunities with the PTG. When you complete your directory information, specify if you would like the PTG to email you about volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer Coordinator
We are looking for a new Volunteer Coordinator for the PTG Board. The main tasks include making the volunteer sign ups, monitoring that all slots fill up, and notifying the school or event chairs when there are last-minute changes. This is a highly responsive role that requires quick communication and creative problem solving. If this is something you are interested in, please email sesptgpres@gmail.com or attend our meeting on 8/6.
School Toolbox
Skip the lines at the stores and have your student’s supplies delivered right to your house! Section PTG is once again partnering with School Toolbox for easy back to school shopping.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you soon!
Internet Safety
Mukwonago Area School District has various options available to Parents/Guardians related to Internet Safety and monitoring student activity. Parental controls for Chromebooks are also available via Aristotle Internet Referee. For more information on how parents/guardians can take advantage of available options, please click this link.
Student Portal Accounts
Please be aware that student user accounts will be rolled up into the 24/25 school year starting 8/1/2024 and continuing through Sunday 8/4/2024. During this rollover, students will not be able to successfully login to their Google or Campus portal accounts. Students should be able to login again starting Monday, August 5th. This rollover does not affect parent portal accounts as those will remain active.
5th Grade Parent Meeting For Take Home Devices Update:
Due to unexpected technology issues related to Google Meet, the Grade 5-8 Take-Home Device parent presentation scheduled for Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 pm was not available to families.
The virtual meeting was recorded separately and is now available for parents/guardians at this link. For your convenience, you can also find a copy of this presentation here. At this time, the meeting will not be rescheduled. Please feel free to email helpdesk@masd.k12.wi.us for any questions that may not have been answered during the recorded meeting or in the presentation. Thank you!
Hot Lunch for 2024-25
Hot lunch (including milk) is available daily for $3.20. The cost of ala carte milk is $.50. Funds should be deposited to your child's Infinite Campus food service account. You may check the balance at any time by accessing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. You will receive an automatic low balance or negative balance phone call when your child needs money added to his/her account. Payments may be made online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, or paid by check made out to MASD and sent to the school office. Our free/reduced-price lunch application is also available in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for families wishing to apply for assistance. The hot lunch calendar is available on the MASD Webpage.
Medication Drop-Off
Visitors & Volunteers
The Mukwonago Area School District understands that it takes students, staff, and the community to build better schools. One way the community can support our schools is through their time. We are grateful for the help of volunteers at each of our schools.
In order to provide for the safety and well-being of our students the Board of Education requires a background check for all volunteers. Background checks will be conducted prior to the individual’s first assignment in the district. Approval of volunteer applications are subject to District review.
If you are interested in volunteering, you will need to complete the online volunteer application no later than five school days prior to your first volunteer assignment in our schools. Your approved volunteer application will remain active for two years and is good for any school in the District.
School Birthday Treat and Lunch Policy
Also, if you want to come to school to eat lunch with your student you will need to check in the main office. Please do not bring food from an outside vendor to eat. We are able to accommodate any adults who would like to enjoy a school lunch with their student. Please let the office know before 9:00 a.m. the choice of lunch you will be having with your child.
Lastly, keep in mind gifts, balloons and decorations should be kept at home to celebrate with your family. Deliveries to the classroom will not be allowed. It is not acceptable for parents to bring in balloons, flowers or deliveries.