The Call
Nov. 4-8, 2024
Dear CPA Families,
As we enter November, I want to extend my gratitude to each of you for your ongoing support and engagement. This month, we’re embracing our core value of generosity—finding ways to give our best to each other and our school community.
We’re also excited to announce that our new master schedule will be implemented on November 11. This change is designed to support both students and staff in new ways, and we invite you to join our Principal Conversations to learn more about how our schedule and CPA initiatives.
With the first quarter behind us, we look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements. Report cards will be released on November 18, and we invite you to our virtual Awards Assemblies to recognize our students. The assembly for grades K-7 will take place on Monday, November 25, and our 8th-grade assembly will be held on Tuesday, November 26. Please check out SeeSaw for grade level times and Zoom link.
Thank you for being part of the CPA community.
Ms. Lattimore
CPA Staff Spirit Week
Principal CPA Conversations
The purpose of our Principal's Chat and Chew is to create an open and welcoming space for parents to connect with school leadership and stay informed about what's happening at Colin Powell Academy. This informal session allows me to share important updates (scheduling), upcoming events, and initiatives that impact our students. Please check See Saw for Meeting Link.
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 06:00 PM
Mon. Nov. 4
Flag Football 6-8th
Math Club- 6th
CPA Basketball Team Practice (Mon-Thurs)
Tus. Nov. 5- School Closed (Election Day)
Wed. Nov. 6
Fall Benchmark (Suh, First, Grade, Charles, Claud, Manso, Bruner)
Soccer (1-5 Grade)
Flag Football 6-8) -outdoors
Flag Football (Grades 3-5)- outdoors
MESA 2-5th
Dance- LS
Thurs. Nov. 7
Fall Benchmark (Suh, First, Grade, Charles, Manso, Gunn, Johnson-Baker, Bruner,& Claud)
Cheer Club (Grades 1-5)/Dance Ensemble
CPA Cheer Practice
Friday, Nov. 8
First Grade Math BM
Social Studies BM (6-8 Grades)
Up Next
Nov. 12- Math Benchmark (6-8)
Nov. 13- RELA Benchmark (6-8)
Nov. 14- Science Benchmark (8)
Nov. 15- Fall Benchmark Window Closes
Multilingual Families: Families of multilingual students have received a letter in both Spanish and English. This letter should be returned with the parents' preference indicating whether they would like their child to continue in the ELD program, or not, along with the parent's signature.
Please note: Letters should be returned to the ELD teacher assigned to each grade level. I have also attached a sample envelope and letter for reference.
Las familias de estudiantes multilingües han recibido una carta por correo tanto en español como en inglés. Esta carta debe devolverse con la preferencia : Si o No, de los padres indicando si les gustaría que su hijo continúe o no en el programa ELD (Programa de Desarrollo del Idioma Ingles). La carta debe ser firmada y devuelta al maestro de ELD asignado a cada grado.
Essay Contest
Mission: The Henrietta Lacks Legacy Group (HLLG) exists to protect, preserve, and promote the
legacy of Henrietta Lacks and her singular contributions to modern medicine. It also exists to serve
as a clearinghouse for activities that extend Lack’s legacy and the history of Turner Station,
Maryland, where Lacks resided at the time of her death. The essay and video contests support the
organization’s mission.
1. Eligibility: The competition is open to all students enrolled in middle and high school
(grades six through twelve). It is also open to home-schooled students in each of the
2. Prompt: Henrietta Lacks was resident of Turner Station, Maryland, who died in 1951 of
cervical cancer, and whose cells (known as the HeLa cells) have been used to develop
vaccines, drugs, and treatments for diseases including polio and COVID-19, among other
scientific achievements. Based upon this information students should:
a. Write an essay explaining the contributions made by Henrietta Lacks, and why she
should be celebrated as a national public figure. (Middle school)
b. Compose a multiple paragraph essay that reflects on the singular contributions of
Henrietta Lacks to modern science, medicine, and research and why it is so
important to remember her legacy today. (High school)
c. Create a video (of images, interviews, etc.), reflecting on the singular
contributions of Henrietta Lacks to modern science, medicine, and research and
why it is so important to remember her legacy today. Use your creativity. (Open
to both middle and high school students)
Attention 8th Grade Families
Curious about which program might be the best fit?
Join us at our Specialty Programs Showcase on Thursday, November 7 at Charles Herbert Flowers High School from 6 to 8 p.m. This event is the perfect opportunity to meet program coordinators, speak with current students, and learn about the diverse offerings available.
Important Application Windows
High School Specialty Programs: Apply now through December 13
Programas de especialidad en PGCPS
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George se complacen en ofrecer una variedad de programas de especialidad diseñados para despertar la pasión, fomentar el talento y preparar el camino hacia carreras profesionales prometedoras. Desde ciencias de la salud hasta artes, hay algo para cada estudiante.
¡Marquen sus calendarios para la presentación!
¿Tienes curiosidad sobre cuál programa es el más adecuado?
Acompáñanos en nuestra Presentación de los Programas de Especialidad el jueves, 7 de noviembre en la Escuela Superior Charles Herbert Flowers de 6:00 a 8:00 p. m. Este evento es la oportunidad perfecta para conocer a los coordinadores del programa, hablar con estudiantes actuales y aprender sobre las diversas ofertas disponibles.
Importantes plazos de solicitud de admisión
Programas de especialidad de la escuela superior: solicita tu admisión desde ahora hasta el 13 de diciembre.
Lotería de las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad de kínder a 8. º grado: del 1 de noviembre de 2024 al 7 de febrero de 2025.
Lotería del Programa de Talentosos y Dotados (TAG): del 16 de diciembre de 2024 al 12 de marzo de 2025.
¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de forjar tu futuro y dar el primer paso para desarrollar tu potencial!
Let's Grow Club
Join us on November 15th, 2-4 PM at Colin Powell Academy for plastic bottles collection. The bottles will be used to build a Greenhouse for students in CPA. We will collaborate with Jacob Ladder Youth Foundation, students, parents and community to build this one of a kind greenhouse. Be part of this cool project. Don’t trash your bottles, bring them to us. Recycle Reuse Repurpose -National Recycling Day , November 15th.