Fridays at Lands End
Flounder & Red Rice AND 20% OFF Logo Items!!
FAMOUS Friday Flounder and Red Rice!!
For countless years, Lands End has been serving up Flounder YOUR WAY (fried, grilled or blackened) with Smoked Sausage Red Rice and Hearty Vegetables for Friday's Lunch. Come see what the buzz is about!!
20% OFF Lands End LOGO Tshirts, Hats and Koozies!
Lands End Colorful Logo T-Shirts!!
Short Sleeved Shirts in Various Colors and Sizes, Long Sleeved Shirts in White:
Regular Price $18 (ONLY $14.40 with Friday Discount)
Regular Price $18 (ONLY $14.40 with Friday Discount)
Lands End Colorful Logo Hats!!
Visors and Trucker Hats:
Regular Price $16 (ONLY $12.80 with Friday Discount)
Regular Price $16 (ONLY $12.80 with Friday Discount)
Lands End Colorful Logo Koozies!!
Keep That Drink COLD!! Standing and Folding Neoprene Koozies:
Regular Price $3-5 (ONLY $2.40-4.00 with Friday Discount)
Regular Price $3-5 (ONLY $2.40-4.00 with Friday Discount)
Lands End Restaurant
Notorious Views ~ Celebrated Foods!
Email: landsendrestaurant@gmai.com
Website: landsendrestaurant.com
Location: 444 Marina Drive, Georgetown, SC
Phone: (843)-527-1376
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lands-End-Restaurant-Georgetown-SC/245909105435808