Goodrich Middle School
December 2019
Thanksgiving Message From the Superintendent
You will note on our building calendars that this Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving is a half day for students and staff, district-wide. When planning your holiday meals and travels, we ask that you please send your students to school for the half day on Wednesday, November 27.
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) requires all public school districts provide a minimum of 180 days of pupil instruction. Should we fail to comply with the required minimum, we must either add an additional day of instruction or forfeit from our total state aid allocation.
As a way to show our families that we appreciate their dedication to education and to show how much we want our students and staff to relax and enjoy their time off, we are instituting a “Wellness Weekend.”
- No homework or assignments will be given to students.
- No planning or meetings will take place for our staff.
- No one will arrive back from the Thanksgiving break with a project due.
We want our school community to truly unplug and unwind and be fully present with family over the break.
Again, we look forward to seeing our students on Wednesday, November 27, for a half day of instruction. At the end of that half day, the Thanksgiving Break officially begins. We will welcome our students and staff back on Monday, December 2nd.
Thank you.
Wayne S. Wright, Superintendent of Schools
December Students of the Month
1st Marking Period Honor Roll
*If your student received all A's or A/B's and are not listed, it means they have a "Do Not Release Photo/Name" flag in their student file. If you would like this removed, please contact our office.
Share Your Gratitude
Inspired by the Positivity Project’s trait of GRATITUDE, students and staff at GMS shared their gratitude by recording their ideas on the hallway display. Not only is gratitude being thankful for what you have, it is being aware of the everyday little things that have such a BIG impact on our lives.
What are you thankful for?
- “I am thankful for being able to do what I love…dance!”
- “I’m grateful for my health, my mom and dad, and that I’m able to talk and laugh with people.”
- “I am grateful for LIFE!”
- “I’m grateful for my providing parents.”
- “I’m grateful just to have a birthday party every year.”
Student Council and Lion's Club thank YOU!!
GMS Student Council and the Goodrich Lions Club would like to thank everyone who donated items to our annual food drive! The food will be used to make food baskets here in Goodrich so all families can have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Our final count came in at 1,619 items! Our 6th grade class brought in the most items with 648. The 7th grade class was just behind them with 604 items collected and 8th grade brought in 367 items. Because we reached over 1000 items, everyone will be able to have a movie day the ½ day before Thanksgiving break!
Thank you for opening your hearts and pantries this holiday season to help those less fortunate in our community.
GMS Hat & Mitten Drive
On Wednesday, November 27th, Student Council will be sponsoring a pajama day for $1.00 and on Tuesday, December 3rd we will have a "Wear a Winter Hat To School" Day for $1.00. All funds collected will be used to purchase hats and mittens for those less fortunate in our community.
The class who raises the most money will win electronic lunches on Thursday and Friday, December 5th and 6th! If we raise over $300 as a school, then all grades will be awarded two days of electronic lunches.
Thank you in advance for helping to support this cause.
Music Notes and News
7th & 8th Graders are performing at North Branch HS for the MSBOA Solo & Ensemble Festival on Dec. 7th.
Students are working hard in preparation for the GMS bands’ first concert of the year on December 12, 2019. The show begins at 6:30 pm at the High School Auditorium.
See you at the shows!
MS Rules and Procedures - Quick Reference Guide
Goodrich School Store Holiday Sale
PTO Updates and News
There will be no PTO meeting in December! The next meeting is Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00am. All meetings take place in the middle school media center/library. Everyone is welcome!
Spirit wear can be purchased at any time through the K & C’s Special T’s website - https://kcspecialts.com/
For more information, please contact PTO President Sandy Cooper @ 810-444-7849, email the Martian PTO at Martianptoinc@gmail.com or visit the Martian PTO Facebook page.
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
12/5: Downtown Goodrich Christmas - 5:00-9:00pm - Downtown Goodrich
12/7: 7th and 8th- MSBOA Solo & Ensemble Festival - North Branch High School
12/11: 8th Grade Cookie Dough Delivery - 3:00pm-6:15pm - GMS Cafe'
12/12: 5th-8th Grade Holiday Band Concert - 6:30pm - HS Auditorium
12/14: Holiday Craft Show - 10:00am-4:00pm - Goodrich High School
12/16: Board of Education Meeting - GHS Community Room - 6:30pm
12/17-12/19: PTO Candy Gram Sales ($1 each) - During Lunch
12/20: Candy Gram Deliveries at End of Day
1/6 - School Resumes
1/8: PTO Meeting - 9:00am - GMS Media Center
1/14: GMS Spelling Bee - 8:00am - GMS Media Center
1/24: Last Day of 1st Semester/2nd Marking Period
1/27: Board of Education Meeting - 6:30pm- Community Ed. Room @ HS
1/28: 8th Grade Field Trip to Holocaust Museum
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at https://gms.goodrichschools.org/calendar
for additional information!
Student Announcements
Parents, did you know you can see the daily announcements that our students hear each day online at https://gms.goodrichschools.org? Important updates, news and information will be listed under "Student Announcements."
Student Drop-Off
Students are permitted to enter the building starting at 7:00am. Please do not leave your child unattended outside of the building before that time.
Upon entering the building, students should report directly to the cafeteria until 7:20am. Parents should use the circle drive at the front of school to drop children off. The south end parking lot (by the gym) is for bus drop off only. DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILDREN BY THE BUS DROP OFF/GYM ENTRANCE!
After School Pick-Up and Transportation
Please note the following important safety rules for after-school pick-up and sports practices:
- After-School pick-up is at the north end parking lot ONLY.
- When picking up your student(s), please pull ALL the way forward. Your child(ren) will meet you along the sidewalk. They will be exiting from doors at the north end of the building.
- For safety reasons, students not picked up by 2:45pm will be sent back into the building to wait near the main entrance.
The circle drive near the flag pole/main entrance is for emergency vehicles ONLY.
- The circle drive AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick-up area for middle school students.
- The parking lot AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick up pick-up area for middle school students.
Unless your child(ren) rides the bus, is signed out for early release in the office by an authorized individual, they should be picked up in the parent pick-up/caravan line at the designated location at the north end of the middle school. Please share this information with anyone who may be picking up your child/children as well.
Student athletes should ride Shuttle Bus #5, which will transport athletes to the High School for practices.
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts