Wixom Howler Edition 7
September 27, 2024
Wixom Calendar Dates
10/3-No School for Staff and Students
10/4-Family Movie Night at Wixom
10/7-Picture Day Life Touch
10/11-Color Run PM Times to be determined
On Friday, October 4th from 7 - 9:15 PM, the Wixom WatchDOGS will be hosting a FREE “Films With Fellas” showing of The Garfield Movie for our Wixom Elementary students and their families. There will be a short meeting in the cafeteria at 7PM for Dads/Dudes to learn more about the WatchDOGS, where they can earn a family popcorn pack by signing-up for our mailing list. The movie will start at ~7:30 PM outside on the circle track, so bring your chairs, blankets, snacks and drinks, and get ready for some fat furry feline family fun!
Dads, Step-Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, Older Brothers, & other Dudes:
The Wixom WatchDOGS’ mission is to get men more involved with
our Wixom Elementary educational community, doing our part by:
• Providing positive male role models for our students
• Assisting with classroom and playground activities
• Leading or supporting school improvement projects
• Hosting fun events for our students and their families
• Helping reduce bullying and improving school security
Join the Wixom WatchDOGS Mailing List for more info, and
Wixom Elementary Picture Day!
Lifetouch School Picture Day will take place Monday, October 7th at Wixom Elementary. Additional information will be shared as the date approaches.
I-Ready Diagnostic
Over the next several weeks, students will complete the first of three iReady diagnostics this year. The State of Michigan requires schools to administer benchmark assessments to all students in grades K-8 for the purpose of measuring student proficiency in both reading and mathematics each year. Your child's teacher will communicate more about their classroom iReady schedule.
The iReady is an "adaptive" test, meaning the questions will change as a result of how your child did on the previous question. Your child will be presented with questions that are too easy, too hard and just right. The test ends when a child answers 50% of the questions correctly and 50% incorrectly. The adaptive nature of this diagnostic provides educators with very specific information to guide instruction according to your child's needs.
While the iReady provides educators with valuable information to guide instruction, it is just one data point among many that are used to determine "just right" instruction for your child. This is not a test that a child passes or fails, but rather a diagnostic to bring to light areas of strength and areas for growth. If you have questions, please reach out to your child's teacher or speak with them about it during parent/teacher conferences.
PTA Events
The Wixom PTA Google Calendar can be found here: https://shorturl.at/QyTie Events for the entire school year can be found here. You can also add them all to your own Google Calendar with one click!
Upcoming PTA Sponsored Events:
Skate Night at Bonaventure September 27th: Join us for skating from 6-8:30 PM (NEW TIME). $12 gets you entry and skate rental for the night! The theme is wear your best neon colors!
Fall Mumkin Pickup September 28th: If your student sold any Mums during the Mumkin sale, all items MUST be picked up on September 28th between 12:30 PM and 2 PM in the south parking lot. There is nowhere to store items that are not picked up on that date.
Please consider helping at the mum pick up by signing up on this Sign Up Genius:
WatchDOGS Movie Night October 4th: 7 PM - 9:15 PM, the Wixom WatchDOGS will be hosting a FREE “Films With Fellas” showing of The Garfield Movie for our Wixom Elementary students and their families. There will be a short meeting in the cafeteria at 7PM for Dads/Dudes to learn more about the WatchDOGS
Color Run October 11: Blue donation forms went home last week. Collect donations via cash, check or online and return to school by October 15th. Use https://app.givebacks.gives/2024wixomcolorrun/Campaign/Details to make a donation online.
Our first PTA Meeting of the year is Tuesday, October 1st at 6:00 PM. All members of the PTA are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held in person in the Media Center. Childcare will be available. We will also offer a virtual option through Zoom.
Calling all businesses! We are looking for businesses to support the 2024 Color Run being held on October 11th. If you, or a business you know, wants to support our school and receive advertising please contact Dana Marks, Fundraising Chair, at wixomelem@gmail.com
Spirit Week October 7th-October 11th created by Student Council
Monday: Dress to Impress- Wear your best clothes and your kindest smile for Picture Day.
Tuesday: Tie-Dye Tuesday- Color the world with kindness, wear tie-dye.
Wednesday: Water Seeds of Kindness- Wear shades of blue.
Thursday: Crazy for Kindness- Wear mismatched clothes.
Friday: A Rainbow of Kindness- Wear your grade level color shirt for the Color Run!
PTA Meeting
Our first PTA Meeting of the year is Tuesday, October 1st at 6:00 PM. All members of the PTA are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held in person in the Media Center. Childcare will be available. We will also offer a virtual option through Zoom.
Sign Up for SMS Messages via Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Chromebook Information
If you do not have access to a computer at home for your child to use for iReady lessons,
please contact the school and we may be able to let you borrow a Chromebook. We have a limited number of Chromebooks available for students to borrow for the year.
Front office: 248-956-3400
Principal: Taneia Giles (TaneiaGiles@wlcsd.org)
Principal Secretary: Mrs. Michele Abele (MicheleAbele@wlcsd.org)
Building Secretary: Mrs. Tamara Baker (TamaraBaker@wlcsd.org)
Office: 248-956-3400
FAX: 248-956-3405
Absence Line: 248-956-3490
Late Bus Hotline: 248-956-5199 - All late buses will be listed on the hotline if the driver is running TEN OR MORE minutes late.
301 North Wixom Road
Wixom, MI 48393