Bison Stampede
Rosemont Weekly Newsletter
03/25/2024 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Lower Campus
1919 Stevens Forest Drive
Dallas, TX 75208
Upper Campus
911 N Morocco Ave
Dallas, TX 75211
(972) 749-5000
Campus Front Office
From Your Principals
Ms. Benningfield, Lower Campus (PK - 3)
Thank you all for participating in our district family survey last week. Rosemont Schools had the highest number of responses in our vertical team! We appreciate the feedback so that we can ensure we are providing the best experience for our community. As we enter the last nine weeks of the school year, our teachers will continue supporting our students as they work to reach their individual goals. Please help us by remaining consistent with student attendance and practicing reading at home. It truly makes a difference! Go Bison!
Ms. Munves, Upper Campus (4 - 8)
Rosemont Upper Families,
Over the next several weeks, students at Upper will engage in a variety of state-wide assessments. Please take a moment to review our assessment schedule below so that you're familiar with the dates. As a reminder, our campus is closed to visitors on all assessment dates. I encourage you to have conversations with your students about these assessments. We recognize that these assessments are just a snapshot on one day, at one time, but its a priority for us to ensure that all students are prepared to do their best and also have the tools they need to manage the feelings that high-stakes tests might evoke. We'll focus on these tools and strategies at our next Coffee with the Principal on Wednesday, April 3 at 9:00AM. Please plan to join us if you're interested in learning about ways to support your student during assessment season.
Campus Information
Parent Resource Link
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Upper Campus Recess
Free Dress for $1
Cofee with the Principals
Pre-k Round Up
Register for Pre-k
Student Lunches
2024 Staar Prep Tips
Community Events
Clubs and Extracurriculars
About Us:
Twitter: LC- RosemontLower UC- RosemontUC