January 13th - News from the Nest

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Tuesday, January 14th
- Class of 2029 Open House, 5:30-8pm @ LCHS
Thursday, January 16th
- Board of Education Meeting @ ACHS 6:30pm
Friday, January 17th
- D117 Day! Students and Staff will enjoy a fun treat during the day to celebrate District 117!
Monday, January 20th
- Holiday - NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)
Lakes Eagles Booster Club (LEBC)
ACT Prep
This year, an ACT Prep class will be offered by Lakes Community High School to current juniors and taught by District 117 teachers. The objective of the class is to learn and practice test-taking strategies in preparation for the ACT exam within the comfort of familiar surroundings and content teachers. Students will attend a series of sessions that will acquaint them with the expectations of the test, enabling them to analyze their own results on the practice test, and sharpen their understanding of key skills covered on the test. Please check this Information Letter for LCHS ACT Test Prep 2024-25.
NEW: Check out our D117 Infinite Campus Parent University for a library of the Infinite Campus tips shared in our weekly newsletter.
Plumbers' JAC Local 130 Plumbing Apprenticeship Program
The application for the 2024- 2025 Plumbers' Local 130 Plumbing Apprenticeship Program is now open. https://apply.jac130.org/
The application is open until February 16, 2025, or 2000 submitted applications.
See Mr. Bargar for assistance in completing your application.
2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Attention class of 2025 and families!
The 2025- 2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open during Beta testing using the following link. Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
As a reminder, completing the FAFSA is an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) graduation requirement. Please remember that before beginning the FAFSA parents/guardians and students both will need a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. Create Account Once you have created your account it can take 1- 3 days for your FSA ID to be processed.
Students should plan to attend as well and bring their District 117 issued Chromebook for easier wi-fi access to the District 117 network.
Email Mr. Nate Bargar, LCHS Post-secondary Counselor, at nathan.bargar@chsd117.org.
College & Career Center
- Attending a college visit is a great way to learn about colleges/universities.
- College visits are open to Juniors and Seniors and will take place in the College and Career Center.
- To attend a college visit you must both register in Maia Learning and obtain permission to attend from the teacher of the class that you'll be missing 24 school hours in advance (ie. A Monday 8:30am visit requires registration and permission from your teacher by 8:30am the previous Friday).
Here is the full calendar.
College of Lake County Apprenticeship Awareness Programs
Latest Highlights
The Eagles have gotten off to a good start 2nd semester! The D 117 boys bowling co-op defeated Grayslake North at Antioch Lanes last Thursday night. On Junior Eagles night, the girls basketball team picked up an NLCC win over Grant. This past Saturday, the girls bowling team placed 2nd at the Grant Invitational, with Ava Lewis placing 1st overall! The gymnastics team placed 2nd at Vernon Hills last Thursday, and will have their Senior Night this Wednesday at Mundelein. Come on out and help us honor our boys basketball seniors before their game vs. Woodstock North this Friday night.
Upcoming Home On-Campus Varsity Events (1/13-1/20)
Wednesday, January 15th-Boys Basketball vs. Grant, 7:00 PM
Friday, January 17th-Boys Basketball vs. Woodstock North, 7:00 PM
Saturday, January 18th-Boys Basketball hosts the Martin Luther King, Jr. Tournament, 10:00 AM
Monday, January 20th-Boys Basketball hosts the Martin Luther King, Jr. Tournament, 10:00 AM
Click here for the latest Eagle athletic updates!
- Check our website for the latest info on Club and Activities offerings, meeting dates and times.
- Follow us on social media: Instagram Twitter
- Registration is now live for Clubs and Competitive Activities.
Activities Competitions (new)
Wednesday, January 15- Scholastic Bowl @ Antioch
Friday, January 17- FBLA @ CLC
Saturday, January 18- Robotics @ Carmel
Activities Events around campus last week
Themed Out Thursday- New Themes
Have fun and dress up everyThursday! Themes change weekly!
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Informational Links
Eagle Success Outside of the Nest!
We are genuinely proud of our students and all that they achieve. Some student activities are outside of LCHS and D117, so we are excited to celebrate them here. If you have an update to include, please send it to Principal Bowen at jori.bowen@chsd117.org
Lakes Eagles Booster Club
Booster Club Online Store Open Now! Class of 2029 Gear Available! (New)
Check out the Lakes Eagles Booster Club Online Store! Extended and youth sizes available! We also have a special selection of items for the incoming 2029 class! Order deadline is January 19th. All orders will be shipped to your home the week of February 2nd! Thank you for your order and your support!
In case you missed it...
Visit last week's News from the Nest here!
Contact Information:
1600 Eagle Way
Lake Villa, IL 60046
P 847.838.7100
F 847.838.3670