TLC Academy Welcome!
Liberty High School - Teaching & Learning Careers
TLC Classroom Learning
The TLC Academy is a California Partnership Academy (CPA) program with additional grant-funding from the California Department of Education (CDE). CPA programs follow a cohort model. Grade level cohorts have academic and career elective courses together with TLC teachers, in academy exclusive sections on A/B days. The 2024-2025 TLC grade level cohort courses are as follows:
- 10th Grade - TLC English 10 (1st, Ms. Ternes), TLC Geometry (3rd, Ms. Mattos), TLC World History (4th, Mr. Williamson), TLC ROP Developmental Psychology of Children (7th, Mrs. Cailotto).
- 11th Grade - TLC US History (1st, Mr. Taylor), TLC English 11 (3rd, Ms. Ternes), TLC Algebra 2 (4th, Ms. Galindo), TLC Core (5th, Mrs. Cailotto).
- 12th Grade - TLC Internship (1st, Mrs Cailotto; plus optional 2nd period double-block), TLC ERWC (4th, Mr. Mauro), TLC Econ/Gov (7th, Mr. Taylor).
TLC Work Experience
For over two decades, TLC Academy students have been impacting the community by supporting teachers and learners at local elementary schools, middle schools, and on campus at Liberty.
- TLC Sophomores work at Garin Elementary School 1-2 times per month as Lunch Recess Mentors and 1st Grade Reading Buddies during LUNCH + 7th period. The class walks together and back with Mrs. Cailotto and adult chaperone(s).
- TLC Juniors work with cooperating Mentor Teachers as job-shadowing interns on alternating Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays during 5th period. Job-shadowing interns report to mentor teachers by 8:30am and leave in time to make it to 6th period on campus. Interns submit a timesheet quiz in Canvas for each period and mentors are emailed to verify interns' self-reported timesheets, along with work performance and professionalism.
- TLC Seniors work with cooperating Mentor Teachers as prospective teaching interns on alternating Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays during 1st. An additional, 2nd period section is available for students who can take two periods of Internship. As described above, intern timesheets and mentor feedback is closely monitored each period.
TLC Field Trips & Events
Field Trips for Academy Participants in Grades 10-12
TLC Academy students will be visiting 2-3 college campuses during the school year, plus a fun and educational field trip in April. TLC staff work together to plan and implement these trips, which are free to studentsClass of 2025 Senior Events
Academy grads agree these are the most memorable and meaningful events for seniors:
- Mock Job Fair - Monday, December 16, 2024 @ 281 Pine St Conference Room
- Senior Send-Off - Thursday, May 15, 2025 @ Liberty PAC
- Weebly Portfolio Presentations - Monday, June 2 2025 @ LHS P-4
Event Information
TLC Q1 Field Trip [Permission slips DUE 9/13 by 3:30pm]
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 08:15 AM
UC Berkeley, Oxford Street, Berkeley, CA, USA
Event Information
LHS Back-to-School Night
Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, 05:30 PM
Liberty High School, 2nd Street, Brentwood, CA, USA
TLC 2024-2025
TLC academy teachers spent the first week of summer break working together to prepare for this school year! We are committed to supporting student learning both in- and outside the classroom. Please reach out to your TLC teachers when you have questions or need additional help understanding assignments, grades, classroom policies.
TLC Academy Coordinator
TLC is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters