El Cerrito Middle School
Weekly Redhawk Newsletter
March 10, 2025 - March 14, 2025
Monday, March 10:
- Block Day Schedule - Periods 1,3,5,7
- FastBridge Testing - Math/mySAEBRS
Tuesday, March 11:
- Block Day Schedule - Periods 2,4,5,6
- FastBridge Testing - Math/mySAEBRS
Wednesday, March 12:
- Early Release Day - All Periods (release time1:25pm)
- Santiago HS Counselor visit
Thursday, March 13:
- Block Day Schedule - Periods 1,3,5,7
- FastBridge Testing - Reading
- Soccer Game - ECMS vs. Raney Int. @ ECMS. 3:30pm-6:00pm. (Boys @ 3:30 & Girls @ 4:30).
Friday, March 14:
- Block Day Schedule - Periods 2,4,5,6
- FastBridge Testing - Reading
- End of 3rd Quarter
Saturday, March15:
- Saturday School 8am-12pm
Upcoming Events:
- 3/19 - 8th grade Panoramic Picture
- 3/19 - Wear Green Day
- 3/19 - PTSA Lunch Activity
- 3/20 - Coffee w/the Counselors
- 3/21 - Progress reports due
- 3/24 - Vision/Hearing Screening
- 3/25 - SOAR Lampost Pizza Fundraiser (see flyer below)
- 3/25 - School Site Council Meeting
- 3/27 - Band/Orchestra Festival @ Santiago High
- 3/28 - Backpack Cleanout
- 3/31-4/4 - Spring Break!!
After School Tutoring Schedule
📢Please note that the Cell Phone Policy applies during After School Tutoring. Students are NOT allowed to use cell phones during tutoring.
Parents, We Need Your Input!!! Your Feedback Matters!!
Please take a minute to complete the Local Control and Accountability Plan Survey (LCAP) to help us identify how to better support our Students' Success.
Girl Scout Cookies Sales Not Allowed
Friendly Reminder! 📌
We know it's the season for Girl Scout cookies, but please note students cannot sell any items at school. We thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.
El Cerrito Administration
Meet our Counselor's
Click here to complete ECMS Counseling Request Form.
Susanna Mruz
Kassandra Wachtel
Success Tips for Parents 💡
- Check assignments/grades in Student or Parent Connect.
- Openly communicate with teachers (in-person or by email) if there are questions about assignments, tests, projects, deadlines, etc.
- Actively participate in class by participating in class discussions and asking questions.
- Complete all class and homework assignments in a timely manner.
- Study for upcoming tests and quizzes.
- Organize notebooks, binders, and planners.
🍕 SOAR Lampost Pizza Fundraiser - March 25 🍕
Save the Date Future Sharks - March 12 🦈
CEN10 Preview Day & Night - March 10, 2025
Splash for Cash Fundraiser
ECMS Splash for Cash fundraiser for End-of-Year Field Day
🗓 When: March 17 - March 28
🏆 How It Works: Students can donate cash into their 5th-period classroom jars to help fund exciting activities like graduation promotions, a photo booth, inflatable slides, games and obstacle courses!
🎉 Classroom Rewards:
💰 First class to reach $25 – Candy Party 🍬
💰 First class to reach $50 – Chips Party 🥔
💰 First class to reach $100 – Popsicle Party 🍦
💰 First class to reach $150 – White Lyon Ice Cream Party 🍨🥤
🏅 Grand Prize: The class that raises the most money will choose between 15 minutes early release to one lunch OR front-of-the-line lunch passes!
2025-2026 PTSA Volunteers Needed
When To Keep Your Child Home From School
If my child is home sick, what should I do? Please click here to review District information on when to keep your child home from school or child daycare.
📵 Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy 📵
IMPORTANT NOTE: The device policy applies to After School Tutoring and Academic Saturday as well. Students are NOT to use their devices during any academic sessions.
Students received multiple reminders by staff, attended a Student Success Assembly on Friday, 8/16, and had daily reminders in the morning announcements the first week of school regarding the new Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy. Moving forward, if a student's phone is confiscated they will receive the following consequences:
1st Offense: Phone is confiscated and returned to student. Parent contacted.
2nd Offense: Phone is confiscated and returned to parent. Parent contacted.
3rd Offense: Phone is confiscated and returned to parent. School issued consequence.
4th Offense: Phone is confiscated and returned to parent. Parent conference and phone contract implemented.
Please review these guidelines. If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact us at (951) 736-3216. Your cooperation with this matter is greatly appreciated. Items confiscated must be picked up in the front office, by a parent or guardian, between the hours of 7:15am & 3:15 pm. Please return signed form prior to the start of the next school day, otherwise a detention will be issued.
Front Office Drop Off & Student Check Out Procedures.
- ECMS limits students to 2 drop offs per year. Examples of drop offs include, homework, chromebooks, & lunch (no P.E. clothes drop off & Birthday balloons). Students may pick up items during passing period or lunch time. Student lunch is free, however, if a student is needing a lunch drop off.
Lunch times are as follows:
1st lunch: 11:15am-11:50am
2nd lunch 12:10pm-12:45pm
- To ensure the safety of the students - We ask that when you come to the office to sign your student out early or send anyone that is listed on your students emergency contact list; we will expect you to provide a physical ID card and not a photocopy of your ID on your phone. Students will not be released if you do not have a physical ID card!
No Food Delivery Services Accepted - ECMS does NOT allow students to receive ANY Food Delivery at any time during the school day (including but not limited to; Uber Eats, Doordash, Grub Hub, etc.) Students are NOT allowed to order food and have it delivered to our campus. Deliveries will be turned away.
- Prohibited drinks: Starbucks drinks, sodas, fruity drinks or any type of energy drinks are not allowed. If students purchase a slushy during lunch time, it cannot be taken into the classroom, only water bottles are allowed.! Any student seen with an energy drink on campus, will be confiscated. Also, any students arriving late with Starbucks or Jamba Juice, etc. will not be allowed to take the drinks into class.
Thank you for your support and understanding!
Reporting Students Absences & NEW Truancy/Tardy Policy
This year we are implementing a new Tardy Scan process. Parents will receive an email notification if their student is caught in one of our tardy sweeps. Students will receive a school issued consequence when tardy sweeps are conducted.
PLEASE REPORT STUDENT ABSENCES TO OUR ATTENDANCE LINE AT 951-736-3288. You may leave a voice mail after school hours & weekends. When leaving a message, please make sure to include your name/relationship, students name, grade, ID# and reason of absence. You may also
e-mail the Attendance office at ecmsattendance@cnusd.k12.ca.us. If absences are not excused within 3 days, your student will be marked as truant.
CNUSD Attendance Communication Program
Just in case you have questions about any attendance letters that you receive from the District Office. Click on the link for FAQ's.
🥗 Cafeteria Information 🍕
School Lunches/Child Nutrition Services
Slushies: Blue Raspberry & Cherry flavor $2.75
Chocolate Chip Cookies: $ 0.75
Water bottles: $1.00
Click here to set up an account on EZ SchoolPay and add money to your students lunch account, or click on the QR on the flyer below.
🍀 March Lunch Menu🍀
Parent Center Newsletter
2024-2025 School Track Calendar
24-25 Bell Schedule
ECMS Contact Information
Location: 7610 El Cerrito Road, Corona, CA, USA
Phone: 951-736-3216