BLMS Student/Parent Memo
August 23, 2024
January 31, 2025
Chiefs Spirit Week Coming UP!
Chiefs Spirit Week Themes:
IPS Student/Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up!
We have student led parent teacher conferences on February 12th and February 13th. You will be scheduling those with the student's Advisory teacher by Google calendar invite. Teachers should have sent that out today or on Monday of next week. Please be sure to sign up for a time slot either Wednesday or Thursday as this is a part of their English grade of preparing a presentation and presenting this. We are looking forward to having really amazing attendance for these as our students have been working hard to talk about what their future plans might include. Thank you for signing up as soon as possible.
BLMS Scholastic Essay Contest Winners:
Madelyn Bell
Olivia Gilliam
Kami Skinner
Claire Coleman
Eligibility report news:
Eligibility report ran today and we have 68 out of 689 students who have D's and F's in their classes for this quarter. I would like to remind all students and parents that we have after school study hall available for any students on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 3pm -4pm. Those study halls are staffed by two certified teachers who are willing.
Car Loop Update!
We have worked hard to improve the car loop and thank you to all of our parents who are pulling up to the sign which is next to the light pole after the Activities Entrance exit. We are going to continue to improve this process by having all students for car loop coming out of the Activities Entrance and stationing along the sidewalk to help make this process improve even more. We are down to getting almost every student loaded by 3:05, so it has improved. Please remember to pull all the way forward for both drop off and pick up so we can get our students in and out of school as quickly as possible.
BLMS Booster Club needs adult help for Boys Basketball Games!
Our BLMS Booster Club and our Student Ambassadors run the concession stands for each of our home basketball games for the season. We need two adult volunteers to help our in the concession stand for every home game. The Student Ambassadors are a great resource and will help you if you are not sure of what to do during the game. The first shift is 3:30pm - 4:45pm and the second shift runs 4:45pm - 6:00pm. You are automatically enrolled in a drawing for a $25 gift card for signing up for any shift!
Here is the link to sign up:
Thank you,
BLMS Booster Club
Mike Isaacsen
Basehor-Linwood Middle School
Two Weeks at a glance!
Friday, Jan. 31st - Emerald Dancers at Olathe Northwest
Saturday, Feb. 1st - Emerald Dancers at Olathe Northwest
Tuesday, Feb. 4th- Boys Basketball vs. Wheatridge Middle Gardner
7th @ HOME
8th @ WMS
Wednesday, Feb. 5th- 8th grade celebration meeting at 4:30pm in Library
Wednesday, Feb. 5th- Site Council Meeting @ 5:30pm in Library
Thursday, Feb. 6th- Ambassador’s meeting @ 7:15am in Suarez’s room
Thursday, Feb. 6th- Boy’s Basketball vs. Trail Ridge Middle School
7th @ Trail Ridge MS Gardner
8th @ HOME
Friday, Feb. 7th- Leavenworth County Spelling Bee
Friday, Feb. 7th - Pep Assembly
Monday, Feb. 10th- Board of Education Meeting at 6pm @ District office
Tuesday, Feb. 11th - Boys Basketball vs. Leavenworth Warren
7th @ Warren
8th @ HOME
Wednesday, Feb. 12th - Parent teacher conferences 3:30 - 7:00pm
Thursday, Feb. 13th - Parent teacher conference 1:00pm - 7:00pm
Friday, Feb. 14th - NO SCHOOL