Marshall E-News
This week, our students have been actively engaged in exciting learning experiences across all grade levels! In Language Arts all grades are enjoying their shared reading experiences and expanding their writing. Our teachers are fostering curiosity and collaboration through hands-on activities and meaningful discussions.
We encourage you to ask your child about what they’re learning and share in their excitement—whether it’s a story they read, a project they’re working on, or something new they’ve discovered. Your support at home plays a vital role in their growth and success.
We held Family Groups this week! Our staff read aloud was You Are Enough. Click Here to watch it with your child. The theme for this month was Empathy. We love our time together with our Family Group!
Please remember this is no school on Monday, January 20th! We look forward to having everyone back on Tuesday, January 21st!
As a reminder please remember to send your students into school with their coats as the weather is starting to turn colder as we enter the winter months. Please be sure to label your students coat so if it were to be lost we can get it back to your student. We have had quite a few students come to the office for coats during recess. If you need assistance with getting your child a coat this winter please reach out to our school social worker Chrissy at rolfesc@talawanda.org.
To help ensure students arrive at their correct dismissal location, we kindly ask that you contact the main office by 2:30 PM if there are any changes to your child’s dismissal plan. While we understand that emergencies can happen, we’ve noticed a significant increase in last-minute changes around 3:00 PM, which can cause confusion and delays. By notifying us by 2:30 PM, we can make sure your child receives a dismissal note and reaches the right spot after school. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
We're excited to introduce this year's main fundraiser, the Marshall Elementary Dance Fit. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to support Marshall Elementary staff and students in providing a fulfilling educational environment for our students.
We’re excited for this fundraising experience because it offers 3 important things to our school community:
User-friendly fundraising platform
Character enrichment program
Fitness-focused event that includes ALL of our students
As a family, you will work together asking friends and family to donate on your student’s donation page at MyBooster.com. The best part is, you can still support our school just by SHARING about the fundraiser!
Students will also experience an amazing character enrichment program called “Castle Quest”, teaching students about how to be brave and live with character.
Key Dates to Remember:
Sign up online at MyBooster.com – 01/14/2025
Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 01/28/2025
Event Day – 02/07/2025
More details to come! Follow our social pages for updates on our fundraiser.
2024-2025 PTG Meetings:
PTG Happy Half-Hour: 6:00 - 6:30 - Snack, Drink, & Mingle.
PTG Board Meetings: 6:30 - 7:30 - Collaborate, Connect, Learn, & Grow!
February 10, 2025
March 10, 2025
April 14, 2025
May 12, 2025
Talawanda preschool is currently accepting applications for the 25/26 school year. Please fill out the following application before January 31 to be included in the preschool lottery. Please direct any questions to fuechsle@talawanda.org
2024-2025- After-School World Language Program Information/Registration- Click HERE
Latin will be added to the menu as a zoom class option. Please contact your child's school if you are interested.
Student Fees:
Fees have been loaded to Talawanda EZ pay If you wish to pay online. You can also pay in the office with cash or check.
Lunch Accounts:
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
Free and Reduced:
If you would like to apply for free or reduced lunches, please reach out to the Marshall office or the Marshall social worker Chrissy Rolfes at rolfesc@talawanda.org. We can help walk you through the online application or help you fill out a paper form in the office. If you qualify for FREE lunch, your fees will also be waived. (EXCEPT for 5th grade Chromebook fee) If you qualify for REDUCED, fees will be reduced by 85% (EXCEPT for 5th grade Chromebook fee) and meals will be FREE.
Final Forms:
Remember, if you have any changes to your information (phone number, address, who can pick up your student, etc) throughout the school year, change it in Final Forms! The office is notified of these changes and will update our information. IF you have an address change, you must submit new proof of residency to the office before we will update your address.
We will do RAH every Friday. If we do not have school on a Friday we will not have RAH that week. Click here to access RAH recording sheet.
K-KIDS - GRADES 3, 4, & 5
K-Kids will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month in Mr. Menezes room right after school from 3:15 until 4 pm. See the dates below:
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
If you would like to place your order for the 2024-2025 Marshall Yearbook please scan the QR Code on the flyer and enter the code 15306825 to submit your order.
January 20 - NO SCHOOL
February 10 - PTG Meeting
February 17 - NO SCHOOL
March 6- Conferences
March 10 - PTG Meeting
March 11- Conferences
March 31 - April 4 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
April 14 - PTG Meeting
April 18 - NO SCHOOL
April 26 - Spring Fling Dance
May 5 & 6 - NO SCHOOL
May 12 - PTG Meeting
May 16 - MAYFEST
S.R. 732 Roundabout Project
LINK to INFORMATION: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/OHDOT/bulletins/3cb6dc0
Wellness Wednesday- Mrs. Macechko
Talawanda is currently hiring for a few positions!
Community Events & Flyers Page- Click HERE
Click HERE for more information.