Davis Elementary
E-news 10/25/24

Important Updates
CogAT Assessment
3rd and 5th graders will take the CogAT test during the mornings of November 12th - 14th. Parents, please ensure your child has a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast in preparation. Please click HERE for a more detailed letter.
In D303 we take a variety of assessments each year. If you would like to learn more about specific state testing and large-scale district assessments as well as the opt out process for any of the assessments, please click the links below:
Veterans Day Assembly
Please fill out this form if you would like to honor a veteran at Davis' Veterans Day Celebration on Tuesday, November 12th at 2:00. We invite our veterans to come to Davis at 1:45 pm to enjoy a school assembly and a small reception afterwards with their families. We need your help! We would love to invite as many veterans as we can. Forms will be accepted until Monday, November 4th.
In addition, your child is bringing home a small Veteran Poster that you can complete if you have a family member or loved one who is a Veteran (or currently serving). You may attach a photo or have your child draw a picture of the Veteran, and you may make additional copies of the paper if you wish to honor more than one Veteran. When your child returns the paper to school, we will decorate our hallways with these heroes!
Social Work Update
Hi Davis Families! It is important to us at Davis Elementary that we provide a community of care and support to our families, especially when faced with financial hardship.
We want to make you aware of a number of supports that we have available through our school, intended specifically for parents who are of low-income or who are struggling financially.
The supports available include: the Northern Illinois Food Bank "Backpack Program," Thanksgiving Meal Support, and Holiday Support Programs. Please take a moment to view the form below to gain information on what is offered! If you have any questions please reach out to Christine Amoni, school social worker, at christine.amoni@d303.org or 331-228-5371.
English Form:
🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻👭 Fabulous Friends!! 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻👭
Watch DOGS Needed Friday Afternoons
- Dads/male guardians/grandpas/uncles/adult brothers etc. - this is your opportunity to interact with and provide positive male role models for Davis students.
- We need 4 volunteers every Friday from 11:15-1:25.
- Please click HERE for more information and to signup.
Trunk or Treat Was Tremendous!!
Thank you to the PTO and Davis families for a fun-filled Friday evening at Trunk or Treat! The Trunk Artists were full of creative ideas, activities, and CANDY! There were so many amazing costumes - both kids and adults! The weather was perfect. It was great to come together as a Davis family and spend time with friends. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated:)
(Parents, there was part of a costume that was found at the end of Trunk or Treat. If you are missing a costume piece, please email the PTO at DavisSchoolPTO@gmail.com )
Art Update
In the Art Studio our creative artists have been creating within our Drawing, Collage, and Painting Centers. They are utilizing the Art Process:
- Envisioning an idea
- Planning in their sketchbook
- Creating their Wonderful Original Work of Art (WOW piece)
- Reflecting and refining
- and finally, Presenting their work in their Artsonia digital Portfolio!
Soon we will be starting sculpture and creating in clay! ~ Mrs. Lambert
Kindergarten Math
KMP exploring 3D shapes with our very own Davis Math Queen - Mrs. McCulloch
1st Grade News
1LM students are enjoying their Wonders reading work with partners. Also, the class celebrated a PAW party with pajamas and stuffed animal day last week. They also had a monthly auction for the students to spend their “Miller” money.
Fall parties are right around the corner, and we would like you to be aware of our plans and expectations so that you can help your student to prepare. Our celebration is scheduled for Thursday, October 31st.
The parade will be held outside from 1:55 to 2:15 pm. Parents may line up around the Kindergarten playground off of Horne Street to watch the parade.
Classroom parties will run from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm
Room Parents will be allowed to go to classrooms at 1:30 pm for party setup and to assist with costumes after they have checked in at the office
In the event of inclement weather, there will not be a parade
Costume & Party Guidelines
Students should bring costumes in a bag. Costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should not be violent or scary in nature. No blood, guts, or weapons. No masks. Make-up is discouraged because it is difficult to apply. No bare midriffs or scant clothing. Students may be asked to remove or put away any parts of costumes based on teacher judgment.
Room Parents who are assisting with the parties should not wear disguises that would make it difficult to recognize them as a safe person
Only Room Parents may attend the classroom parties and assist students.
Room Parent Guidelines
No more than 4 room parents per classroom may attend. (Others may assist with preparations or goody bags). Sign-up for Room Parents was completed through our PTO in September.
If you have never had your ID/drivers license scanned at the school, it is very helpful to have that done prior to the party. Stop by the office at your convenience.
Lead Parent: Work with the classroom teacher & other room parents on activities/games for the party
Lead Parent: Coordinate with the teacher & other room parents on any non-edible goody bags to be sent home. No food treats will be eaten during the party or sent home.
Student Council Partners with Big Hearts
Davis Student Council members worked to decorate the box to collect toys for the Big Hearts of Fox Valley Toy Drive. Davis will be collecting new & unwrapped toys the week of November 4th-8th. Please see flier below for more information.
Mark Your Calendars!
Click HERE for Davis Google Calendar
Friday, October 25 - 5th Grade Orchestra Concert (TMS)
Wednesday, October 30 - 5th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, October 30 - (2:35pm) Early Release
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Parade 1:55-2:15pm
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Classroom Parties
Saturday night November 2 - Daylight Savings End (move clocks back 1 hour)
Tuesday, November 5 - No School (Election Day)
Wednesday, November 6 - Morning Beginning Orchestra Practice (not 4th grade advanced) - music & specials are following a Tuesday schedule. Bring instruments if you have a Tuesday lesson; wear PE shoes
Friday, November 8 - School Photo Retakes
Tuesday, November 12 - Veterans Day Assembly (Wear Red, White and Blue)
Wednesday, November 20 - Report Cards on HAC
Wednesday, November 20 - (2:35) Early Release
Thursday, November 21 - PTO Meeting 7:00 Davis LRC
Monday - Friday November 25-29 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December (no early release day in Dec; no PTO meeting)
Wednesday, December 11 - 6:00pm Beginning Orchestra Concert, Norris Cultural Center
Wednesday, December 11 - 7:30pm 4th/5th Advanced Orchestra, Norris Cultural Center
Friday, December 20 - Winter Class Parties
Monday, December 23-Monday, January 6th - Winter Break; no school for students
PTO News
District News
Davis Elementary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: https://davis.d303.org/
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisElementaryD303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303