Grand Blanc High School
February Newsletter 2025
2/1 - Polar Plunge
2/2 - Pistons Game
2/5 - Bobcat Time
2/8 - Final Deadline for Senior Ads
2/11 - Curriculum Night 6 - 8pm
2/11 - Early Childhood Expo @ the Perry Center
2/12 - GBHS Band's Pre-Festival Concert @ 7pm
2/13 - 1/2 Day for Students
2/13 - PSAT/SAT Practice Test
2/14 - No School
2/17 - Presidents' Day No School
2/19 - Bobcat Time/ Senior Meeting
3/7 - Half Day
3/19 - Bobcat Time
3/28 - Half Day
3/28 - End of 3rd Marking Period
3/31 - 4/4 - Spring Break
Dear GBHS Families,
As we wrap up a successful first semester, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their hard work, dedication, and commitment. It’s inspiring to see the growth and achievements of our students, and I’m excited for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead as we kick off Semester 2!
The beginning of a new semester is always a fresh start, a time to set new goals, and continue striving for excellence. On our upcoming half day of Thursday, February 13, all 9th through 11th grade students will complete a free PSAT/SAT practice test to gauge their readiness for the real thing in April. Additionally, these students will be provided guidance on how to utilize the resources available through Khan Academy and the College Board, where personalized practice is just a click away.
For our seniors, we have a special assembly planned for February 13 that will focus on staying connected with one another and understanding the immense value they bring to the world. This will be an important opportunity to reflect on their journeys and remind them that they are capable, worthy, and ready for all that lies ahead. We will also work with our seniors to complete their Educational Development Plan, Genesee Opportunity Scholarship application and Senior Exit Survey. This day will be a great kick off to their final few months at GBHS.
Here’s to a strong second semester filled with growth, connection, and success!
Go Bobcats!
Michael Fray
Principal - Grand Blanc High School
Daily Announcements
2024-2025 District Calendar
Are you a student looking for ways to get more involved at GBHS? Please take a look at our many exciting and active clubs. There is definitely something for everyone! See the link below for information and club contacts.
Grand Blanc High School Clothes Closet is opened for students on a daily basis. Donated items can be dropped off at the High School East Main Office.
February - Items needed the most:
- Shampoo, Body Wash, Deodorant
- Socks & Underwear - men's and women's
- Leggings - women's new or gently used (all sizes)
- Sweatpants - men's and women's new or gently used (all sizes)
Possible Implementation of a "2 Hour Delay"
We want to notify families well in advance that Grand Blanc Community Schools may elect to reinstate the “2-Hour Delay” in the future. This delay could be used to provide ample opportunity for road crews to clear streets or road conditions to improve in inclement weather. We have not gone this route as a district for quite some time. Buses and building schedules would be pushed back exactly 2 hours in this instance.
Please click the link below for further information as well as the start times for schools.
Closing out Black History Month with a BSU sponsored Spirit Week!
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Soccer Mom vs BBQ Dad Day
Wednesday - Character Day
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
Friday - Blackout (BSU Merch works too!)
Early Childhood Expo
DETROIT BASKETBALL!! The Grand Blanc Pep Band will once again be performing at Little Caesars Arena on February 2nd at 2:30 (30 minutes prior to game time) as the Detroit Pistons take on the Chicago Bulls. Tickets are only $25, you will receive a special Pistons gift item, and all ticket purchases will split a portion of funds as a donation back to the GBHS Instrumental Music Program. We look forward to seeing you all supporting our Bobcat Band students and your Detroit Pistons!
GBHS Cafeteria Reminder!
Grand Blanc Dining Service Charge Policy
All Grand Blanc students who attend classes in person are eligible for one free complete breakfast and one free complete lunch per day. All snacks, beverages, extra entrees, second meals, etc. must be paid for at the time of purchase. We accept payments of cash, check or money from your Family Portal Account. Students who do not have the funds for extra items, at the time of purchase, will not be allowed to charge these items.
Yearbook Info
All Things Senior
- Senior Documents - Documents folder needed during the senior year.
- Class of 2025 link - Senior Info 2025 page on the GBCS website.
Seniors - At this time, all cap & gown orders should have been placed. This is the only required purchase for participating in the commencement ceremony. If you did not order your cap & gown by the January deadline, you will need to contact Jostens directly at jostens.com or 800-854-7464.
From the Nurse's Office
School Based Health Centers
Did you know anyone under 21 can get FREE health care services?
U of M has several school based health centers in Genesee County that provide physicals, sick visits, immunizations, mental health services, dental and vision care, etc
We refer families to these health centers often and have had very good feedback.
These clinics are open throughout the summer as well.
Appointments are required.
More info here on clinic locations, phone numbers, and all services provided: https://umhs-rahs.org/
FREE Genesee County Health Resources for Youth
Our goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of the students we serve. We often refer students and families to outside agencies as needed and would like to share those resources with all of you!
You can get FREE sick visits, physicals, dental, vision, and mental health care.
From the Library
From the Counseling Office
Come visit the 2025 GBHS Curriculum Fair Tuesday, February 11th.
Open to current 8th - 11th Graders and Their Parents. Talk with teachers from all departments, learn about new classes available, and check out clubs to join. Scheduled breakout sessions will focus on topics such as Career Tech Ed Programs, Genesee Career Institute, Early College, Duel Enrollment, AP Courses, Special Education, and many other resources.
Make sure you are checking out the list of open scholarships that are available! The list is continuously updated as they come in.
LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS are NOW OPEN! Visit this page for all the applications and supporting documents. Make sure that if a scholarship requires a letter of recommendation, that you give your teacher/recommender the LOR request form. They must print/write the letter AND hand sign the letter. No cursive fonts allowed. All applications and required documents are due by 3:00 p.m. Friday, February 28rd to Ms. McBride in the counseling office. No late applications will be accepted. For questions, email Ms. McBride at tmcbride@gbcs.org or stop in the counseling office.
Credit Recovery: Any students who are behind on credit have an opportunity to catch up through the Credit Recovery program. To sign up for Credit Recovery, see your counselor.
Curriculum Night: CURRICULUM NIGHT is coming soon! It will be held on February 11th from 6-8 pm, and is open to current 8th-11th graders and their parents. Stop by to learn about many different classes, clubs, activities, and so much more!
Registration Information: Registration papers will be sent home with students February 10th-12th. Counselors will be visiting students’ English classes and distributing registration papers. Students MUST bring their fully completed sheet with them to their Social Studies class February 25th-27th. Counselors will be visiting students’ Social Studies classes to assist with electronic registration.
AP Test Payment Info
You can now begin to make payments for your AP exam(s) by following these steps:
- Login to your SchoolPay account: gbcs.schoolpay.com/
- Under “School Payments” on the left-hand side, locate AP Advanced Placement Program and click “View Items”
- You will choose from the following options:
- AP Research Only (students taking the AP Research exam)
- AP Seminar Only (students taking the AP Seminar exam)
- Standard AP Test (students taking ANY other AP exams)
- Reduced Fee AP Test ($40 per exam)
- Late Fee/Cancellation Fee ($40 PER EXAM for each added exam or cancellation)
All AP exams are considered STANDARD unless students are enrolled in the AP Seminar or AP Research classes and will be taking one of those specific exams.
- Add the appropriate item(s) to your cart.
- While we encourage you to pay as early as possible, final payments are due by March 1st, 2025.
Important Notes:
- To qualify for the reduced test fee, you MUST fill out the Education Benefits application and be found eligible based on your household income. Education Benefits form: grandblanc.familyportal.cloud/benefits/onlyapplying
- If you are paying for more than one AP test, you may make multiple payments as long as the final payment is made by March 1st.
- If at any time you decide NOT to take a test that you have ordered, you will still have to pay $40 cancellation fee.
Seniors - Make sure you have set up your parchment account!
All seniors who are applying for college should have a parchment account. This is necessary for requesting your high school transcripts be sent to colleges. Click on the image to the right for a direct link to Parchment.
Career and College Planning
If your looking for some resources and helpful information on Post-Graduation paths, follow the link to Beyond Graduation. This site is full of links and information to help you with college, scholarships, career possibilities, and more!
2024-25 Counselor Assignments
E-I Betsy Wambaugh (810)-591-6680
J-M Nicole Kernen (810)-591-6651
N-SK Courtney Wood (810)-591-6929
SL-Z Susan Shaw (810)-591-6648
CSS, BVL Jennifer Uhl (810)-591-1658
Early College Sarah Clark (810)-591-6336
Special Ed Bethany Jackson (810)-591-6035
Repeated (but still relevant) information beyond this point.
Students and Parents - Please make sure you are following the proper procedures for students leaving the building during school hours:
- Parent/Guardian must call in first to check the student out.
- The student then checks in with the office to get an exit pass prior to leaving.
Students have been leaving the building during the day and parents are calling in at a later time to excuse the absence. If an emergency were to take place in the building, we must be able to account for every student currently believed to be present. For those safety reasons, we will NOT retroactively excuse the attendance of any student that leaves the building without following the proper procedure.
Protect MI Child
Are your children safe while online? Michigan families, especially minors, are becoming inundated with advertisements from alcohol, tobacco, pornography, illegal drugs and gambling marketers through different internet and cell phone inboxes. Thankfully, the State of Michigan offers a free program to stop adult advertisements from reaching e-mails, text messages, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Discord, TikTok, Twitch and Twitter. The Michigan Child Protection Registry, is a free do-not-contact service for Michigan’s families and can be located at www.ProtectMIChild.com.
Follow this link for more information!
Free Tutoring Opportunities
Lunch & Learn
Lunch & Learn is a great opportunity for students to seek help with difficult school work during their scheduled lunch time. If your student is struggling, make sure they are taking advantage of this opportunity to get the academic support needed. Lunch & Learn meets every Tuesday and Thursday during all three lunches.
- East Campus - Room 404
- West Campus - Special Education Conference Room
After School Tutoring
After School Tutoring is available from our NHS student volunteers. Make sure to take advantage of the Tutoring Lab Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the East Campus Library.
From CTE & Early College
FREE COLLEGE! - Introducing the Michigan Community College Guarantee!
We’re excited to share that Michigan has launched the Community College Guarantee, an initiative designed to make higher education more accessible and affordable. Under this program, eligible Michigan residents can now attend their local community college tuition-free, covering up to 60 credits towards an associate degree or technical certificate.
This initiative is a fantastic opportunity for recent high school graduates, adult learners, and anyone looking to upskill or change careers. The guarantee aims to remove financial barriers, helping more Michiganders achieve their educational and career goals.
For more information on how to apply and to see if you qualify, visit the official Michigan Community College Guarantee website or contact your local community college today!
From the Athletic Office
Available to all GBHS students.
$25 buys a sticker that goes on the back of the student ID.
Entry to all high school home games for the entire school year!
ALL student parking permits will need to be PURCHASED ONLINE on the GBCS Ops-Com parking website. Each individual student driver will need to create an account and follow all steps as prompted to ensure all information is correct and you can proceed to purchase a permit. Students are responsible to remember your log-in information as this will be the account you use for all your parking needs for the duration of your time in high school.
GBCS Ops-Com parking website: https://gbcs.ops-com.com/login