Welcome Back to School
Let's Get Rolling, 2024 - 2025!
Respect, Responsibility, and Pride
Good Afternoon Moser Families!
We hope you are all having a fun summer and creating lasting memories!
Alongside our dedicated teachers and staff, we warmly welcome our students and school community to Moser School. We are excited to engage students in meaningful learning experiences and are confident that the 2024-25 school year will be enriching for all.
We are also thrilled to welcome our new Assistant Principal, Mr. Thomas Cassello, to the Moser team. Mr. Cassello brings a wealth of experience in Special Education and enthusiasm, and we are excited to have him join our learning community.
At Moser School, our goal is to work collaboratively to promote a culture of safety, respect, and critical thinking. We take pride in being a community of learners where both staff and students continuously seek opportunities to learn from each other. We are committed to high academic standards, mutual respect, and social responsibility.
The Moser staff holds high expectations for our students and even higher expectations for ourselves. We remain dedicated to enhancing student learning for all. By discussing research-based strategies, we aim to meet the diverse needs of our students. We will enhance learning in every classroom through focused instruction on an aligned curriculum, data collection and analysis, and comprehensive assessments. Our commitment to fostering a strong school-home connection will help ensure each student reaches their maximum potential this school year.
Our school thrives with your support. We encourage you to take advantage of opportunities to support your student’s learning and experiences at Moser. On behalf of the Moser School staff, thank you for being an integral part of our learning community, where we honor traditions and embrace future challenges with a growth mindset and innovative solutions.
Please take the time to review the information provided. More school-related updates will be shared in the upcoming weeks to help you prepare for this school year.
We look forward to working with you.
In partnership,
Anabelle Diaz, Ed. D.
Classroom Placement Letters
Classroom placement letters are tentatively scheduled to be sent to families on Friday, August 16th. You will receive direct information from your student's classroom teacher before the start of the school year with more detailed information.
Upcoming School Events
We have important dates to share with you!
Our Meet and Greet is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th. This event provides families and students with the opportunity to meet their grade-level teachers during an informal 30-minute session in their respective classrooms. Following each Meet and Greet session, parent informational meetings with the school administration will be held in the Moser cafeteria.
Below is the Meet and Greet schedule. Please arrive promptly for your session:
1:00-1:30 pm
Team 4-1: Mrs. Kokoska, Ms. Piscitelli, Mr. Couture
Team 5-1: Mr. Stevens, Mrs. DeGray, Mr. Basroon
Parent informational session at 1:30 pm
1:45-2:15 pm
Team 4-2: Mrs. Hassett, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Grimaldi
Team 5-2: Mrs. Carson, Mr. Faienza, Mrs. Brown
Parent informational session at 2:15 pm
2:30-3:00 pm
Team 4-3: Ms. Lastrina, Mrs. Schult, Ms. Lynch
Team 5-3: Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Spain
Parent informational session at 3:00 pm
First Day of School:
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Labor Day: No School
September 2, 2024
Professional Development: Early Dismissal
September 27, 2024
Open House: Will be held on the following days starting at 6:00 pm.
Monday, September 23, 2024 (Grade 4)
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (Grade 5)
A Note from the Nurse
Hello, my name is Juliana Asasouk, and I am delighted to introduce myself as the school nurse at Moser for the 2024-2025 school year. I am excited for another fun and healthy school year!
Please remember that students must be free of fever or vomiting for at least 24 hours before returning to school. I will be reaching out to parents of students with medical conditions before the start of the school year. If your student has a medical condition or if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me via email at asasoukj@rockyhillps.com or by phone at 860-258-7771.
School Schedules
Moser School hours are from 8:15-3:05 pm. Doors open promptly at 8:00 am for students. Dismissal time is at 3:05 pm. The school hours schedule including delayed openings and early dismissal is attached and available on our website.