CVE Friday Flash
February 7, 2025
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families,
A huge thank you to our incredible CPTA for everything you do! Your generosity in providing supplies for our fun activities and supporting our teachers with delicious conference meals truly helps make Centerville a school of excellence.
A special shout-out for organizing last week’s Winter Dance! It was an amazing, family-friendly event that brought new little faces into our school, welcomed former students back to their elementary stomping grounds, and even had some grandparents dancing along! The community spirit was alive and well—so much so that our parking lots overflowed, and parents were even parking down Main Street!
We captured some of the fun and put together a video of the event—be sure to check it out!
We are so grateful for the time, effort, and heart you put into making Centerville such a welcoming and wonderful place for our students, families, and staff. Thank you for all that you do!
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Feb 11: Parent / Teacher Conferences (4-8 PM)
- Feb 10 - 14: ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 14: No School / Staff Development Day
- Feb 17: No School / Presidents Day
- Feb 24 -28 : ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 17 -21 : ELL ACCESS testing grades K-5
- Feb 25: Family Author Night: Erin Soderberg Downing (6-7:30PM)
- Mar 10-14: No School / Spring Break
The Centerville Elementary Calendar is located on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2024-2025 District Student Calendar and the 2024-2025 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
Menu Change
Wednesday, February 12th
Taco Snack : Softshell taco with cheese, chicken and beef wrapped all together in a bag
CPTA Presents: Meet the Author Night
Meet the Author Night featuring Erin Soderberg Downing
- When: Tuesday, February 25th
- Time: 6PM - 7:30PM
- Where: Centerville Elementary
Order a book with the QR code by February 18th and it will be signed by at the event!
Sign Up TODAY! Kids Heart Challenge is coming to Centerville Elementary School!
Let the games begin, Heart Heroes! Kids Heart Challenge is here and it’s better than ever! Sign up TODAY to get started on Finn’s Mission - refresh your Hands-Only CPR skills and learn the warning signs of a stroke. Every student who completes Finn’s Mission will earn their very own Heart Hero Cape!
Help Save Lives with These Simple Steps:
Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
Next, click on “send a text today” to easily reach friends & family!
OR click HERE. and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
School Goal: 200 Students Sign Up and/or 64 Students Complete Finn’s Mission –Ms. Littlefield and Mr. Macken will be SILLY STRINGED!
Every student that completes Finn’s Mission will enjoy donuts and fun in the gym with Ms. Littlefield, receive Finn’s Lifesaver Cape AND entered to win 2 tickets to the 2026 Super Bowl!
Raise $100 for the American Heart Association’s 100th Birthday and you will be entered to win an ANIMAL WARMIE.
Raise $150 and receive Wylie and Bingo collectible keychain.
Classroom Incentive: Help your classroom teacher earn $50 in Amazon rewards when 50% of class registers and 3 or more students/staff complete Finn’s Mission.
For every 18 students that complete Finn’s Mission your school will be entered to win a $10,000 gym makeover on behalf of the NFL.
Thank you for being an essential part of the Kids Heart Challenge, and supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Every step you take helps save lives. Let’s make a powerful positive impact together!
Lost & Found
- Our collection of Lost and Found items is steadily growing.
- Items will be placed on tables for parent viewing during conferences or parents may sign into the kiosk and view items during school hours.
- Lost items with names will be returned to students.
- Items will be donated after conferences.
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principals Chair:
Eleanor Spenner
Pizza Winners
Luna Keefe
Coraleigh Christensen
Tyson Yang
Axton Bader
Abigail Hern
Emmatt Youso
Aria Johnson
Grant MacDonald
Easton Smith
Calvin Sailsbury
Torah Thompson
Josie Jensen
Tilly Simonson
Declan Gubrod
Prize Winners
Brynlee Richter
Jasper Umbreit
Chloe Pischlar
Ryder Keough
William Dordal
Liam Kominski
Alexandra Kubat
Ibrahim Sultan
Evelyn Anderson
Solomon Peterson
Callie Cardinal
Delaney Nielson
Will Twohy
Wyatt Minion
Community Education
Beginning Chess (gr. 2-5) After school at CVE! Join us after school to learn the exciting game of chess. We’ll learn about each piece, strategies and have a fun tournament on the final day of class including prizes. Beginning Chess is held Thursdays, after school beginning February 13.
More happening soon:
Feb. 17- Intensive Sewing Class (ages 8-13)
Ninja Day Camp (ages 5-13)
Feb. 22- Skyhawks Basketball Camp (ages 5-10)
Feb. 23- Sunday STEM Fun: Straw Marble Maze (gr. K-2)
Sunday STEM Fun: Build Your Own Board Game (gr. 3-5)
Feb. 25- Multiplayer Minecraft: City Builder (gr. 1-5)(virtual)
Mar. 2- Intro to Ninja (ages 5-13)
Mar. 12- Spark Equestrian Day Camp (ages 6-12)
Mar. 15- Multiplayer Minecraft: Block Hunter (gr. 1-5)
Mar. 20- Volleyball Intro Skills and Games (gr. 3)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Used computer equipment needed!
The Journey program partnered with Top5 Technologies to help train students to be computer technicians and some of these students are the most talented computer technicians in the country. They process a great amount of recycled computers in this process.
You can help by recycling your old, used, unwanted computers at: Top5 479 Apollo Drive, Suite 10, Lino Lakes, MN during business hours, Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm to drop off items off. Walk-ins are welcome.
Questions on what items can be recycled at no cost, and what items have disposal fees? See information at Recycling IT 4U: https://recyclingit4u.com/contact-us-1 or call Matt Claseman at 651.964.2501.
Annual District Survey—Deadline extended
We want to hear from you! Reminder to parents/guardians to complete the school district’s annual survey. The survey is short—takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey is open until
- Tuesday, February 9, at 9:00 p.m.
- Survey—English, Somali, Spanish
- Survey—Hmong
School Board hosts listening session in February
In ongoing efforts to gather feedback from stakeholders, the School Board hosts Listening Sessions quarterly. The sessions provide the opportunity for community members, staff, parents, and students to meet informally with board representatives and the superintendent to discuss topics in the schools. The next Listening Session be held on February 10, 5:30 pm-6:15 pm in the District Office Board Room. More information can be found here.
Centennial Preschool registration is open!
The Centennial School District offers high-quality part-day and full-day preschool experiences designed to prepare students, ages 3-5, and their families for success in kindergarten. Our 4-Star Parent Aware rated program teaches both academic and social skills using a “learning-through-play” philosophy. Full-day classrooms are located at each of the elementary schools in the Centennial School District; part-day classrooms are at the Early Childhood Center. Registrations received between February 3 – February 23 will be included in the placement lottery. Registration will remain open after the lottery for remaining seats. Program information and registration can be found here.
Register online or in-person at one of our preschool registration events!
- Landings of Lexington, 9400 Lexington Ave, Tuesday, February 4, 10 am-noon – community room
- Centennial Square, 3200 89th Ave NE, Wednesday, February 5, 4 pm-5:30 pm – community room
- Centennial Library, 100 Civic Heights Cir, Tuesday, February 11, 10 am-noon – entry vestibule
- Centerville Elementary, 1721 Westview St, Thursday, February 13, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm– room 110
Know of a family interested in attending Centennial Schools?
Centennial is accepting open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school. More information can be found here.
Mark your calendar for the spring College Fair
Centennial High School will host a Spring College Fair on Monday, February 24 from 5:30 pm-7 pm in the West Gym. Visit with representatives from regional colleges, universities, community colleges, and technical colleges. This event is open to all parents and students in any grade level as well as the Centennial community.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800