Arrival and Dismissal Process
2024-2025: Please review this very important information

2024-2025: Please review this very important information
Please review this very important information about Arrival and Dismissal. Safety is our first priority. If you are dropping off your child at school, please give big hugs and encouragement prior to your student entering the school. In the spirit of safety, parents are not permitted to walk with their child to their classroom. Thank you for your patience during arrival and dismissal!
Slow and safeā¦please expect delays and have some grace!
School start time: 8:30 am
Students are permitted to enter the school at their designated door beginning at 8:20 am. There is no supervision for students prior to 8:20am so please do not leave your student unattended!
Arrival- Parents Dropping off Students Using a Vehicle
You may use our main front parking lot loop to drop-off students from your vehicle. However, you are not permitted to park along the curb when dropping off your child. You must drop off your child and continue driving to allow others to drop off their children. Children must exit the car on the curb side. Please use designated cross-walks when corssing the lot. This is where moving traffic expects to find pedestrians, and where crossing guards are stationed.
Students enter at the following locations between 8:20 - 8:30 am:
- Young 5s, Kindergarten, First and Second Grade should enter through the south side doors located near the new gym and field. Kindergarten teachers will continue to come outside to greet their class and walk them in.
- Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade should enter through the doors located by the main office entrance
- All students who arrive after 8:30 am must enter through the main entrance as the other building doors will be closed.
See pictures below:
Full Day Dismissal ends at 3:20 pm
Half Day Dismissal ends at 11:40am
Student pick-up locations:
All students will dismiss out of the same doors that they come in for arrival!
- Young 5s/Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd Grade: Dissmiss through the south side doors located near the new gym and field. Kindergarten will continue to come out a little early so that the teachers can physically see each adult that is picking up their student to ensure safety!
- 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade: Dismiss through the doors located by the main office entrance.
Upcoming Changes
To ensure a smoother and more efficient drop-off and pick-up process, we will be implementing changes to our arrival and dismissal procedures when the new gym complete.
This will likely happen middle to late October, but we are hopeful we may be able to change sooner!
Early Dismissal Reminders
We would like to remind you that, to minimize disruptions during the final instructional period of the day, early pick-ups will not be allowed after 3:00 PM. We kindly ask that you plan any necessary early dismissals accordingly.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a focused and productive learning environment for all our students.
No Parking in the Bus Loop
We want to remind you that parking in the bus loop is strictly prohibited at all times. The bus loop must remain clear for the safe arrival and departure of our school buses. This impacts the arrival and dismissal of hundreds of our Wildwood students. Please use the designated parking areas if you need to park on school grounds. Your cooperation is essential to ensure the safety of all our students.
Wildwood Elementary School
500 N. Wildwood
Westland, MI 48185
Student Hours
Full Day: 8:30 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
AM Half Day: 8:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
Phone: 734-419-2790
Fax: 734-419-2627
Attendance Line: 734-419-2799