RCPS Newsletter
Update - November 1, 2024
It is hard to believe we are already in the month of November, although the sudden weather change is confirmation that winter is on it's way. Students had such an amazing time yesterday celebrating and getting excited for Halloween. It was amazing to see staff and students laughing and having fun together. As well, students have been highly engaged in their learning in classrooms and in extra-curricular sports and clubs, like Rugby, Cross-Country running and choir.
Progress Reports and Kindergarten Initial Communication of Learning will go home later this month. Following that, homeroom staff will reach out to you to set up a time to conference, should you desire to discuss your child's/children's progress, either in person, virtually or by phone.
Please feel free to reach out anytime you may have question regarding your child's/children's learning.
Renovations are coming along and we now have occupancy of the Alderville Student Support space as well as the custodial office. Work continues to be done in the accessible washroom and the Library.
Many thanks to our school council for providing uniform t-shirt for our school choir and scoop chairs for our some of our students. A reminder that school council meets next on Tuesday, November 26 and all are welcome.
Please make note of the Remembrance Day events below as well as the sale of spirit wear for those who may be interested.
Thank you, Miigwech, Merci.
Yours in Education Partnership,
Mary Jane Corradetti
Principal, Roseneath Centennial P.S.
Ready, Set, Bake – Our Holiday Fundraiser Has Begun!
From our School Council:
Hello, Aaniin, Bonjour Roseneath Families!
November is here, and that chill in the air is telling us one thing: it’s time to kick off our Roseneath Centennial Public School Holiday Family Fundraiser! We’re excited to announce our partnership with MacMillan's, bringing you all the delicious cookie doughs, muffin batters, and treats you’ll need to make this holiday season extra sweet.
Why join? Well, proceeds will go directly toward extra classroom materials, exciting school-wide trips, and fun workshops like “Scientist in the Classroom.” This is your chance to help create memorable moments for our kids – all while stocking up on treats the whole family will love!
📝 Order by December 2 to make sure you don’t miss out! Pickup will be December 16 at the school.
💻 How to Order: 1. Go to macmillansfundraising.online
2. Choose “Shop Our Products.”
3. Pick your favorites and checkout, selecting Roseneath from the organization menu!
FAQ for Parents and Friends:
· When and How will I receive my order? Orders will be delivered to the school on December 16 or 17, 2024. Date will be finalized shortly.
· How can I easily refer a friend or a family member? Feel free to share the website address, and they can order online! We encourage going paperless, but if you prefer, we can provide a brochure. Or, we can send you an email template with a link for sharing.
· Will I have to pay for shipping? No shipping fees for school delivery!
· Can I order more after the fundraiser? Yes! MacMillans products are available year-round through their retail store. Or, you can suggest another fundraiser so we can continue to support our programs.
Memory Project - Veteran Speaker Captain Raees Ahmed - November 7, 2024
We have Captain Raees Ahmed coming to speak at our school in the gym on Thursday, November 7th at 9:45am-10:50am at the latest. All school community members are invited to join us.
Remembrance Day Service at Roseneath War Memorial - November 11, 2024
The whole school will be walking to and attending Remembrance Day services at the Roseneath War Memorial across from the old "Robins' Store" at the corner of County Road 45 at 10:30 am. Our choir will be singing and students will be reciting poetry.
Please encourage students to dress appropriately and bring umbrellas if needed as we will be standing about for a while. Making sure each student has a poppy, either a sticker, pin, homemade poppy....would be perfect! The school will provide poppies as well for this day.
Spirit Wear for Sale
Looking for a great gift or just want to have some RCPS swag? Spirit wear is available for purchase from Ricart's online store. The store is open from now until November 15, 2024. Once purchases have been made and the store is closed, families will be notified of delivery and items will be available for pick up in the office.
Click on the link below to start shopping!!
Lockdown Drill
All schools are required to complete two Lock Down Drills per year to review and practice procedures in the unlikely event that there is ever a real need for a 'Lock Down', where there is threat inside the school.
Other Emergency Responses that do not require practice are a 'Hold and Secure', where there is a threat outside of the school such as a wild animal on the yard, when school activities can carry on as usual or a 'Shelter-in-Place', for an environmental concern such as a weather event, where school activities can carry on as usual but dismissal times could be delayed.
We will be having a Lock Down Drill on Tuesday, November 5. Please take some time, if you are able, to review with your child(ren) that the Lock Down drill is a practice only and a necessary part of school operations.
Lost and Found
We have many clothing items that have not been claimed by students. They are on display in the front entrance. Please feel free to come by and see if there are items that belong to anyone in your family!
Items not claimed by November 15 will be donated.
Hot Lunches
We have received many inquiries regarding hot lunches. School Council is working on a plan to begin offering hot lunches to students. Please stay tuned for messaging.
Upcoming Events
- November 6 - Grade 8 Trip to CCI
- November 8 - Bus Safety Presentations
- November 8 - Indigenous Veterans Day
- November 11 - Remembrance Day
- November 20 - Picture Retake Day
- November 20 - Progress Reports come home
- November 26 - School Council Meeting @ 5:30 pm
Contact Us
Email: roseneathps@kprdsb.ca
Website: https://roseneath.kprdsb.ca/
Location: 9047 County Road 45, Roseneath, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-352-2161