Coralville Central Newsletter
February 14th, 2025
Coralville Central is... the place to be!!
From Mr. Gahan
Dear Coralville Central Families,
Winter has finally arrived, and it looks like it’s here to stay! As we embrace the season, I want to remind you that Parent/Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your child's teacher(s) and discuss their progress. If you need any assistance signing up, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Additionally, we are looking for volunteers for our annual Fun Fair! This incredible event runs smoothly thanks to the help of our amazing school community. If you're able to lend a hand, we would greatly appreciate it!
As we celebrate February, I want to take a moment to wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day! May your month be filled with kindness, friendship, and love.
Warm Wishes
Andy Gahan
Sign-up to volunteer for the Fun Fair!
Conferences are coming!
Sign up for spring conferences
Spring Conferences are right around the corner. Parent/teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, February 26th (3:10-7:10), Thursday, March 6th (2:10-7:10) and Friday, March 7th (7:40-3:40).
Please use the link below to sign up to meet with your student's teacher(s). Conferences can be in person or via Zoom. When signing up, you will be going into the app - PTC Wizard. Please use your username and password from Infinite Campus to access PTC Wizard.
No PreK on March 6th!
There won't be preschool on Thursday, March 6th. Ms. Angie will be having preschool conferences.
Yearbooks will be going on sale very soon - forms will be sent home with all students on Monday, February 17th. Orders need to be completed/returned to school no later than Friday, March 14th!!
To order online, go to https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09863915.
Coralville Central Directory 2024-2025
Below is a link for the Coralville Central Directory for this school year.
Coralville Central's Personal Device Policy
Here is the policy for all students' personal devices.
Personal Devices (i.e. cell phones, smart watches, tablets, personal laptops, etc.):
- ALL cell phones and other electronic devices, including smart watches, must be turned in at the start of the day.
- Phone calls can only be made from a school phone with adult supervision.
- If you need to contact a parent about an issue at school, you must first speak to a teacher or another adult about the situation.
- If it is discovered that a student has not turned in their device, parents will be called to pick it up from the office.
The district will not be held accountable for lost or stolen items brought to school by a student.
A further note, this policy extends to field trips. NO PERSONAL DEVICES WILL BE ALLOWED ON ANY FIELD TRIPS.
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found continues to be full!
Please remind your student to check for missing items often. It is EXTREMELY important to remember to label coats, jackets, sweatshirts, lunch containers, water bottles, etc. That way we can give the items back to its owner.
Prior to winter break, all unclaimed items will be donated.
Counselor's Corner
February is a mixed bag of lessons around the building during Classroom Counseling (Guidance)--some grade levels are still learning about emotions and older grades have moved onto problem-solving skills. I have put together a list of conversation starters you can use with your children at home, all of them relate to a lesson or two we have had in guidance the past few weeks. I am confident each student could have a strong conversation with you about their learning.
- Preschool--Who comes to teach with Miss Becca every Friday? Remember, they are furry with big ears and SOOOOO cute.
- Kindergarten--What clues do you use to notice each other's feelings? How did the body scan make you feel?
- First Grade--When you have an angry feeling what is your favorite calming strategy? (deep breath, slow counting, calm corner)
- Second Grade--When you played Roll a Worry, what was your favorite strategy to feel calm? Do you remember ALL of the strategies? Let's try them as a family.
- Third Grade--Tell them the difference between annoyed, angry and furious. Why is it important to feel emotions? What do they tell us?
- Fourth Grade--Tell me about a time you had to 'rethink' a situation or maybe you had to help a friend 'rethink'.
- Fifth Grade--Have you made any small changes to deal with stress? Does it seem to be helping? Is there any help you need from an adult?
Devin Redmond (she/hers)
Teacher Librarian
Coralville Central Elementary : ICCSD
Instagram @cclibrary
Facebook @coralvillecentral
Twitter @devinred
Spring Pictures - February 20th
Spring pictures are being taken by Halverson Photography on Thursday, February 20th.
Please remember, these pictures are only taken for students who purchase in advance. Below is the link and QR code.
Amazing Art!
Kindergarten students work on their mixed-media art inspired by the book, Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom.
2nd grade students show their completed Color Factory drawings, inspired by the book Color Blocked. We learned about different kinds of lines, shapes, and connecting them to create factories. Then we learned about the color wheel and how to mix primary colors to get secondary colors!
5th grade students made polar bears using model magic clay!
4th grade students are working on plaster sculpture pop-art candy hearts! We are learning about making an armature, and how to create a tint with tempera paint.
Winter Clothing
Dressing for the Weather
Hello Coralville Central families,
Winter is here and it is important that all students are dressed for the weather which means having a good, warm coat. If your student needs a coat, feel free to contact me, Mr. Mendoza--Student Family Advocate. I'll work hard to ensure your student has a coat that will fit them and keep them warm throughout this fall/winter season.
Thank you!
Mr. Mendoza
Student and Family Advocate
Coralville Central Elementary
Iowa City Community School District
Email: mendoza.michael@iowacityschools.org
Office #: 319.688.1100 Ext. 4513
A Note from the Nurse!
Facts about Influenza
We are seeing a lot of illnesses going around school right now. One of the big things people are reporting is Influenza A. Here is some information about Influenza in general.
What is influenza?
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Influenza is a highly contagious virus that affects mainly the nose, throat, chest and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times, can lead to death. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination each year.
The Spread of Influenza
Flu viruses mainly spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to five days after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.
Infectious Period
People may be able to infect each other one day before symptoms occur and up to ten days after being sick.
Why Children and Childcare Workers Should get the Flu Vaccine Every Year
The influenza virus changes every year, as it makes its way around the world. Since the exact flu viruses are almost never the same from year to year, the strains of influenza in the vaccine changes each year. This is why you need a new flu vaccine every year. The vaccine only protects you from influenza for one year.
Yearly flu vaccination should begin as soon as the vaccine is available usually early in the fall. This will help protect provide protection for the entire flu season.
If you get sick
Most healthy people recover from the flu without complications. If you get the flu, stay home, get lots of rest, and drink plenty of liquids. There are over-the-counter (OTC) medications to relieve the symptoms of the flu (but never give aspirin to children or teenagers who have flu-like symptoms, particularly fever). Remember that serious illness from the flu is more likely in certain groups of people, including people 65 years of age and older, pregnant women, people with certain chronic conditions and young children. Consult your doctor early for the best treatment, but also be aware of emergency warning signs that require urgent medical attention.
Emergency Warning Signs of Influenza
In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
- Fast breathing or trouble breathing
- Bluish skin color
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Not waking up or not interacting
- Being so irritable so that the child does not want to be held
- Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
- Fever with a rash
Free Dental Services
Free Preventative Dental Services
There will be a clinic in Iowa City on Februrary 21st (8:00 - 12:30) for free preventative dental services. By appointment only! See the attached document below.
Please send EXTRA Clothes!
Every Class, Every Day, ON TIME
School begins promptly at 7:50 AM. Any student arriving in the classroom after 7:50 AM
is late to school. Currently we are having a large number of students arriving to school late. Please know these minutes are counted in their absenteeism and can result in consequences.
Confused about attendance that is marked Unexcused?
Anything that is not a state exempt absence (Religious, Medical, Family Medical) is coded in Infinite Campus as Unexcused because it is counting the minutes missed from instruction.
Students are allowed up to 8 Medically Exempt (MEDX) absences per trimester. Medical absences after 8 must have a note to be exempt.
Classroom Snacks & Celebrations
Classroom Snacks & Celebrations
The District is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment for our students. Due to the increase in food allergies and concerns with childhood obesity, changes have been made to the district's Wellness Policy regarding classroom snacks, birthday treats, and classroom celebrations. Some elementary schools are celebrating without food, so please check with your child's school to find out their practice.
When food is served to students in the classroom as a snack, birthday treat, or during a classroom celebration, the following rules apply (ICCSD Wellness Policy 507.9):
- allow only fresh fruits/vegetables or purchased foods with the ingredients listed (no homemade foods).
- allow only foods that meet the Healthy Food Guidelines/Smart Snacks. The only exception to this would be food-tasting related to district-approved curriculum lessons.
- not allow foods with peanuts or peanut butter, or foods that were made in a factory where cross-contamination may occur.
- food that does not meet the guidelines will be sent home.
- a list of acceptable foods (Healthy Food Guidelines/Smart Snacks) will be made available to parents and teachers at the beginning of the school year (and can be found on the district web site).
Examples of Acceptable Foods:
- Veggie straws or chips
- Skinny Pop or Boom Chicka Pop popcorn
- Cheddar Goldfish or Annie's Cheddar Bunnies
- Gluten-free pretzels or pretzel chips (example: Snyder's brand)
- Carrots
- Applesauce
- Fruit leathers
- Benton's animal crackers (Aldi)
- Apples, bananas, cuties
- Pirate's Booty
- Mott's, Welch's or Annie's fruit snacks
**Snacks MUST be individually packaged.
**All snacks MUST be PEANUT/TREE NUT FREE and MUST NOT be made in a facility that processes nuts. The packaging should not have any NUT Allergy Warnings.
Read the ingredient label for any allergy warnings.
**Snacks that are not on the approved list will be sent home.
**Non-food items are always preferable so all students may safely enjoy a treat. Some examples include:
- Stickers
- Washable tatoos
- Bubbles
- Pencils/erasers
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 17th - Burn Prevention Puppet Program (2nd grade, in library)
- Wednesday, February 19th - 1st Grade Field Trip Englert Theater
- Wednesday, February 19th - 3rd-5th grades AM field trip to CCPA (practice for concert)
- Wednesday, February 19th - 3rd-5th Music Concert @ CCPA (6:00-7:00)
- Friday, February 21st - Spring Pictures
- Wednesday, February 26th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (3:10-7:10pm)
Preschool Registration
Preschool registration for the 2025-26 school year opened on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
Do you have a child who will be turning 4 years of age on or before September 15, 2025? If so, you can go into your neighborhood school or online to register.
All of our preschool teachers are certified in both general and special education, and we offer free half-day programming for 4-year-olds in all of our elementary schools with full-day tuition options also available in all locations.
Please bring registration documents with you, including your child’s immunization records, birth certificate, and health physical. Don’t worry; if you don’t have the records available, we can still get your child registered!
We look forward to welcoming your little one to our preschool family! For more information, visit www.IowaCitySchools.org/Preschool.
www.IowaCitySchools.org | /Enroll | /Branding | /CommunityRelations
Music Program for Grades 3-5
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 (6:00-7:00)
You are invited to join us for a winter concert for all students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. We have been working hard in Music to prepare for this event. The performance will be held at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts. Friends and family are welcome to attend. Please drop your students off inside the CCPA at the stairwell inside the doors that lead to the parking lot. Coralville Central Staff members will be there to help them find their classmates and the way to the stage.
5:45-5:55 Students arrive
6:00-6:10 3rd grade performs. 3rd graders will rejoin their families in the audience
6:15-6:25 4th grade performs. 4th graders will wait backstage after they are done
6:30-6:40 5th grade performs. 5th graders will meet their families in the auditorium
6:40 4th graders will be picked up in the lobby
Supervision will begin at 5:45. If you arrive early please wait in the CCPA lobby with your students until the designated arrival time. If you have questions about the event please feel free to contact me by email at heimerman.camden@iowacityschools.org or contact the school at (319) 688-1100. I hope to see you at the performance!
Camden Heimerman
General Music- Coralville Central Elementary
Looking ahead for the Fun Fair
Below are the themes for the class baskets:
PreK - Movie Night
Kindergarten - Spa Day
1st Grade - Sports
2nd Grade - Art Fun
3rd Grade - Outdoor Adventure
4th Grade - Trip Around the World
5th Grade - Game Night
Information will be coming soon as to how you can help!
Chess Club
Central Chess Club is open to all students. We meet on Tuesday mornings at 7:15 in the school library and our goal is to have fun, learn chess, and frame losses as an opportunity to learn. Students do not need to know how to play chess to join the club!! Come join us!
For any questions, please email coralvillecentralchess@gmail.com.
Coming into school?
If you need to come into Coralville Central for any reason, please come to the front of the school and ring the doorbell. We will let you in and then you need to come into the main office and sign in. Thank you!
What to do for Pick-up & Drop-off
Traffic Patterns at Coralville Central
The link below is the description of the expectations for drop-off and pick-up at Coralville Central. Thank you for following these guidelines. We want everyone to make it safely and on time.
Have you had any conversations with your students about PBIS at Coralville Central?
Some possible questions you can ask:
Why do teachers give kids tickets at school?
What are the PBIS expectations in the hallways? The bathrooms? What about the lunchroom and on the playground?
What expectations are easiest for you to follow? Which ones are hardest? Why?
Securly Information
Looking for information on Securly, our web filtering tool? Find all
the information here www.IowaCitySchools.org/Securly.
If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. Thank you!
CONTACT: (319) 688-1000 | pedersen.kristin@iowacityschools.org
EXPLORE: www.IowaCitySchools.org
FOLLOW: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Mobile App
Technology & Learning
Technology continues to evolve and play a key role in learning. One recent emerging technology claiming to transform education is artificial intelligence (AI). As the district explores both the potential and pitfalls of AI, we wanted to gain your insights. The questions within the survey will help us better understand your knowledge of AI, what concerns you may have, as well as what hunches you have about its ability to enhance student learning. In addition, your expertise will assist in the creation of guidelines for both teachers and students as they use artificial intelligence in the classroom. Your anonymous feedback will play a crucial role in ensuring artificial intelligence is not only accessible but used responsibly and effectively to enrich student learning experiences. We greatly appreciate your time and thoughtful responses to the probing questions.
Student Handbook
Ombuds Office
High Reliability Schools
In order to achieve our goals of excellence and equity for all students, we have adopted a new school improvement model called High Reliability Schools. High Reliability Schools is a framework that supports fulfilling our vision of equitable outcomes for all students. It gives us a common language to name what we’re doing, assess our current reality, align our initiatives, and determine where to go next. It is a vehicle that allows us to balance shared responsibility and autonomy to make decisions that best meet the needs of all our students.
We are excited to get this work started and we are excited to partner in this process with all of you! We value the voice of our school community and we want to make sure that your experiences are reflected in our High Reliability Schools implementation. Throughout the year, there will be multiple opportunities for our students, families, and staff to provide feedback that will inform the work that we do. Please stay tuned for information on these opportunities. We look forward to partnering with you on this exciting new adventure!