RPS Update
January 10, 2025
Dear Ridgefield Community,
Happy New Year! The start of a new year is an opportunity to reset, start anew, and reflect on progress. It is absolutely one of my favorite times of the year. I take this opportunity to memorialize my goals each year (personally and professionally) as that serves as a reminder of my commitments while also allowing me to see progress. Over winter break, I loved having our three children home, and for as much as they may miss each other when apart, it didn’t take long until the typical sibling interactions were all the buzz around the house.
At the close of the holiday season, we were quickly back in the thick of it! The District is in the midst of finalizing the Superintendent’s FY26 Proposed Budget to be presented on Thursday evening, January 16, which will be followed by a full-day virtual cost center presentation on Saturday, January 25. You will hear many updates in between and after the budget presentations; we will offer opportunities for community feedback at public hearings, meetings, in-person Q&A sessions, and online forms. On the topic of budget, we updated the BOE Budget and Finance Committee yesterday on the recent impact of reductions in the CT Excess Cost Reimbursement to Ridgefield. In addition to having a negative impact on this current year's budget, these reductions have also influenced how we will mitigate risk in the FY26 budget. I would encourage you to stay informed by watching yesterday’s BOE committee meeting.
We learned this past week that the Town will likely be setting a referendum date for a few Town priorities. Two of these projects directly influence our students and faculty- the roofs at our schools and a new location for the AHS/RTP program. Once we learn of the confirmed date, we will be sure to share it with the community.
Soon, we will be scheduling Parent Focus Groups. Our purpose in having these sessions is to gain greater insight and a deeper understanding from the parents' points of view. While we hope to keep the size of the group manageable for meaningful conversations, we also want to hear from a diverse set of families across all of our schools. Keep watch for ways to have your voice heard.
The next few weeks are filled with plenty of indoor concerts, sporting events, and extracurriculars to keep us warm and connected to our RPS students and programs. Enjoy!
Wishing you success with your 2025 hopes and dreams. Be sure to take a look at our “Resolutions Around the District” in this newsletter!
Susie Da Silva, Ed.D
Quote of the Week
Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic.”
—Robin Sharma
Photo Caption: Barlow Mountain Elementary student with her invention during the BMES Invention Convention.
What Students and Parents Need to Know About Course Selection and Balance,
On this week’s episode of Ridgefield Tiger Talk, we welcome Stephanie Cheung, Counseling Supervisor, and Lori Bran, School Counselor. We discussed this year’s course selection for RHS students and students coming from middle school, next week’s (01/15/25 @ 6 pm) open house for parents of eighth graders to see the high school’s elective offerings, and tips and tricks for both parents & students when trying to figure out what courses to take. Click here for the counseling website that was mentioned in the show. Thanks for listening!
January 2025 Calendar
Please note the Superintendent will present the Proposed School Year 2025-26 Budget to the Board of Education on Thursday, January 16 at 7 pm. January 25 is the all-day virtual BoE Budget workshop—each cost center will give details on their budgets. February 1 will be the Public Hearing. More information and links for virtual meetings (live and recorded) are available on the Board of Education webpage.
Remember to check your school calendar for early dismissals, special events, concert schedules, and more. Review our Weather-Related Closure Protocols and discuss your family’s plan for an early dismissal with your children.
Rising Freshman Orientation and Open House—Jan. 15
RHS invites all rising 9th-graders and their parents to an Orientation on Wednesday, January 15, at 6:00 p.m. The Snow Date is January 23. The Open House program includes an Open Choice Fair for students and families to explore the variety of courses students can choose from at RHS as well as a presentation from RHS administration and leadership staff members. The presentation will provide important course selection information for students, explanations of course offerings and sequence, procedures to follow over the next few months, and information RHS has found to be helpful for planning the first year at RHS.
Rising grade 9 families should have received this letter from RHS Principal Dr. Jacob Greenwood and Counseling Chair Stephanie Cheung.
NEW! Summer Bridge Registration to Open February 7
Elementary Summer Bridge—Rising Grades K-5
Middle School Forever Summer Bridge—Rising Grades 6-8
High School Summer Bridge—Rising Grades 9-12
Be a Best Buddy!—Free, Full-Day Summer Program
Parenting Workshop—January 22
Math Placement Presentation—January 23
Senior Internship Travel Opportunity
The Ridgefield High School Senior Internship Program has been working to increase opportunities for students to display the RHS core values by serving the greater community, including experiences abroad.
Last summer, RHS School Counselors Lori Bran and Katelyn Foran joined a group of educators from across the country to travel with Squads Abroad to Belize to volunteer in a rural village, including a school, medical clinic, and women's business organization. Seeing the great impact of this work on both the community and the volunteers, we are excited to offer a similar trip to our Senior Interns. We will be traveling, with a group of seniors, to Panama for one week in May. There, we will partner with a local community to perform community service as well as participate in cultural activities and tourism.
We know that this experience will be meaningful and transformative to our students as they conclude their K-12 education and prepare to move on to higher education or the workforce.
If you are a parent of a senior, we encourage you to speak to your student about going on this trip. Registration is open now! More information about the logistics and details of the trip can be found here:
Please contact Lori Bran at 203-894-5750 ext. 2180 or lbran@ridgefieldps.net with any questions.
New RHS Courses
At the December meeting, the Board of Education approved three new programs available at RHS. See below or listen to the November 25 BoE meeting (approximately 52-minute mark) to learn more about these three exciting new offerings.
PE Offerings Adapted to Give Students Choice
American Sign Language
The World Language Department will offer American Sign Language.
Mystery, Mayhem, and True Crime Is Humanities Elective
Kindergarten 2025-2026 Registration
It's time for families to register for the Kindergarten 2025-26 School Year. Sign up and learn all about our Kindergarten Enrollment Process. Read more about the Kindergarten Waiver Process.
Resolutions Around the District
RPS Communications resolved to match our District's excellence with engaging content that brings our classes and beyond to life. To that end, we include some of the RPS community members' resolutions and goals below. Happy New Year, RPS. Please continue to share your resolutions, advice, stories, and questions.
I started a gratitude journal! As the subtitle says, "Give thanks, practice positivity, and find joy!" That's what I want for 2025.
—Jennifer Photosole, East Ridge MS Principal
In 2025, I’m hoping to place a greater focus on my mental health and reaching out to others. This could be through making time to journal and checking in with friends. It is my goal to initiate more kindness in our Ridgefield community. I want to encourage more community service and acts of goodwill in our everyday lives.
—Naomi Vakil, RHS Student Body President
In 2025, my goal is to focus on my physical health. I plan on doing this by taking more breaks, sleeping more or drinking more water.
—Camille Wyatt, RHS Junior
My New Year's resolutions are to travel somewhere new and go for a walk every day!
—Jill Quattrocchi, Elementary World Language
- Spend more time with loved ones, spend less time on my phone/screens
- Eat better by eating more whole foods (cut out lots of sugar and processed food)
- Exercise 2-3x a week
- Read a book a month
—Brendan Leslie, Scotts Ridge Middle School English
My goal is to create better relationships. The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. The first relationship I’m working on is the one I have with myself.
—Jennifer Tejada, RPS parent
This year, I will try to inspire my students and families by modeling perseverance and healthy habits through training for and running a half marathon while balancing my teaching and family responsibilities. I will run the NYC 1/2 marathon in March, and I am raising funds for Safe Horizon, the largest victim services nonprofit organization in the US, providing social services for victims of abuse and violent crime.
—Lisa Whelan, RPS Teacher of the Year, Barlow Mountain Kindergarten
In 2025, I have resolved to hold myself accountable by memorializing my goals and action steps and checking in on them frequently (and if I need to, modify and adjust as necessary)!
—Dr. Susie Da Silva, Superintendent
My resolution is to do a "one line a day" dopamine journal for the entire year (you write about one thing that made you happy every day or something notable about the day). ! I want to document my life better and encourage myself to do more fun things so that I have something cool to write about.
—Jules Chetcuti, Scotts Ridge Middle School Strings
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to read more texts in translation--to read novels that were originally written in languages other than English so that I can learn about cultures different from my own. I am excited to embark upon this global adventure without even having to leave the comfort of my couch!
—Matthew Goetz, RHS English
1. Be the best father and partner I can be
2. Complete 20 original compositions
3. Take nothing for granted
4. Seize the day; make what you want to happen, happen!
—Josh Sette, Barlow Mountain, Ridgebury, and Scotland Orchestra Director
I tend to focus on a word for the year instead of a resolution... for 2024 it was listening, which will continue for 2025 (and beyond!). For 2025 - it's CURIOSITY!
—Dr. Liz Hannaway, Assistant Superintendent of Special Services
I am not really a resolution person. However, I do set achievable goals. This year, two of my goals are to read 50 books (I read 43 this year), and to write one good thing about each day in my planner at the end of day. My hope is to end 2025 with 365 good things to reflect, and look back on.
—Jennifer Bray, Scotts Ridge MS English
Bray's top three favorites from 2024: The Women by Kristin Hannah, James by Percival Everett, and All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker.
Check Your RPS eBackpack
Please help RPS go green by checking your students' e-Backpack weekly for important information. Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion to cmelagrano@ridgefieldps.net
Resources for LGBTQ+ families and youth, including a monthly game night and virtual caregiver support group, are available in the eBackpack and on ridgefieldctpride.com.
The HeART of RPS
District Music Festivals Start Soon: Don't Miss These Showcases
Get ready for the Ridgefield Public Schools District Music Festivals, a spectacular event showcasing our talented students in chorus, band, and orchestra!
🌟 For 5th Grade Families:
Your 5th grader will be part of a district-wide group performance, where they’ll meet future middle school music teachers and new classmates in the performing ensembles. It’s a great way to build excitement for middle school while making new friends and having fun! Plus, they’ll get to see inspiring performances by the 8th-grade and high school ensembles.
🌟 For 8th Grade Families:
Our 8th performers will be featured as role models showing how much they’ve grown musically. It's a chance to inspire the 5th graders, connect with high school musicians and teachers, and prepare for the next step in their musical journey.
🌟 For High School Families:
Our high school musicians will take center stage, showcasing their incredible talent and dedication. As the top-level performers, they will inspire the younger students and be part of a grand combined performance, bringing together musicians from all levels.
🎤 Why Attend?:
This festival is not just about performing—it’s about building community, celebrating progress, and inspiring the next generation of musicians. The event will culminate in a combined performance featuring elementary, middle, and high school students, creating an unforgettable musical experience!
We can’t wait to see you there as we celebrate music together! 🎼
For more information, please contact your child’s music teacher!
Beyond the Classroom
RHS Athletics
The RHS Athletic Department newsletter came out this week with information about the new Sports Communication Platform, SportsYou, and Fall coaches' honors. Please read the newsletter for more news. See the full Winter sports schedule here.
The RHS Wrestling Team remains undefeated with a win against Fairfield Ludlowe on Wednesday evening; they also earned Ruden Report Team of the Week honors for toppling top teams in the State.
Let's go, Tigers!
Ruby's Pantries Provide; Please Consider Donating
Families in need can find staples at the following Little Pantry locations. Families with abundance are encouraged to stock the pantries with meal staples like spaghetti and sauce or mac and cheese.
Ridgebury Congregational Church, 605 Ridgebury Rd, Ridgefield, CT
Jesse Lee Church, 207 Main Street
Nature's Temptations, 32 Prospect Street
Wooster Hollow Cafe, 659 Danbury Rd
Boys & Girls Club of Ridgefield, 41 Governor St, Ridgefield
Photos from the Week
Many Hands Make Light Work:)
Warm Hands and Hearts
Dog Days of Winter?
Scotland Elementary teacher and ROAR (Ridgefield Operation Animal Rescue) volunteer June Presslaff shared these adorable photos of students coloring folders for ROAR. Ms. Presslaff reports, "Each family that adopts a pet takes home their paperwork in a folder designed by a child. At SES, this is a HOT ticket item as the kids love to be the artists, and the ROAR staff just keeps throwing boxes and boxes of blank white folders my way to have decorated."
Stay Warm and Healthy!
We would love to hear from you! Families and staff can submit stories, comments, or corrections to RPS Communications. Please follow us on Social Media with links below.