Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
Jan 1-7 - No School Winter Break
Jan 8 - No School -Staff Development
Jan 9 - Welcome Back to School
Jan 9 - Parent Connection Friend's Time
Jan 11 - Policy Council
Jan 15 - No School - Martin Luther King Day
Jan 16 - EHS Socialization 10am and 3:30pm
Jan 17 - Genesis Family Health Event for Bright Beginning students
Jan 23 - Parent Meeting
Dear Bright Beginning’s Families:
Happy New Year! We are so excited to start a second semester of learning with you!
We have a lot happening in January. You should have received a message about the CLASS review that will take place during the month of January and February. This year the observations are done via video observations. We are excited to see all the great things happening in our classrooms.
We have many opportunities for you to learn and engage with your child. Look for information about Parent Meetings and Friend’s Connection Time. Also, don’t forget about the monthly activity calendars that come home with your child with fun learning opportunities to do at home.
Remember, setting healthy habits for attending school starts now. Children need consistent routines to help them develop and feel safe. Please help your child be at school every day.
We are so excited to see all the learning that will happen this semester. Thank you for allowing us to serve your children!
Bianca Alvarez
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
7:50 am
11:50 am
- 2024-2025 Agency Budget
- Goals and Objectives 2024-2025
- Approval of Job Descriptions
- Self Assessment Summary
- Community Assessment Summary
- Monthly Fiscal Report
The next meeting will be February 1, 2024 at 11:30 am. in the Policy Council room (basement of building A). If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher, advocate, or Brenda Carmona for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council. We are so excited to share our program information with parents and have our parents guide our program decisions.
December School Readiness Event
Check out our Bright Beginnings page if you don't follow us there yet! We posted pictures of the event there and we always post important information. https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
Families enjoyed doing activities with their child.
Parents helping their children with letter bead bracelets.
Parents helping their child with a kitchen towel craft
Parents helping their child with an art activity
Children playing a game
Families making a jingle bell craft
BINGO Night / Parent Meeting Event
Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024, 05:00 PM
Dodge City Civic Center, 2100 1st Ave, Dodge City, KS 67801, USA
What a joy to to continue to welcome your families into Bright Beginnings School Family during this NEW YEAR 2024!! I hope this time away give your family precious moments and memories.
Your child/ren have been learning what it means to be in control of their own free will that leads them to making appropriate choices. We get to be a part of that with your kiddos young mind and young heart. We can meet children where they are in their strive for being loved, seen, heard, and appreciated. Giving a child acceptable choices allow them to feel in control of their world and the adults in their lives to give them structure.
Here's an example: "It's time to clean up. You can start by picking up the blocks or the magnet toys. The blocks go on this shelf. The magnet toys go in this bucket. Which one is best for you? Blocks or magnets." Altering the amount of language and visual cues will help all be successful with practice and consistency. Children have so many new things to show us that they can do. They need our help to narrow down the ones they know and the ones they need more skill building. Offering choices is a win win for all of us.
I added a new I love you Connection below. Feel free to add in family names in place of friends and watch your child's face as you connect in eye contact, touch, and playfulness.
Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well this January!~Miss Melyssa
January Focus is the Power of Free Will and the Skill is Choices
Sophie Makes a Choice
Shubert's Choice
I Love You Connection: Georgie Porgie and Margie Porgie
Come Join us on January 9th for our Parent Connection Group in the Library following Dismissal or January 16 and 23 /16 y 23 enero Parent Connection Friends Time In between morning and afternoon sessions 11:15 and 11:45 Come hear a Story and learn about the Story Hand
Some notes from our Nurse:
Salina will be hosting the annual Kansas Mission of Mercy (KMOM) a two-day free dental clinic on January 12-13, 2024 at the Tony's Pizza Events Center. This clinic will serve adults and children. Below is the link with more information. The Kansas Mission of Mercy (KMOM) is a two-day free dental clinic that serves adults, children, and sometimes entire families. https://www.ksdentalfoundation.org/kmom-for-kids-parents/ It is the goal of the Kansas Dental Charitable Foundation to make sure that any child who may not receive regular dental care, or has an unmet dental need, is able to take advantage of this unique and beneficial opportunity.
Genesis Health Event on January 17 We will be collaborating with Genesis Family Health with a Free Event on January 17. If your child is missing a health requirement please make sure to attend this event. Contact your Family Advocate to set up an appointment for your child. If your child needs an updated physical you will need to fill out the ASQ-3 before being seen. Flyer of event is attached below.
Kendra Tieben BSN, RN
Health/Nutrition Facilitator~School Nurse
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
BB 620-371-1227 T/Wam/R
EHS 620-371-1260 M/Wpm/F
We are Hiring!
- Would you like to work with young children in a preschool setting?
- Do you want a flexible schedule that follows the school district calendar?
Please share this out with anyone you know that you think would be great fit for Bright Beginnings!