January 2025
January 2025
Administrator's Message
I don't know about you, but I feel we we earned that winter break. Unfortunately, leading up to break, I was not been as present at work as I would like due to my family and I experiencing a cold/flu. I appreciate your patience in receiving a response from me via email or Remind. I also appreciate your patience in the coming weeks as I am the testing coordinator and we have several surveys and assessments that students need to complete in order to stay on track for graduation. The best way to help, is to ensure that your child is coming to school AND attending all of his/her/their classes. So many times we have contacted home regarding student attendance and parents tell us they bring them to school every day. That may be the case, but students often don't make it to all of their classes while they are here.
If you have questions about your child's attendance overall, please first log into ParentVUE. All attendance details are listed their. If you have questions, about your child's attendance in specific class, please reach out to the teacher of the specific period you have concerns. You may also contact the teacher form the period before.
Friendly reminders...
- Classes start at 7:45 am Students need to arrive to school no later than 7:35 am each day to ensure they have enough time to get in the building and to their 1st period location.
- Students should only leave campus during lunch IF THEY HAVE YOUR PERMISSION. Please check your child's attendance for 5th period. If they are frequently tardy or absent to 5th period, there is a good chance they are leaving for lunch.
Check your child's attendance
Several students are coming to school, but struggling to attend classes. Please look at your ParentVUE and follow up with individual teachers as necessary. In many cases, students are walking the halls with friends, hiding in bathrooms, or leaving campus altogether.
Stay Connected
From the Counseling office...
Academic Advisement
Can you believe we are already thinking about next year's classes?
During December, student got information about courses AEHS plans to offer next school year. Teachers talked about courses and programs offered in their departments. Students received an overview of what they needed to do to request their courses for next year. Teachers also met with students individually to discuss recommendations for the next school. Teachers did this by guiding students through a variety of resources and assisted them in completing a 4-year course plan for graduation. This plan can be edited from year to year. Students used the plan to request classes via a grade-level-specific Google form and in StudentVUE.
Please note that students only request courses they would like to take. We make our best effort to give students all of the courses they want, but there are times when we may no longer be able to offer a course. Ensuring graduation requirements are met will be a priority.
Below are the resources students used for academic advisement. Please review them and your child's requests. You may review Google Form responses with your child. An email was sent to them with their selections. If your child would like to make any changes/updates, they may do so with their counselor during one-on-one registration meetings in January. All changes must be submitted by 2:30 pm on Friday, February 14, 2025.
SY25 Academic Advisement Overview (Google Slides)
Overview of what students will be doing during academic advisement season
Used on 12/10
SY25 AEHS Course Bulletin (Google Doc)
Overview of AEHS Academic Programming
List of ALL courses AEHS plans to offer for the 2025-2026 school year
Descriptions of courses offered
Used on 12/10 and 12/11
Reminder of what students should think about as they request courses
Used on 12/11
AEHS Elective Courses (Google Slides)
Overview of programs of study and various courses that students can take for elective credit. Students must request three (3) elective courses.
Used on 12/10 and 12/11
MCPS Graduation Requirements (MCPS Website)
Requirements for graduation by each graduation year
Current 8th grade: Class of 2029
Current 9th grade: Class of 2028
Current 10th grade: Class of 2027
Current 11th grade: Class of 2026
Use to help guide what classes still need to be completed in order to meet the requirements based on your child’s graduation year
Pathway to Graduation 4-Year Plan (Google Doc)
Used to help students plan for classes next year and beyond. It is a plan, and can change in the future.
Used on 12/10 and 12/11.
From the College & Career Center
Peek Into 10th Grade
Upcoming College & Career Center Events
Take a look at the upcoming and past events from the College & Career Center. If you have any questions about specific events. Please contact Mr. Edgar Trigo edgar_trigo@mcpsmd.org
Shout Outs!
Dr. Josh Fine
Welcome Dr. Fine! He is our visiting administrator. He currently serves as the principal of Flower Hill Elementary School. He is here to support us as Mr. Krop as he completes is Principal Practicum. If you see him, please give him a warm welcome. Dr. Fine will be supporting our 11th grade students
Purchase your 2024 - 2025 Yearbook!
Don't forget to purchase a yearbook for your student(s) at the early bird purchase price of $80! Click the link to access the Walsworth website to make your pre-order purchase today!
2024-2025 AEHS Quantum Yearbook Early Bird Purchase Link!
Do you have pictures you've snapped at AEHS events that you'd like to share with everyone in the upcoming yearbook publication? Click the link to access SNAP and upload your images!
SNAP! Image sharing /upload link the access code is "titans" (all lowercase)
Questions? Please contact Mr. Emmanuel Fisher Emmanuel_C_Fisher@mcpsmd.org
Add to your calendar...
9th Grade College Tour to George Mason University
9th Grade College Tour - FREE field trip for the class of 2028
All grade 9 students will have the opportunity to participate in an in-person college tour
Field trip opportunities matched to high schools based on college availability and proximity to campus
Field trips are free to students!
Goals of this experience:
Identify regional colleges and universities
Explore college campuses
Reflect on postsecondary options
Identify personal preferences in postsecondary planning
What will students be doing? Students will participate in a presentation/information session, tour of campus, and time to each lunch on campus.
Who do I contact with questions? Ms. Jennifer Hill Jennifer_L_Hill@mcpsmd.org 9th Grade Class Sponsor
How do I sign my child up? Complete the google form below!
AEHS 3rd Annual School Wide Career Day
AEHS 3rd Annual School Wide Career Day
We are looking for guest presenters from all backgrounds, career fields, levels of education, etc. Last year we had over 130 presenters! We would love to reach our goal of 150!! Please use the Google Form below to sign up!