Michigan Learning Channel Update
June 1, 2024

Updates June 1, 2024
Thank you for your interest in learning about the work of the Literacy Essentials and MAISA's partnership with Michigan Learning Channel that helps enable brining the Literacy Essentials to life through the literacy broadcast series, Read, Write, ROAR!
If you have any questions about the content in this update, please reach out to Annie Spear, Literacy Content Project Manager, aspear@gomaisa.org.
Extending Learning Opportunities with the Michigan Learning Channel
Many thanks to Mark Raffler (markraffler@kentisd.org) & Sarah Shoemaker (sarahshoemaker@kentisd.org) for inviting Rachel Cain (WGVU Engagement Coordinator) and Annie Spear to join them on the Kent ISD Literacy Leaders and Coaches Network Podcast! We hope you will listen to it and share it with your district colleagues! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/llcnbrief
Read more below from Mark and Sarah:
This sixteenth episode provides us with the opportunity to lift up the expertise of Annie Spear Literacy Content Project Manager for MAISA and Michigan Learning Channel and Rachel Cain Education Engagement Specialist, WGVU Public Media. This was an informative episode with Annie and Rachel as we explored educational resources that are out there to keep the learning going for our Michigan Educators and Students. Be sure to connect and listen in to this great conversation on the latest around artificial intelligence in the field of education.
Annie and Rachel have been working for over a year keeping up with the latest on the topic and have some great insights for us to consider as we are taking on this new technology that has burst on to the educational scene. We have some great conversation on how to move forward on the topic, which sometimes in literacy, is a topic that has come with its challenges. Our discussion should provide some insight and considerations as you move forward in your own understanding with the topic itself.
Take a listen today: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/llcnbrief
Did you know you can now earn SCECHS by listening to the podcast?!!? We are excited to share our new microPD, Podcast PDx. Podcast PDx is bite-sized learning that allows you to earn SCECH credit for doing something you already love - listening to the LLCN Brief podcast! We know you are busy. This professional learning opportunity will meet you where you are. You can earn up to 1.25 SCECH credits per episode by listening and briefly reflecting. We have made it as easy to earn your credits... just see the attached link with details for the three easy steps to get you on the road to earning SCECH credit while listening to your favorite literacy podcast.
Literacy Essentials Testimonials from Michigan Educators
Voices from the field...
Watch this video to hear from some teachers in the field who are praising Literacy Essentials for how they are supporting their instruction for children. We are grateful to Lyndsay Wherley from VanBuren ISD, Kristine Speerstra from COP ESD, and Sara Pattyn from Muskegon ISD for sharing their points of view!
This new FREE module from Michigan Virtual outlines the MLC summer program for educators and shows connections to the Essentials Instructional Practices in Early Literacy with Read, Write, ROAR! Take it today or share it with another educator!
Many of you already have summer learning options set for the summer, but we hope that you will also share the Michigan Learning Channel “Summer of Fun” resources available to families and schools, either as a supplement or a program choice to support learning engagement over the summer months. Check out the Summer of Learning landing page and this flier to learn about this summer’s topics. This interest form will allow educators to send their interest in ordering books. Here is a flier
Check out the link to all the 2024 Summer Learning books below and the program information here: https://www.michiganlearning.org/summer-for-educators/
Early Learners: Activities for Preschool – Kindergarten students. (80 pages) Click here
Lower Elementary: Activities for 1st Grade – 3rd Grade students. (100 pages) Click here
Upper Elementary: Activities for 4th Grade – 6th Grade students. (80 pages) Click here
At-Home Learning Resources
WGVU offers an abundance of at-home learning resources on their page. Some are unique to WGVU, while others are part of Michigan Learning Channel or PBS. Check out all they have to offer!
Lessons on the Fly
Curated especially for days requiring that unexpected pivot, WGVU's Lessons on the Fly are perfect for an emergency lesson plan or for educators covering a class. Check them out here: https://www.wgvu.org/lessonsonthefly/
Updates from Michigan Learning Channel Director, Matt Hamilton
School Year Wrap-Up
Check out this amazing page where Matt highlights the many different things to celebrate as the school year closes, including the 2024 MLC LABS Educator Summit in Detroit.
Do you have something to highlight in our MLC newsletter?
If you have something that you would like to share with the network, please let me know. Thank you to all of you for what you do to support teachers, children, and families!
Annie Spear (aspear@gomaisa.org)
EduPaths Courses can support Literacy Essentials & Read, Write, ROAR! learning!
K to 3 Literacy Essentials: Read, Write, ROAR! - Word Builders 1
Mystery Words and Word Ladders are fun, interactive lessons that give students an opportunity to play with sounds by segmenting, blending, adding, substituting, and deleting sounds as they study words and discover spelling patterns. These two lessons are aligned to the Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy: Grades K to 3, specifically practices 4, 5, & 6. In the course, you will learn how to replicate these lessons in your classroom as one way to support phonological awareness development (particularly phonemic awareness) and phonics development through explicit explanation of letter-sound relationships and patterns.
Read, Write, ROAR! Playlists
Check out a sampling of Read, Write, ROAR! lessons
This YouTube Playlist has a sampling of shorter Read, Write, ROAR! segments.