The Hawk Herald
February 2025
Message from Mrs. Yost & Mrs. Feola
It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through winter! We’ve been fortunate to have mild temperatures (for the most part) and limited snow, allowing students to get outside for fresh air, stretch their legs, and socialize with friends. A big thank you to Mrs. Fick and Mrs. Arcari for their outstanding work as musical directors for the 4th and 5th grade musical concerts last week. Their dedication and leadership made the performances a huge success! We are also so proud of our Mill Hill performers for their stellar job on stage. A special thank you to our families for their support with home practices and early morning rehearsals – we couldn’t have done it without you! Your encouragement and commitment truly made a difference.
It is with great pride to share that Jaxon Zagryn and Dante Puglisi have been selected to represent Mill Hill Elementary School at the 26th Annual Elementary Celebration of the Arts. Jaxon and Dante were selected from Mill Hill for their exceptional citizenship, teamwork, and artistic talent in either the performing or visual arts on the elementary level. This festival, hosted by the Connecticut Association of Schools, will take place on on Monday, February 3, 2025. We look forward to celebrating out two artists.
We are also pleased to share that all winter universal assessments have been completed. These assessments provide valuable data to help our teachers plan and implement targeted small-group instruction, ensuring that each student’s learning needs are met effectively. We are excited about the personalized learning opportunities these insights will provide.
We are excited to introduce our new Literacy Corner, which will be shared monthly with helpful tips and strategies that bridge learning from school to home. Additionally, we will include Mrs. Hans' newsletter to ensure all important information is in one place for our families.
As we continue through the winter season, please remember that if your child is not feeling well, be sure to report their absence to the school. If your child has reached the nine excused absence limit, any additional absences will require a doctor’s note for consideration as excused. We understand there are many illnesses circulating, and we are all working hard to build our immune systems. If you are unsure whether to send your child to school, don’t hesitate to reach out to the nurse’s office or main office for guidance. We love having our youngest learners in school, but we understand if they’re too sick to attend. Clear communication is key during these situations.
Although February is the shortest month of the year, it is filled with learning opportunities, including celebrating Black History Month, World Read Aloud Day, Presidents Day, our 100th Day of School, and our ongoing theme of spreading daily kindness. I encourage families to discuss the exciting lessons and activities happening at school, whether over dinner or bedtime.
Our classes will celebrate Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 13th. This year, let’s show some love for the planet! Instead of plastic toys or goody bags, let’s focus on simple, heartfelt cards. If you’d like to add a little extra, consider sustainable, recycled, or reusable items—perhaps a note about what they love about a classmate, a pencil, a fun coloring page, or a homemade friendship bracelet. Remember, food and candy are not permitted during these celebrations.
Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this busy month filled with learning, kindness, and community!
Mrs. Yost & Mrs. Feola
Important Dates
Celebrating Black History Month
Celebrating Kindness Month
Sunday, February 2nd Groundhog Day
Monday, February 3rd – 100th Day of School
Wednesday, February 5th
- SOAR Ambassador Meeting @ 8:15am
- World Read Aloud Day
Monday, February 3rd - Friday, February 7th - SOUPer Bowl Donations for Operation Hope
Friday, February 7th
- Town Hall Meeting at 9:30 (Gym)
- 5th Grade SHAPE (10:15-12:15)
- School Spirit Day (Sports Jerseys Day)
Sunday, February 9th
- National Pizza Day
- Super Bowl Sunday
Wednesday, February 12th - SOAR Ambassador Meeting @ 8:15am
Friday, February 14th – No School – February Break
Monday, February 17th – No School – February Break
Tuesday, February 17- Friday, February 21st – Kindness Week
- Tuesday=Orange for Helpfulness
- Wednesday=Red & Pink to celebrate love and friendship!
- Thursday = Yellow for Positivity
- Friday =Blue for Self Kindness
Wednesday, February 19th
- 5th Grade SHAPE (10:15-12:15)
- 5th Grade Proof Pizza Kits Fundraiser Launch (Distribution 3/7)
Thursday, February 20th
- ·PTA Meeting at 9:15am in APR
Tuesday, February 25th - The Westport Library will host Dr. James Geisler for a talk on the mental health roadmap needed to prepare students for college. Register here.
Wednesday, February 26th
- SOAR Ambassador Meeting @ 8:15am
- PTA Supply Shower (Staff Lounge)
Thursday, February 27th – 5th Grade SHAPE (10:15-12:15)
Friday, February 28th
- School Spirit Day
- National Pancake Day
- PTA Supply Shower (Staff Lounge)
- Mill Hill Talent Show at 6:00pm at Black Rock Church
- 5th Grade Proof Pizza Kits Fundraiser Ends
Mill Hill's SOUPer Bowl supporting Operation Hope
During the week of February 3rd-7th, students will drop off their donations in the box of the team they’re cheering for to win the Super Bowl. On the final day, student leaders will help count the items, so we can announce Mill Hill’s predicted winner of the Super Bowl before the end of the day on Friday 2/7.
Don’t forget— it’s Jersey Day for both staff and students, so come join the fun!
Literacy Corner
Supporting the 5 Pillars of Reading at Home
At Mill Hill, we know that strong reading skills are built on five key pillars: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. You can support your child’s literacy growth at home in fun and simple ways!
🔹 Phonemic Awareness – Play word games focusing on sounds, like rhyming words or breaking words into syllables. Try saying a word and having your child think of a word that starts with the same sound!
🔹 Phonics – Practice letter-sound relationships by pointing out words in books, on signs, or while writing together. Encourage your child to tap out or blend sounds when reading tricky words.
🔹 Fluency – Read aloud daily! Whether you’re reading to your child or they’re reading to you, focus on expression, pacing, and rereading favorite books to build confidence.
🔹 Vocabulary – Talk about new words you come across in books and daily life. Ask your child what they think a word means and use it in different contexts to reinforce understanding.
🔹 Comprehension – After reading, ask questions like, “What was your favorite part?” or “Why do you think the character did that?” Making connections to real life or other books helps deepen understanding.
By incorporating these simple strategies into your daily routines, you’ll be helping your child become a confident and successful reader! 📚✨
Numeracy Corner
The Super Bowl is almost here! Here are some fun ways to incorporate math into your Super Bowl celebrations on Sunday, February 9th!
- Fold your own paper footballs and throw them. Have your child practice measuring skills by measuring how far they went. Your child can also use math language (greater than, less than) to compare the distances traveled.
- Have your child survey friends and family on which team will win the Super Bowl. Create a graph to represent the votes.
- Talk to your child about the different ways to earn points in a football game. Students can make predictions about the possible scores for each of the teams. (I think the Eagles will score 3 touchdowns, with 2 extra point kicks and have a final score of 20!)
- Use the game's stats to practice addition and subtraction. Keep track of each team’s yards gained, passes completed, or touchdowns scored, and let the kids help add up the totals.
- Have the kids study the shapes on the team jerseys. You can talk about symmetry, angles, and patterns. Ask them to identify shapes (circles, triangles, squares) on the uniforms or even design their own “Super Bowl jerseys” incorporating different geometric shapes.
Some of these ideas were from Stress Free Math for Kids: https://stressfreemathforkids.com/members-only/super-bowl-math/
From the LLC :
This year has been full of learning in the LLC. Click here to learn about what we have been working on during LLT.
Here is a video link to get a glimpse of what a day in the LLC might look like!
We will have Mill Hill Reads right around the corner, so excitement is mounting.
If you have any questions or want to hear more about our program reach out via Parent Square or email.
Mrs. Han
Rare Disease Day
Rare Disease Day is a global observance held on the last day of February each year to raise awareness about rare diseases and the challenges faced by those affected by them. It aims to bring attention to the 300 million people worldwide who live with a rare disease, many of whom face difficulties in receiving proper diagnoses, treatment, and support. The day also encourages collaboration among researchers, healthcare providers, and advocacy groups to improve care and quality of life for those affected by rare conditions. Events and activities, such as awareness campaigns, fundraising efforts, and community involvement, help bring greater visibility to these often underrepresented diseases.
In honor of Rare Disease Day, we are inviting our Mill Hill Hawks to get creative and design a t-shirt that represents this important cause. All students are encouraged to submit their designs, which can be created at home and must be submitted by Friday, February 7th. After all designs are in, the School Climate Committee will select five entries for the Mill Hill community to vote on. The winning design will be printed on t-shirts to sell and wear in support of Rare Disease Day. Let’s show our support and creativity – we can’t wait to see your designs!
Fire Prevention Poster Contest School Winners
This year the Fairfield Fire Marshal’s Office chose a 4th and 5th grade winner from each participating school in the Fire Prevention Poster Contest. One each of the 4th and 5th grade school winners were chosen to advance on to the State Wide Contest.
All the school winners and the 2 advancing participants will be announced at the Fire Commission meeting in February. After the meeting, the 1st place winners will be announced to move onto the state level.
Our school winner(s) are:
4th Grade- Dylan Lasczak
5th Grade- Nicholas Budzian
Congratulations to Dylan & Nicholas!
Artwork by 4th Grade- Dylan Lasczak
Artwork by 5th Grade- Nicholas Budzian
Valentines Day + Green Team
Let’s show some love for the planet! Instead of plastic toys or goody bags, let’s focus on simple, heartfelt cards. If you’d like to add a little extra, consider sustainable, recycled, or reusable items—perhaps a note about what they love about a classmate, a pencil, a fun coloring page, or a homemade friendship bracelet. Remember, food and candy are not permitted during these celebrations.
From the Digital Wellness Committee:
From the Digital Wellness Committee
Event Update
On Tuesday, February 25th, The Westport Library will host Dr. James Geisler for a talk on the mental health roadmap needed to prepare students for college. Dr. Geisler, Executive Director of Wellness Services at Sacred Heart University, has noted that many students are arriving at college already in a mental health crisis, and his work focuses on how to start early and better prepare students to thrive.
Register here for free: https://westportlibrary.org/event/preparing-your-students-mental-health-for-college-an-essential-roadmap-for-families/
From the Health Office
As the cold and flu season continues, please reinforce the importance of good hygiene with your children. Hand washing is the most important factor in preventing the spread of cold and flu viruses. When your child is home ill, please call the attendance line and indicate what the illness is. School Nurses are required to report monthly tallies of Communicable Diseases to the Health Department. Communicable Diseases which are reported are: Strep Throat, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Fifth Disease, Lyme Disease, Influenza (flu), Gastrointestinal Virus, Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis, Head Lice, Ringworm, Molluscum Contagiosum, Croup, Impetigo, and Coxachie Virus.
We also encourage the flu shot for all students and staff.
Children SHOULD NOT return to school until they have been FEVER FREE for 24 hours. (A child who is still sick may not have a fever first thing in the Morning, however, our body temperature rises as the day progresses so a child may still develop a fever later in the day) **Also, medications that reduce fevers i.e. Tylenol and Motrin, DO NOT make your child less contagious and your child SHOULD NOT come to school just because the medication has reduced their fever.
If your child is ill, has had surgery, or has an injury requiring a cast or splint, a note from your health care provider is required to excuse your child from P.E.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s health or need to update us on changes in your child’s medical status, please contact the Nursing Office.
Thank you!!
Liz Lundregan RN
Mary McCarthy, R.N.
School Nurses
Mill Hill Spirit Store is LIVE!
Mill Hill Spirit Days!
Follow us on Instagram
Would you like to Volunteer in the Library?
One hour shifts are available to assist Mrs. Han and Mrs. Gori-Montanelli with student book checkout and shelving. Volunteers may also help with other tasks as needed such as de-milling books that are no longer used and the LLC bulletin board.
2024-2025 LLC Volunteer Sign Up!
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on Sign-up: https://signup.com/go/WcdfYVr
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on Sign-up)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - Sign-up will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: Sign-up does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
or sign up with the QR code provided below
Please sign up!
Scan this code with your smartphone camera now:
Calling Volunteers for the Art Room! 🎨
We are looking for helping hands to assist with art preparation for grades K-5. Your support will involve tasks such as:
- Cutting and prepping materials for projects
- Labeling and mounting student artwork
- Measuring and cutting borders and applying large format vinyl paper to bulletin boards
- Hanging artwork on bulletin boards
- Assisting with preparations for our End of Year Art Show (May)
Some tasks may include typing out student labels, preparing materials in bulk or hanging displays on bulletin boards. Whether you can spare 30 minutes, an hour, or a few days, your help is greatly appreciated!
If you're interested, please sign up by Art Committee Volunteers or contact Heather Nokta hnokta@fairfieldschools.org
Quick Links
School Hours
School Hours: 8:55 AM - 3:30 PM
(Student drop-off 8:45am-8:55am)
Early Dismissals:
Delayed Openings:
10:55 AM - 3:30 PM
School Contact Information
Amy Yost ~ Principal
Amy Yost, Principal - ayost@fairfieldschools.org
Rebecca Feola, Assistant Principal - rfeola@fairfieldschools.org
Ashley Prosniewski, Secretary - aprosniewski@fairfieldschools.org
Elizabeth Miller, Office Assistant AM - emiller@fairfieldschools.org
Lisa Brown, Office Assistant PM - lbrown@fairfieldschools.org
District Website: Fairfield Public Schools District Website
Mill Hill's Website: Mill Hill Elementary School Website
Mill Hill’s PTA Website Mill Hill School PTA Website
Location: 635 Mill Hill Terrace, Southport, CT 06890
Phone: 203.255.8320