BDJH PTA News August 27th
Our first PTA Membership Meeting is Tuesday, September 3 at 11:00 am in the LGI.
All BDJH parents are invited but only Members can vote on amendments. If you are not a member yet, click the button below to join. Come and be a part of it! You will learn everything there is to know about what your PTA is doing,as well as receive an update on all of our Programs, including the 8th Grade Dance.
Contact Daniella Simpson, VP Membership with any questions at
Coffee with the Principal
Coffee with Mr. Moussavi & our Volunteer Kick-off is on Friday, September 6 at 9:30 am in the LGI.
Coffee, water and snacks will be served.
RSVP using the button below to let us know you are coming.
Questions for Mr. Moussavi may be submitted in advance via the RSVP form.
IMPORTANT: Please park in the back of the school and walk around to the front of the building. You will need a photo ID to be able to enter the building and get a Raptor badge. Please allow ample time for parking and checking in.
Throughout the year, we will need assistance from volunteers to help our committees with programs, events, hospitality, fundraisers and more. Every volunteer hour counts, whether you can spend an hour or a week…. we would love to have you as a volunteer for our school.
This year you can sign up for all committees of interest using the link below. Committee chairs will be in contact with you as they need assistance.
Questions? Please email Sharon Kelly at
Important Dates
August 27 - 6th Grade Open House, 5:30pm
August 28 - 7th and 8th Grade Open House, Virtual
September 3 - General Membership Meeting, LGI 11am
September 6 - Coffee with the Principal/Volunteer Kick Off, LGI 9:30am
September 27 - Fun Food Friday
Don't forget to visit if you'd like to buy a:
- Birthday Marquee Message
- PTA Membership
- Spirit Wear