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CH School News & More - 1.21.25
![CH School News & More - 1.21.25](https://cdn.smore.com/u/ba06/18b7986e74531ffb13f68a405f9ecb40.jpg)
Claypit Hill News and More
January 21, 2025
Hello Claypit Caregivers,
We hope you enjoyed the long weekend and the snow that fell. Our goal is to always get our kiddos outside for recess-time play. For this reason, we ask that you continue to support your child in packing snow gear and appropriate cold weather clothing. When the temperature dips below “feels like 20 degrees” we opt to stay indoors. Indoor recess can be hard on both students and educators so know that we’ll do our best to get students outdoors.
Thank you to all caregivers who have been thoughtful about technology access and use at home. We appreciate you! We endeavor to be just as thoughtful here at school. As part of our ongoing collaboration with caregivers, the Wayland Public Schools has initiated a Cell Phone Working Group charged with examining the current cell phone practices and expectations in the district and coming up with recommendations for improvement.
As a part of our work, we are surveying all WPS families, staff and middle and high schools students to get feedback on our current expectations and practices. We are also consulting with other districts who are addressing this issue. Please see the message from Superintendent, David Fleishman below and take a few minutes to fill out the survey if you haven’t already.
As a reminder, Claypit Hill is focusing on improved engagement and attendance as part of our School Improvement Plan. We have made some positive progress with attendance (not tardy arrivals). Please do not schedule family vacations such that they interfere with school attendance. There is a strong correlation between positive school attendance and success. When your child misses school, they miss out on so much more than academics! There is no making up time lost with peers, memories made in the classroom, etc. We appreciate every effort you are making to send your children to school.
Stay warm and we look forward to seeing some of you at this Wednesday’s Little Local Vocal’s concert on Wednesday, January 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Claypit Hill gymnasium.
Marie, Kate and Naomi
Cell Phone Working Group: Elementary Parent/Caregiver Survey
Dear Wayland Families,
As I mentioned in a recent communication, the Cell Phone Working Group is charged with examining the current cell phone expectations and practices in the district and coming up with recommendations for improvement.
As a part of our work, we are surveying all WPS families, staff, and middle and high school students in order to get feedback on our current expecations and practices. We are also consulting with other districts who are addressing this issue.
It would be most appreciated if you could complete this Wayland Elementary School - Parent/Caregiver Cell Phone Survey by January 30th. Thanks so much!
David Fleishman
(On behalf of the Cell Phone Working Group)
23rd Annual SOUPer Bowl of Caring
Claypit Hill’s SOUPer Bowl of Caring food drive is back! We will be collecting soup and other dry goods to donate to the local food pantry, My Brother’s Table. We will collect items through Friday, February 12, 2025.
Food items can be brought to school and placed in a collection box in the lobby. Be sure to put your donations in the box labelled with your grade. Staff may place items in the box that corresponds to the grade with which they teach. Just like the Super Bowl, we will compete to see which team of grades will donate the most items. Listen to the morning announcements for more information!
Please participate in this worthy Claypit tradition and help our neighbors in need.The SOUPer Bowl of Caring happens around the same time as the NFL football Super Bowl. Whether you are a football fan or not, please consider donating to bring comfort to people in our community! LET’S GO!!
Suggested Donations:
Canned soup
Canned vegetables
Canned tuna
Mac and Cheese
Canned chicken
Peanut butter (plastic)
Fruit juice
Jelly (plastic)
Dried beans
Granola snacks
Volunteers Needed
Claypit teachers and staff need our help! Please fill out this form if you can periodically help copy, collate, staple, laminate, etc. materials for Claypit teachers. By taking this job off of their plates, teachers will have more time to prepare lessons and do other classroom work. Volunteering will be done at Claypit during the school day. Training will be available. We will not make any volunteer assignments based on this form (you will be given an opportunity to sign up via a SignUp Genius form); we are simply looking to collect interest. Thank you!
Bingo Night at Claypit
Bring the family for a fun BINGO night in the Claypit Hill cafeteria from 6-7:30 on Friday 1/31 (siblings are welcome)! Connect with others in the community while enjoying games, prizes and a few fun surprises! Cafeteria space is limited, so please RSVP early as there are only spots for 50 families. Pre-order pizza when you RSVP if you would like to have food at the event. Email Amanda Gale (Acmgale@gmail.com) with any questions. Hope to see you there!
Science Fair and STEAM Discovery Night
The Science Fair and STEAM Discovery Night is 5-7pm on Wednesday, February 5th. Bring the family for a fun science evening - kids can share science fair projects (on any topic that inspires them) and enjoy interactive activity stations featuring experts on this year’s theme: Weather!
Sign-up to participate in the science fair by 1/31, and you can click here to learn more about the science fair and read project ideas/guidance
Order pizza and/or sign-up to volunteer during the event - Pizza orders are due by 2/4 and we need volunteer help with set-up, handing out pizza, talking with kids about their projects (visiting scientists), taking photos and cleaning up. Thank you!
K/1 families - Sign-up here if you would like to help with the weather themed in-class STEAM activities for your child’s class on 1/28 (1st grade) and 1/31 (kindergarten).
STEAM team (April, Elaine, Gigi, Heather and Janice)
MCAS Dates are Finalized
The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) provides districts with a testing window. We have scheduled our assessments late in the window to provide for as much time for teaching and learning as possible before the assessments. As a result, there is little time provided for make up tests. It is imperative that travel not be scheduled during the MCAS testing days. Please support our school by planning accordingly.
3rd Grade
ELA - March 25th and March 27th
Math - May 13th and May 15th
4th Grade
ELA - April 3rd and April 8th
Math - May 19th and May 21st
5th Grade
ELA - April 1st and April 4th
Math - May 14th and May 16th
STE - April 30th and May 2nd
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
Wednesday, Jan. 22 - Little Local Vocals Concert, 7pm, CH Gym
Monday, Jan. 27 - 4th Grade Field Trip, Ms. Fiske and Ms. Mello
Tuesday, Jan .28 - 4th Grade Field Trip, Ms. Wood, Ms. Dodakian and Ms. Tobin
Wednesday, Jan. 29 - Lunar New Year - NO SCHOOL
Friday, Jan. 31 - Family Bingo Night
Wednesday, Feb 5 - STEAM Night 5:00pm
Thursday, Mar. 20 - Talent Show
Wednesday, Mar. 26 - Art Show
Tuesday, May 20 - 5th Grade Play
Wednesday, Jun. 4 - Spring PTO Meeting, 7:00pm