St Thomas' News
02 December 2022
St Thomas’ Primary School is part of a faith community centred on the life of Jesus, as expressed in our Motto, ‘Together in Christ’
Our Vision is to 'Educate the Whole Child' and empower learners as global citizens, to be curious, collaborative, creative and critical thinkers, inspired by Christ.
Important Dates
Term Four
Monday 5 December - Transition/Orientation Morning
Tuesday 6 December - Christmas Concert
Thursday 8 December - Thanksgiving & Graduation Liturgy 9am
Friday 9 December - Year 6 Excursion
Friday 9 December - Last day of the school term for students
Term One
Wednesday 1 February - First day for students
Wednesday 1 February - Welcome back cuppa for parents 8.45am
(Full 2023 term dates at the end of this newsletter)
Advent Prayer
God of light and hope look upon us in love
And fill us with the Spirit of Jesus.
That we may love you and serve you in your kingdom
Protect us during this week and keep us watchful in prayer
As we await the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Who is light of the world
And who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
One God, for ever and ever.
Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath is a symbol which reminds us of the everlasting love of God and the time of waiting for the coming of Christ into our lives. The wreath is round reminding us of the never-ending love of God. It is made from evergreens reminding us of the life that comes from God. There are four candles, three purple and one pink, representing the four Sundays in Advent. The 4 candles of Advent have the names hope, love, joy, and peace, representing the virtues Jesus brought us.
The colour purple is the liturgical colour for Advent, which symbolizes a time of waiting and the colour pink represents the joy we share in the life of Jesus. During the season of Advent one candle on the wreath is lit each Sunday as a part of the Advent services.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As we near the end of the school year, we celebrate the Church season of Advent. In Advent we are reminded of the sacred meaning of Christmas where we remember, and prepare for the birth of Jesus.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Last Tuesday evening, I had the privilege of reporting on school activities for the year at our Annual General Meeting. I also had the opportunity to thank the many people who contribute their time and talents to assist in the education of our students. Reports from the Advisory Council Chair Mrs Susan Swift, P & F President Mrs Bianca Della Vedova and the Principal, provided a snapshot of the amazing achievements of our students, staff and community throughout the 2022 school year. Reports from the AGM will be uploaded to our website soon.
Advisory Council
A big thank to the dedicated members of our Advisory Council who have given generously of their expertise and time. A special thank you to our Chair Mrs Susan Swift, for her leadership and contribution to the Council. We also thank our three retiring members Liz Dawson, Brian Douglas and Chris Adams for the support throughout the time on the Advisory Council.
P & F
A big thank you to our wonderful, hardworking P&F Executive and members. Your support is truly appreciated and a vital part of building a fantastic school community. A special thank you to our President Mrs Bianca Della Vedova, for her enthusiasm and energy throughout her two year term as P & F President. Special thanks also to our Secretary Mrs Mel Di Latte will be retiring from her role, our Vice President Carin Penberthy, Treasurer Sarah Van Bochxmeer, for the amazing contributions to their roles.
Staffing 2023
We farewell and thank Mrs Corinna Herbert and Mrs Sonia Caelli and thank them for the wonderful contribution to our school.
We welcome back to St Thomas’ Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Keatch.
Principal: Mrs Natalia Thomson
Assistant Principal: Mr Heath Nankivell
Administration: Mrs Julie Wray, Mrs Marta Gumina
Finance: Mrs Mary Courtney
Pre-Kindy: Mrs Kate Byrne
Kindergarten: Mrs Brianna Kirkbride
Pre-primary: Miss Georgia Lee
Year 1: Miss Grace Briffa
Year 2: Mrs Nicola McDonald
Year 3: Mrs Nicola Hurst & Mrs Lisa Keatch
Year 4: Mr Liam Godsall
Year 5: Miss Penny Mulholland
Year 6: Mrs Lila Gibbs
Science: Mrs Lisa Keatch
Visual Arts: Mrs Kate Byrne
Physical Education: Mrs Sharon Seaman
Performing Arts (Drama): Mrs Renee Miller
Music: Miss Natalie Mandry
Support: Mrs Sam Valentine
e-Challenge: Mrs Lisa Keatch
Teacher Librarian: Mrs Nicky Sullivan
Education Assistants:
Pre-Kindy: Mrs Nicole Nolan
Kindergarten: Mrs Jeanette Koong, Ms Rebecca McCarthy
Pre-Primary: Miss Jessica Berreteri
Years 1-6: Mrs Sue Vincent, Mrs Virginia Gamble
I am confident that the teacher your child is placed with in 2023, is dedicated to providing an environment in which your child will thrive.
Year Five Leadership Speeches
Congratulations to all the Year Five students who did a truly amazing job of presenting their leadership speeches. Their speeches were delivered with poise and showed a mature level of confidence and pride in the school. Leaders for 2023 will be announced at the end of year Thanksgiving/Graduation Liturgy on Thursday 8 December.
Christmas Concert -Tuesday 6 December
Students are busy rehearsing their songs for our annual Christmas Concert on Tuesday 7 December. Family and friends are welcome to attend. Students will need to be at school by 5.45pm for a 6pm start.
St Vincent’s Christmas Appeal Christmas Donations
Thank you to the families who have sent in a variety of food items or vouchers in support of this appeals. Each classroom teacher has a basket in which to collect these items. Next Monday, a representative from St Vincent de Paul will be collecting the donations to distribute to those in need.
Student Transition to 2023
At St Thomas’ we have a thorough handover procedure between the staff for the end of the year and also a transition programme for all classes. This transition will take place on Monday 5 December. Children from Kindy onwards, will move up a year level between 9am - 11am and students will have the opportunity to spend some time with their 2023 class teacher. New students to the school have been invited to attend.
End of Year Thanksgiving Liturgy – Thursday 8 December
Please join us for our end of year thanksgiving and Graduation Liturgy in the Church at St Thomas’ on Thursday 8 December at 9am. The Liturgy will be followed by our end of year presentations and the announcement of the Year 6 Leaders for 2023. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will attend. Parents and friends are welcome.
Thank you and best wishes
As the end of the school year approaches, I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to our school this year. It is through the efforts of so many, that we achieve so much.
To our Year 6 students, staff and families leaving at the end of this year – thank you for the support you have shown the school during your time at St Thomas’. Best wishes in all your future endeavours.
On behalf of the staff of St Thomas’, I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a safe, enjoyable holiday break. We look forward to seeing you all on the first day of school 2023, Wednesday 1 February.
God bless
Natalia Thomson
From the Assistant Principal
The ‘Newsletters’ section of the St Thomas’ Primary School Website contains the PowerPoint & recording of the recent Annual General Community Meeting, for parents to view. We welcome your feedback from the event by completing the six question feedback form located here. Thank you so much to those parents who have provided feedback on recent events – we plan to continue seeking community feedback regarding events into 2023.
With holidays approaching, Year Three to Year Six students’ iPads may perhaps be used less for educational purposes and more as a form of recreation. I encourage parents to make clear boundaries for iPad use at home, and keep the devices out of student’s bedrooms, remaining in public places. The amount of recreational screen time is a consideration for parents. Current recommendations from and the ‘Physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians” state that for recreational screen time:
- 0-2 year olds should have no screen time
- 2-5 year olds should have no more than 1hr per day
- 5-12 year olds should have no more than 2hr per day
Read more about physical activity, strength, sedentary time and sleep by clicking here. Another excellent website concerning eSafety is from the Federal Government's eSafety Commissioner, available at:
As Highway Heroes draws to a close, I refer all parents to the Highway Heroes website at: which contains overviews of modules. The ‘News’ > ‘BEST Blog’ contains information for parents on a variety of topics, as well as the opportunity to sign up for emails. In 2023 the four Highway Heroes modules will align with the terms (e.g. Term 1 = Module 1 etc.).
Christmas Concert 2022
This year's Christmas concert, “That’s Christmas to Me”, has been especially written for our school community and features songs from all our students from Pre-kindy to Year 6.
The story is about Christmas and the special traditions we use to celebrate this special time of year. Lead by our Year 6 students, the story follows the journey of a group of toys who find themselves as presents under a Christmas Tree. Unsure what Christmas is all about they are guided by two Christmas decorations, a Star, and an Angel, to discover the true meaning of Christmas and what really makes a beautiful Christmas.
The Christmas Concert will be held outside on the top oval on:
· Tuesday 6 December
· 5pm – 6pm Family picnic (optional)
· 6pm - 7.30pm Concert
Grandparents and family are all welcome.
Wishing you safe and happy holidays
Advisory Council
The Advisory council met for the last time this year on November 6th for 2022 in the library- however some members were interstate so dialled in to our meeting.
Thank you to everyone who has worked extremely hard on the Advisory Council this year, it has been a tremendous year and we have ticked off quite a large list of activities and achievements for 2022.
One of our primary roles as an Advisory Council is to review and approve the budget for 2023, this always occurs at our November meeting. The finance committee analyses the budget in detail before it is brought to the Advisory council for discussion. At Advisory Council level all members are given an opportunity to discuss any elements of the budget for 2023 they would like clarified. We thank Mary for an outstanding year managing the current budget and also presenting the detail for budget approval for 2023. After approval the budget is then submitted to CEWA for their records.
Our meetings are always centred around the CEWA’s four strategic pillars, Catholic Identity, Community, Education and Stewardship.
Heath gave us an update on the social media statistics and all the fantastic activity Nicola and Penny do posting events and updates on numerous sites in order to promote the school. Statistics had increased over the last month which was a great sign for the school moving forward into 2023.
The Advisory Council discussed the impact of the Loreto School on our school and how the school has received applications to join. A very challenging and difficult time for those families at Loreto, however we do look forward to those families who have chosen our wonderful school and welcome them to our special community in 2023.
Grounds and Maintenance- have been busy working on a number of initiatives for the school and in particular some of you may have noticed that the doors in the hall have been fixed- they can now open completely!! The other significant project in the pipeline is the new playground for the early years space for next year- we look forward to seeing preliminary drawings in Q1 of 2023.
The Advisory Council members and positions for next year are as follows :
· Chair- Susan Swift
· Secretary- Paul Indaimo
· Chair of Finance Committee- Peter Lorbeer
· Chair of Grounds and Maintenance Committee- Trish Coniglio
· Treasurer- Daniel Della Vedova
· Grounds and Maintenance Subcommittee- Frank Di Latte
We farewell and thank Liz Dawson, Brian Douglas and Chris Adams for their time and energy on the Advisory Council who either finished earlier this year or will finish at the end of this year. We also thank Bianca Della Vedova the outgoing P&F President, who has made an outstanding contribution on the Advisory Council over the past 2 years. We look forward to welcoming the new attendee from the P&F at our meetings next year.
Thank you to our wonderful parents and care givers for all their fantastic support and commitment in making our school the unique and special place that it is.
Merry Christmas and have a very happy new year.
Susan Swift on behalf of the Advisory Council.
Years 5 & 6 - Wheelchair for Kids Donation
The Wheelchair For Kids charity has donated over 54,000 wheelchairs globally. This year St. Thomas' raised $500 and donated it to the Wheelchair For Kids which they will be able to use to make two wheelchairs. This money was raised by Saint Thomas’ Market stall, Show Parking, Mini Vinnies stalls, Crazy Sock day and many more.
All the students enjoyed the incursion and were thankful that they could donate the money.
Up up & away in Kindy
Call for Nominations: P & F 2023
The P&F is seeking nominations for the Executive roles of President and Secretary for 2023. All St Thomas parents, both mothers, fathers and guardians from any year group, are eligible to nominate for these roles. Each role is for a two year term and no prior experience is required.
The President of the P&F is primarily responsible for planning and managing the affairs of the P&F and the P&F Executive. The role of President includes the following:
- Chairing P&F meetings (currently, there are two meetings per term);
- Liaising with the Principal, Advisory Council and School leadership team regarding P&F initiatives and investments;
- Overseeing the organisation of P&F events; and
- Working with the P&F Treasurer to budget the P&F’s finances.
The Secretary of the P&F is primarily responsible for the administrative aspects of the P&F. The role of Secretary includes the following:
- Recording minutes at each P&F meeting;
- Preparing the agenda for each P&F meeting; and
- Assisting with the oversight and organization of P&F events.
If you would like to nominate for either role, please do so in writing by emailing Mrs Julie Wray.
Should you have any questions regarding these positions, what each role involves or the nomination/election process, please contact the School or our President Bianca Della Vedova directly on 0408 944 665.
2023 School Fees
Self-Reporting Portal for COVID-19
It is vitally important that parents and caregivers inform the school if your child tests positive for COVID-19. Parents and caregivers can inform the school of their child’s positive or negative COVID result via this LINK.
A friendly reminder to also register your positive RAT result to the WA Health RAT Register on this LINK
Thank you
Music Lessons 2023
Instrumental music lessons are available at St Thomas' Primary. Children can learn voice, keyboard, piano, violin, drums, guitar and flute. Please contact the school office for a music form if your child is interested in commencing or continuing music lessons in 2023.
- TERM 1
- Wednesday 1 February - Thursday 6 April
- TERM 2
- Wednesday 26 April – Friday 30 June
- TERM 3
- Tuesday 18 July – Thursday 21 September
- TERM 4
- Tuesday 10 October – Friday 9 December
Pupil free days (To be confirmed):
Monday 24 April
Monday 17 July
Friday 18 August
Friday 22 September
Monday 9 October
Public Holidays
Monday 6 March (Labor Day)
Tuesday 25 April (ANZAC Day)
Monday 5 June (WA Day)
St Thomas' Primary School
Location: 8 Warden Street Claremont WA 6010
Phone: (08 9286 9500
Twitter: @StThomasCPS