New Year, New Beginning
What Are Your Resolutions? Share Your Resolutions At Home.
Daily Gratitude 😍
Read More 📖
Break the Habit 😬
Congratulations to the 13 students who participated in the National PTA Reflections Art contest this year from Kimball Hill! All the entries from our school were sent to the Northwest Suburban Council PTA and judged. We are excited to announce that 8 projects are advancing to the regional level! We are wishing you luck!
Abby Bearden
Ellie Bearden
Grayson Glonke
Emerson Glonke
Carlie Kanas
Vivian Kriselis- Dowling
Bella Lee
Lexi Lee
Maddie McCombe
Ellie Muir
Janie Muir
Benjamin Ryzner
Emerson Wright
Dual Language Informational Night Flyer- NEW FAMILIES 2025
Thinking about Kindergarten for your little one? Come learn all about the amazing things that happen when kids learn two languages in our Dual Language Program!
Our Information Night will provide an in-depth overview of our dual-language program. You will learn how we effectively integrate two languages into the curriculum, fostering a dynamic and enriching learning environment. By developing fluency in two languages, students become exceptional communicators, equipped with the skills to navigate a globalized world and excel in a diverse workforce.
Please click below for details.
Giving Back
Our Kimball Hill SOS Club and PTA are partnering to hold a pet supply drive to benefit The Buddy Foundation during the month of January. The collection bin is in the foyer at the front of school. Please see the flyer HERE.
Valentines Day
We will be having a Valentines celebration school wide in the classrooms. If you are interested in being a Room Rep for Valentine's Day, here is the sign up!
Show your Valentine's Day spirit by wearing pink, red, or white on the day. To ensure everyone feels included, if your child brings a non-food Valentine's Day treat, please bring enough for each of their classmates. This helps us avoid any feelings of disappointment. We understand that children enjoy exchanging gifts with their friends. We ask that gift exchanges to happen outside of school hours, such as after school, on the weekend, or during playdates.
Family Fun
Join us for Kimball Hill Night at the Chicago Wolves Game on Saturday, February 1st! We will all sit in the same section and every person who attends receives a free Wolves hat! Get tickets HERE!
PTA Meeting
Join us for our next virtual PTA meeting on January 13th at 6:30pm.
Important Dates
January 13th- PTA Virtual Meeting 6:30pm
January 20th- MLK No School
January 21st- No Classes: Institute Day
February 1st- PTA Family Night: Wolves Game
February 14th- Wear Pink, Red, White
Visit the District 15 Calendar for more information!
Contact the Principal
Michelle LaCamera
Kimball Hill School
2905 Meadow Dr.
Rolling Meadows, 60008