North High Daily Announcements
February 10, 2025
End of the Day
- When the school day is over (3:50pm), students must either go to their activity or go home.
- Staff are unavailable to supervise spaces once the school day is over.
Open Campus
- Students are allowed in the commons, library, or outside
- Students are not allowed to roam the hallways
- Students are in classes learning while you have an open campus so hallways need to remain quiet.
NDA+ testing will take place on Friday, February 14th during periods 1-3 (for 10th graders) and periods 6-8 (for 9th graders) in the Spartan Dome
Student Rosters & seat numbers are posted on the windows outside of the Counseling Center
Important Things to Remember:
- Bring your PLD, earbuds and PLD charger to testing that day
- Students will test in the Spartan Dome unless they have specific testing accommodations (if you have a case manager, they will check in with you)
- ALL 9th & 10th graders are expected to show up to testing sessions even if they have Open Campus and expected to stay during the entire testing session
- Cell phones should be left in lockers or in backpacks and turned off during testing
- Bringing water into the testing session is okay, but do not bring in other drinks or snacks
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Quintus in the Main Office or via email
Seniors – Do you need to take the WorkKeys to help you qualify for the $6,000 ND Scholarship? The WorkKeys will be administered one more time on Wednesday, February 26 at 8:15am in Room 102. The WorkKeys is made up of three tests: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy and Workplace Documents. The total cost to take the WorkKeys is $40.50. See the email sent from Mrs. Cramer to register for the WorkKeys and for payment information. The deadline to register and pay is Wednesday, February 19
Are you interested in throwing, running, jumping, participating in general this spring in track and field? If so, please fill out the Google Form, linked in your email announcements, by Monday, February 10th. Once you fill it out, be on the lookout for more information from the coaches.The first day of practice is Monday, February 24th. Reach out to Mr. Mailloux (May-You) or Mr. Lehman if you have any questions. (Form link): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPe3-NsAX5Y4Aad89jqFEyzbhJX2z1oUavMvZ6ad0BAd_8cA/viewform?usp=sharing
History Club will be meeting after school on Tuesday, February 11, in room 351. We’ll have time to work on national history day projects and other fun activities, as well. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Evensen or Mr. Hochhalter.
The February JCL meeting will be on Wednesday, February 12 at 8:05 am in the Latin Room. All are welcome!
If you are interested AND planning on playing BASEBALL this spring, please fill out the sign-up form on our baseball website, or use this link https://forms.gle/7rnAy4KqNMHh1zrR7
Also, baseball open hittings are Mondays and Thursdays in the fitness center from 8-9:30 pm. If you have any questions, please talk to or email Coach Walsh.
The Snowball will be held on February 28th from 8pm to 10:30pm. The dress code is semi-formal and everyone is welcome! Remember all detention hours must be served in order for attendance. Tickets will be $10 and can be purchased throughout the week of the 24th. We hope to see you all there!
Group Picture Day is on Wednesday, February 12th in the Fitness Center. Please see attached schedule to see when your group will be meeting for their picture.
Fargo North High School
Travis Christensen, Principal - 446-2404
Joshua Andres, Asst. Principal - 446-2499
Amanda Quintus, Asst. Principal - 446-2406
Daniel Shultis, Asst. Principal/Activities Director - 446-2407
Attendance - 446-2410 or 446-2411
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/North
Location: 801 17th Avenue North, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2400