Bulldog Bulletin
January 2025 Edition
Happy New Year!
December was a fun and spirited month! We had fun spirit weeks, held a successful food drive, and participated in a wonderful sing-a-long. December will be hard to beat, but January will hold many events that might just do it! Keep an eye out for upcoming events.
We are happy to continue to share our new newsletter tool, Smore! Families can translate our newsletters into 100+ languages, including Myanmar (Burmese), in just one click!
Community School Corner
Bulldog of the Month!
We have started recognizing one staff member per month that goes embodies what it means to be an Arbutus Elementary Bulldog. In December, we recognized Mrs. Schmitz as the Teacher of the Year and the Bulldog of the Month. This month, we are recognizing Mrs. Shumway. Be sure to congratulate her when you see her!
A Note From Nurse Graham
The Counselor's Corner
Happy New Year! In January, our counseling lessons will focus on character—understanding the importance of good character traits like kindness, respect, and responsibility. I will encourage students to reflect on how these traits shape their behavior and relationships with others. Please read the letter for your child’s grade level for more information. I encourage you to continue these conversations at home, reinforcing the value of being a good person and making thoughtful choices.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Olsen
Math Minute with Mrs. Stone
Math Minute Resources with Mrs. Stone
Kindergarten: Unit 4 Paths to Adding, Subtracting, and Measuring-
Here are some important strategies your student will use in this unit. Check out the example problems from the curriculum and videos or pictures to show you how to solve! Grade K Unit 4 Family Resource Supplement.docx
1st: Leapfrog on the Number Line- Here are some important strategies your student will use in this unit. Check out the example problems from the curriculum and videos or pictures to show you how to solve!
Grade 1 Unit 4 Family Resource Supplement.docx
2nd: Measurement- Here are some important strategies your student will use in this unit. Check out the example problems from the curriculum and videos or pictures to show you how to solve! Grade 2 Unit 4 Family Resource Supplement.docx
3rd: Measurement and Fractions- Here are some important strategies your student will use in this unit. Check out the example problems from the curriculum and videos or pictures to show you how to solve! Grade 3 Unit 4 Family Resource Supplement.docx
4th: Addition, Subtraction and Measurement- Here are some important strategies your student will use in this unit. Check out the example problems from the curriculum and videos or pictures to show you how to solve! Grade 4 Unit 4 Family Resource Supplement.docx
5th: Multiplying & Dividing Whole Numbers & Decimals- Here are some important strategies your student will use in this unit. Check out the example problems from the curriculum and videos or pictures to show you how to solve!
Notes From the Teachers
Please make sure your child is arriving with weather appropriate clothing. If your child is in a grade with spare clothing, please make sure the spare clothing is also weather appropriate.
2024-2025 Year at a Glance Calendar
Important Upcoming Events
2 - Back to School
9 - BCPS Blue Day
14 - Partnering for Progress Night - a Multilingual Learner Family Night
20 - No School - MLK Jr. Day
24 - 2nd Quarter Ends
Restaurant Day - Martha's Cafe (8AM - 7 PM)
28 - Winter Concert (6 PM)
29 - No School for Students
Math Concepts Night
Year Book Information
Order Your Yearbook!
5th Grade Wish Wells!
Share Photos With the Yearbook Creators
Baltimore County Library Events
Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation:
The Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form should be used to report alleged incidents of bullying, harassment, or intimidation that occurred during the current school year on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property, on a school bus, on the way to and/or from school, or through electronic communication on or off school property. School staff will address incidents that occur at school or have a connection or nexus back to the school setting that create a risk of harm to other students while they are at school or interfere with the educational environment.
If you are a student, the parent/guardian or caregiver of a student, a close adult relative of a student, a school staff member, or a bystander and wish to report an incident of alleged bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation, please complete this form, and return it to the school principal.
You may contact the school for additional information or assistance at any time. (Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, and intimidation definitions are provided below.)
Bullying– is unwanted, demeaning behavior among students that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or is highly likely to be repeated, over time. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be intentional and include: 1) An imbalance of power (students who bully use their physical, emotional, social, or academic power to control, exclude, or harm others), and 2) Repetition (bullying behaviors happen more than once or are highly likely to be repeated based on evidence gathered).
Cyberbullying– is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through texting, apps, or online via social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or hurtful content about another student. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation.
Harassment – includes actual or perceived negative actions that offend, ridicule, or demean another student with regard to race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, family/parental or marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, physical or mental ability, or disability.
Intimidation – is any communication or action directed against another student that threatens or induces a sense of fear and/or inferiority. Retaliation may be considered a form of intimidation.
Important Reminders
- Arrival time is 9-9:15 and dismissal time is 4-4:15.
- AES Arrival Dismissal Procedures.pdf
Walkers in grades PK-1 (and older siblings) will dismiss from the library door
Walkers in grades 2-5 will dismiss from the breezeway doors. Adults must scan the QR code and fill out the form before their child is called.
All walkers must be checked out with the teacher on duty by their authorized pick-up person.
If someone else is picking up your child, the adult must be in the system.
- If you received notice from Nurse Graham about missing vaccinations, please attend to it as soon as possible. This will avoid your child being withdrawn from classes.
- Please keep your child home if they have a fever or sign of illness.
- Breakfast and lunch are provided to all students at no cost. Students may bring lunch from home. Meal Information.pdf
- Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase. To add funds to your child's account, visit https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
- If your student is celebrating a birthday during the school year, please do not send in food treats. Treats such as: Pencils, erasers, stickers, etc. are allowed.
- Students are expected to bring their charged BCPS-issued Chromebook to school everyday.
- New students will be issued their Chromebooks as soon as possible.
- Tech Support: https://www.bcps.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=2828&pageId=66765365
- We are a cash only school, no checks or credit will be accepted.
- All chaperones must be 21 or older and complete the volunteer application and training.
- To volunteer: go to the Community tab for Volunteers at https://www.bcps.org and follow the steps. All potential volunteers must complete this process annually. Please submit completed application and certificate of training to ezalucki@bcps.org
Our Mission
Email: smaile@bcps.org
Website: https://arbutuses.bcps.org/
Location: 1300 Sulphur Spring Road, Baltimore, MD 21227
Phone: 443-809-1400
Twitter: @ArbutusES
Facebook: Arbutus Elementary
Instagram: @ArbutusElementary