Stand Up - Hand Up - Pair Up
Kagan Structure
How does it work?
Materials Needed:
Questions for student discussion or task cards
Music is also an option!
When to Use
Use Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up at any point in the lesson to structure meaningful conversation.
- Before introducing new material to tap into prior knowledge
- After a unit to review terms
- At the beginning of the school year as a way to review students' knowledge of class rules and procedures
- After a math unit to review shapes or problems
- Before students begin an assignment, such as an essay, a set of word problems or a science activity/experiment, to gather ideas or formalize procedures
- To remediate weak skills
- To practice newly learned skills
- Have all students stand up and put one hand in the air.
- Have students walk around the classroom.
- Call out "Pair" and have students pair up with the student he or she is standing closest to.
- Students that have found partners will put their hands down. Any other students who have not found partners will keep their hands raised until they find a partner.
See it in Action!
Kagan Structure: Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up