WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
We had such a great week welcoming your children back to school! The energy in the building was palpable and everyone seemed ready to be back. I think it will be another 365 days until I see that many students rushing the front doors at 8:15!
We hope that like many of us, your children sleep well this weekend and we will see them on Monday. In the meantime, please enjoy photos below from our first week of school!
Our teachers began going through parts of the WJHS Student Handbook with your children as we begin the 2024-2025 school year. We encourage to ask your child about what they are learning. Please note that we are now treating smartwatches as we do cell phones and I have copied our policy below (page 15). Thank you for your help in keeping our environment focused on learning.
We recognize that some parents will provide their children with cell phones and smartwatches for convenience or for safety reasons. Inside our school buildings, cell phones are required to be powered off and kept in lockers and smartwatches kept out of sight during the school day. In recent years, wearable technology like smartwatches have become a distraction to learning and problematic in situations such as assessments.
In an age of distraction, and to maintain the integrity of instruction, we are asking for your help. Please do not send your child to school wearing a smartwatch. If the main purpose of your child’s smartwatch is for telling time, we have visible clocks in every classroom and hallway and it is also shown on their district-issued iPad.
If seen, teachers will ask for them to be put away. If multiple requests are made, the student may be sent to the office to have it held until the end of the school day. We appreciate your support of keeping our classrooms distraction free.
Please reserve the following evenings for Curriculum Night at WJHS:
7th Grade: September 12
8th Grade: September 19
We are finalizing the schedules and will communicate them soon.
Kate Dominique, Principal
Rob Miller, 7th grade level administrator
Jeff Batt, 8th grade level administrator
A Message from Nurse Betancourt
Dear WJHS Parent/Guardian,
This serves as notification that Wilmette Junior High School is participating in the State of Illinois' Undesignated Emergency Asthma Medications Program.
This program authorizes our school nurse to administer asthma medication (Albuterol) to anyone experiencing respiratory distress while at school. This program is available to all students, even those who do not have a formal asthma diagnosis. Albuterol is very safe and effective, it opens up the airways allowing air to move in and out of the lungs making it easier to breathe. It will be administered according to the guidelines established by the Illinois State Board of Education and any parent/guardian of a student receiving the medication will be notified immediately.
If you need additional information or you do not want your child to receive Albuterol during a respiratory emergency at school, please notify our school nurse,
Kiersten Wagner, BSN, RN at wagnerk@wilmette39.org
Fall Sports!
Parents and Athletes,
WJHS is looking for more students interested in field hockey! If your child wants to play, please register them via the athletics website.
7th and 8th Grade soccer practice started August 22nd and is no cut.
7th and 8th Grade Cross Country Practice started on August 22nd. Please be aware that registration is capped at 90 runners. Students are still welcome to join both soccer and cross country!
Please visit the athletics website for more information on practices and Coaches emails etc.. https://wjhs.wilmette39.org/students/athletics
WJHS Athletic Directors:
Kirsten Best
Paul Harper
Arrival and Dismissal
We love it that so many of our students ride their bikes and walk to school! There are bike racks in both the front and back of the school. You can find the D39 School Walking Routes Map at this link. Adult supervision begins at 7:55 AM.
WJHS also has students who ride the bus to school. Our students are expected to be respectful, safe, and kind to our bus drivers and fellow bus riders. If students are not being respectful, safe, and kind, consequences may be issued in the form of: conversation with administrator, reflection form, parent contact, assigned seats, with the potential for bus suspension and expulsion. If bus privileges are suspended, transportation to and from school and school activities becomes the sole responsibility of the parent.
If you are dropping off your child via a vehicle, please follow the route linked here to help keep our students safe and drop-off and pick-up efficient.
New Wolves for 2024-2025!
Please help us welcome our new staff members for 2024 - 2025! We couldn't be more excited to have this dedicated group of people joining our staff, and are looking forward to working with them.
Band and Orchestra Updates
We're excited to welcome back the musicians in the WJHS Bands and Orchestra. Instrumental music families, please mark your calendars of a few important dates:
-Monday, August 26: Band and Orchestra morning rehearsals begin. Doors open for student arrival from 7:15 AM - 7:25 AM. Upon arrival, students should report directly to their classroom for rehearsal.
First Week of School!
The 2024-2025 WJHS Directory is now available. You received an email this past Monday 8/19 from “The WJHS PTO” with new registration instructions. YOU WILL NEED TO VERIFY YOUR FAMILY AND STUDENT INFORMATION IN ORDER TO RECEIVE IMPORTANT EMAILS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR AND SIGN UP FOR A PTO MEMBERSHIP. Questions? Email directory@wjhspto.com
Your $25 WJHS PTO membership includes access to the online Directory so that you can gain class lists and student/parent information. The fees also help us provide programming such as the 8th Grade Graduation Party, student council/yearbook teacher sponsorships and teacher appreciation throughout the year. Thank you for your support!
Parents have a unique opportunity to spend time at school seeing kids in action (well, during lunch at least)! Our lunchroom staff could really use some extra hands serving food to students. There are two spots per day designated for parents to help hand out food as kids go through the lunch line. Can you be available 11:15am-12:45pm (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday) or 11:45am-1:15pm (Thursdays)? Sign up HERE as many times as you’d like!
Boxes of school supplies were distributed this week to students who purchased them. We have a couple of extra boxes for 8th grade so if you are interested in buying one please email schoolsupplies@wjhspto.com.
Wilmette Junior High School Wolves spirit wear is offered through our partner and fellow Wilmette moms’ business HumanKind. Check out all the great options HERE that can be personalized!
The WJHS PTO has been asked to pass along some relevant community information:
Many in our parent community look forward to attending athletic games at New Trier Township High School. Did you know that by becoming a New Trier Booster Club Member you get TWO FREE TICKETS TO EACH REGULAR SEASON FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL GAMES FOR THE 2024-2025 SEASON?! There are several levels to join with great NT gear to help you support your favorite teams. Come out to watch Varsity/JV home football games on 8/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 10/4 & 10/18. Click HERE for more information. Email ntbooster@gmail.com with any questions.
The CRC is seeking to fill their committee with two representatives from WJHS. Each year, the CRC advises the D39 Board of Education by researching a relevant topic that will lead to improvements in the district. This year’s topic will be voted upon at the first meeting in September. The current proposal is an investigation of how schools and families can support each other to navigate health with the use of/access to devices. The position involves meeting once a month from October through June to develop a topic and recommendations to present to the district. Meetings are scheduled from 7:00-9:00pm on the first or second Tuesday of each month. If interested and/or have questions, please contact CRC President Amy Peters at amelia2431@gmail.com
30 minute information sessions will be held on ZOOM 8/28, 9/3 and 9/9. Learn more HERE.
District Update
Securly Home
In order to continue D39’s efforts to provide support for parents to help manage the use of District-issued iPads at home, we have purchased a subscription to Securly Home, a filter that works on the iPad outside of our network (schools) and can be managed by you. Through Securly Home, you will be able to do the following:
Pause internet access with a single tap
Check online activity by viewing your child’s recent searches, sites visited, and videos watched
Customize rules, such as blocking specific sites
Opt-in for notifications to receive flagged activity, including self-harm or violence
Create an offline schedule to decide when you want the internet to be accessible
Please reference yesterday afternoon’s email (Aug. 22) for more details on the benefits to using Securly Home. You will receive an email from Securly at the end of the day today with login instructions. Thank you for your partnership in helping our students become responsible technology users.
Parent Education Event - Safety in D39 Schools
Our first Parent Education event of the year, titled “Feeling Safe in District 39 Schools,” is scheduled for next Wednesday (Aug. 28) at 11 am. Learn how District 39 schools maintain a high level of building security and work with community partners to create a feeling of safety for all. Registration is now open for this wonderful and informative online event.
We are proud to host a variety of Parent Education Events for our D39 families throughout the school year. These events target topics of interest specific to our D39 parent community and all are welcome to join us live or to watch the recordings as your schedule permits.
Student Lunch Account Information
Adding money to your child(ren)’s lunch accounts is done through the PowerSchool ParentPortal. After logging into the portal, click “Balance” and then “Make a Payment.” You will be directed to RevTrak, where you will see the names of the students linked to your account. You can make a one-time deposit to a child’s account, or you can login to your RevTrak account and set up auto-replenish. Keep in mind that each child has their own balance which must be maintained separately. Please visit our Food Services webpage for more information.
Looking For Fulfilling Work? Join Our District 39 Team!
As we continue to make our final preparations ahead of the 2023-24 academic year, we are looking for caring and qualified individuals to join our D39 team. We are accepting applications for paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, a substitute nurse, and maintenance/custodial associates! If you are interested, or know of someone who may be interested in working as part of a dynamic team in a vibrant and welcoming setting, please visit our D39 employment webpage.
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education will gather on Monday, August 26 at 7 pm at the Mikaelian Education Center for its monthly meeting. The evening will begin with a public meeting on budgets before the Board moves into its regular business meeting. During the meeting, the Board will be presented with the district’s enrollment report, hear committee reports, and conduct a first reading of several Board policies. Additionally, the group will be presented with the district’s response to the Community Review Committee’s (CRC) final report titled “Harnessing the Power of Free Play to Advance Educational Outcomes” and is expected to adopt both the District 39 and Wilmette Community Special Education Agreement (WCSEA) budgets for FY25. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family