Weekly Newsletter
Friday 15th September 2023
Headteacher - Mrs K Adams
Assistant Headteacher - Miss H Howard
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Miss L Whale
Dear Parents and Carers,
After our first full week back, the children have continued to settle into their new classes wonderfully and we are very proud of this fantastic start to the year.
This week we welcomed our youngest children into Reception. They began the week on half days and then built up towards spending lunchtime with us and then t6hey had two full days on Thursday and Friday. We are absolutely blown away with how they have come into school, started to make new friends, follow the expectations of the school and classroom and with their independence. We extend a very warm welcome to all new parents and carers.
School uniform
Please ensure all school uniform has children’s names inside. We already have a vast amount of uniform with no names. It is essential that clothing is labelled for both us and you.
Reading book swap
On Thursday, I sent a dojo message to you regarding a book swap initiative I am wanting to introduce in school. Many of our pupils are avid readers and books are expensive. If you have any quality books that your children no longer read, we would welcome them in school so that other children can borrow them. The books will be housed in our library. If you do have any, please bring them into us. Thank you to the parents/carers who have already sent some in. The children will love reading a wider range of texts.
In addition to this, all class teachers will be sending out a recommended reading list on dojo for children in their classes. This will support you to find new texts.
Pupil Parliament
On Wednesday we launched this year's run for Pupil Parliament. I am looking for two representatives from each class (Years 1-6) and this year, I am introducing a new role – a Green Party member who will assist with raising awareness about environmental issues and how we can be more sustainable in school and in our community. The roles allow pupils to have a voice about our school and how we can further enhance things we are already doing or introduce new ideas. The children may write a formal letter outlining their reasons why they would be a good choice for the role or equally, they can present their argument orally to their class. The class will then vote democratically for their chosen representative. The children will present their ideas on Monday and the chosen children will be announced on Friday in our weekly celebration assembly. I look forward to receiving many applications.
Next Week
Monday 18th Sep - Year 3 squash at Pontefract Squash Club .
Year 3 welcome back meeting 5pm-6pm
Tuesday 19th Sep Forest School for Year 2.
Year 2 welcome back meeting 5pm-6pm
Wednesday 20th Sep Year 5 and 6 classroom kitchen
Thursday 21st Sep Year 3 guitar, Year 1 & Year 2 Trip to Pontefract Castle.
EYFS phonics meeting 5pm-6pm.
Friday 22nd Sep Year 5 swimming
As you know, attendance is always a priority in school and I know you will support us with ensuring your children are in school as much as possible. All attendance, particularly persistent absentees and lateness will continue to be monitored closely. Any pupil with attendance below 90% will trigger attendance monitoring and face to face meetings will be instigated.
Attendance this week:
Overall: 96.8%
EYFS: 93.9%
Year 1: 99.7%
Year 2: 99.3%
Year 3: 98.1%
Year 4: 96%
Year 5: 93.7%
Year 6: 96.3%
Thank you as always for all your continued support in school. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Adams