Hawks Weekly
St. Theresa - June 3 - 7, 2024
Which person of the Trinity do you pray to most? Why?
MATTHEW 28:16-20
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Holy Trinity,
We honor and praise you as our creator, our savior, and our sanctifier. Fill us with your love so we can enter fully into your mystery. Strengthen our faith so we can always believe in you. May we be living examples of your love. We ask this through you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendars:
- Tuesday June 4 - Grade 6 Immunizations
- Tuesday June 4 - Grade 5 - Metis Artist Visit Connie Kulhavey
- Wednesday June 5 - Early Dismissal @ 2:13pm
- Friday June 7 - Jr High Ken Szopa Healthy Living Triathlon
- Sunday June 9 - Ukrainian Bilingual Program 4-8-12 Celebration - St. Nicholas School @ 2:00pm
- Monday June 10 - Friday June 14 - All library books are due
- Monday June 10 - Grade 8 Field Day
- Tuesday June 11 - School Assembly @ 11:09am
- Tuesday June 11 - PAC Meeting - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
- Thursday June 13 - Pathways - Zoo field trip PM
- Wednesday June 19 - Grade 5 - Birch Bay
- Wednesday June 19 - Grade 6 - Social PAT
- Wednesday June 19 - Jr High Social Final Exam
- Thursday June 20 - Grade 6 - Science PAT
- Thursday June 20 - Jr High Science Final Exam
- Thursday June 20 - Grade 6 - Dinosaur Hill
- Thursday June 20 - Jr High Awards and Recognition @ 5:30pm
- Friday June 21 - National Indigenous People's Day
- Monday June 24 - Pathways - Spray Park
- Monday June 24 - Grade 5 - Swimming
- Monday June 24 - Grade 6 - Bowling
- Monday June 24 - Jr High Year end trip - WEM Waterpark
- Tuesday June 25 - Jr High Language Arts Final Exam
- Wednesday June 26 - Last Day of School for Students
- Wednesday June 26 - Jr High Math Final Exam
- Wednesday June 26 - Report Cards go live @ 4:00pm
Parent Information
Cell Phone usage pilot
Parents and Guardians,
May 30, 2024
St. Theresa’s will be changing its cell phone policy when the new school year begins in late August. To that end, we want to run a one week trial to see what it looks like and hopefully iron out the wrinkles should they arise.
In our current policy “we recommend that cell phones be left in student lockers
during class time”. For our pilot next week and for what we want to implement full time next year, the word recommend will be removed.
Students are not permitted to have a cell phone with them during class time. If a cell phone is brought to school it is to be in a locker and is not to be with the student including in their backpack. Smart watch technology is permitted but will also have to be put in a locker should it become a distraction to the learning environment.
As mentioned, we want to try this before the end of this school year, so for next week, June 3 - 7 inclusive, the cell phone usage policy mentioned above will be in effect. This is a significant change for most of our students, particularly those in Junior High; we look forward to support from home with this change.
Thank you,
Pierre Ouimet
Opportunity for grade 7/8 students to join Band Option for 24/25
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
Beginning next year, 2024 - 2025, St. Theresa students will have the opportunity to be part of a band program, being the one currently established at Ecole Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) school. We are excited to partner with OLPH as this program provides students with an experience that will lead to future opportunities. When your child goes into Grade 9 at ABJ, they will be able to continue their band journey, and receive credits for Band 10 - 20 - 30. The high school courses help students meet their High School Diploma requirements for Fine Arts.
The program will be available for students going into grade 7 and 8, so it’s for Junior High students only, but this letter has been sent to all St. Theresa families. Band will run before school twice a week from 7:30 - 8:30 am but you are encouraged to arrive between 7:15 - 7:25am. With the course being offered in the morning, it does not interfere with students choosing other options during the St. Theresa school option time and it allows for all students to participate in other after school activities. After band class, an EICS bus will transport students from OLPH school to St. Theresa at about 8:35.
For the 2024 - 2025 band year, students will have the opportunity to take their instrument home to practice (instruments can be rented from the school or brought from home), attend a band festival, have lessons with musical specialists, attend concerts, and perform concerts throughout the year.
Last year our band attended the Vegreville Music Festival and won the top festival prize: Achievement of Distinction, a trophy, and $100 cash. Which was used for a year end pizza party and swim. We are so proud of all our Band students and look forward to next year's adventures.
Registration for the OLPH Band option will remain open until the end of this school year. To register your child please visit your parent powerschool account Student Fees page and click on the Band Icon at the bottom of the page. The fee of $110 will need to be paid upon registration in order to have your registration form submitted. If you have any other questions, please send an email to the band teacher, Mrs. Nakonechny, with your child's name and grade. Her contact information is listed below.
Mrs. Nakonechny
Save the Date - Grade 9 Parent Info Night
St. Theresa 2023 - 2024 Yearbooks
St. Theresa 2023 - 2024 Yearbooks are now available to purchase. To order click the link or use the QR Code below and enter the access code. Deadline to order is Friday June 28, 2024.
The code to access it is: 13972924
Organization of the Hawks Weekly
The newsletter is organized based on our four school assurance priorities for this year.
- Faith Integration
- Learners and Learning
- Systemic Wellness
- Community Engagement
6B Class Mass with Father Mario
2024-2025 EICS Faith Theme Art Work Submission
Grade 8 Style and Self-Care
Grade 8 Style and Self-Care students created outfits using recycled materials they collected from the Edmonton Reuse Center. They then modelled their unique designs for our administration staff.
AADAC Jack Vaping Presentation
BUCPS 4-8-12 Celebration
St. Theresa in May
5U/5K Dreamcatchers
5F/5S - Dreamcatchers, legends & games field trip
Performing Arts 5/6 - St. Albert Children’s Festival
Gr. 5 SFL: Softball at Strathcona Athletic Park with Coach Brendan
Parent Societies
Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
The St. Theresa Parent Advisory Council performs many vital functions for our school community, by helping to facilitate school wide student functions and providing valuable funding to our school via fundraising. Parents involved in the PAC learn about planning and development within the school and are part of the planning process. These roles make their involvement very important to the families, administration and teachers.
Next Parent Council Meeting - Tuesday June 11th - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
2023/2024 PAC Meeting Dates
September 26, 2023
October 24, 2023
December 11, 2023
January 30, 2024
February 27, 2024
April 9, 2024
May 7, 2024
June 11, 2024
2022 - 2023 Executive PAC Members:
Chair - Jodi Ostrosky
Co-Chair - Lindsay Tomalik
Treasurer - Kim Pennock
Secretary - Rosie Conrad
Bilingual Ukrainian Catholic Parents Society (BUCPS)
Bitaemo! Sherwood Park's Ukrainian Bilingual Program began in 1980 and has seen decades of success in academic achievement, global learning, and celebration of the rich Ukrainian heritage. From Preschool/Sadochok to Grade 12, the Ukrainian Bilingual Program offers a community-minded cultural environment along with an enhanced academic curriculum. BUCPS Mission is to promote, advocate, support and foster cultural and educations opportunities for students in the Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
Next BUCPS Meeting - TBA
2022-2023 Executive BUCPS Members:
President - Slavko Nohas
Vice-President - Christin Hyshka
Treasurer - Andrea Chmilar
Secretary - Kelsey Whattam
Members at Large:
Talia Koziak/Kathy Leskow/Clayton Starko
Parish News
OLPH Parish
We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe
13 Brower Drive, Sherwood Park AB. T8H 1Y7
Phone : 780 467 5470 Fax : 780 467 0530
E-mail: info@olph.ca Website: www.olph.ca
Dear Parents:
Welcome to a new year of Catholic education and faith formation for your child!
Each year, in a Catholic school, your child will learn about many aspects of their Catholic faith— including learning about the seven sacraments. In our Archdiocese, preparing children for the celebration of their own sacraments always occurs in the parish, with the support of the school: • preparing for First Reconciliation, and then First Eucharist, can begin when a child is 7 years of age and in Grade 2 or older
• preparing for Confirmation can begin when a child is about 12 years of age and in Grade 6 or older • special preparation is also available for children of any age who are not yet baptized
Most children attending Catholic schools are ready to receive at the ages shown above, but there is no such thing as too late. Are you seeking for your child to celebrate a sacrament, such as Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation? Are you ready to help them live out their Baptismal promises? Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and Elk Island Catholic Schools are each involved in preparing your child for a Catholic sacrament along with you. It is a group effort, and everyone has a role:
• As a parent, the Church has always held that you are the primary teacher of the faith for your child. You teach them about God; set the example; talk about your own faith; and you bring them to Mass. • The place where the sacraments are celebrated and lived is the Catholic parish. We the people of God in the Church are each part of the Body of Christ. Being in relationship with the parish community (with all its challenges and blessings) is essential for your life of faith and that of your child. The preparation for, and celebration of, the sacraments happens in the parish church. • You must sign your child up for preparation at the parish. The school doesn’t do this part of the process for you. Catholic schools are a special place for children to learn more about Jesus Christ, to practice living in a community of faith, and to develop and deepen a relationship with Christ. We (Catholic parish and Catholic school) are eager to walk beside you and your children during this very special time.
Please call OLPH parish office 780-467-5470, send an email to sacraments@olph.ca or visit www.olph.ca/sacraments to get started or learn more.
As you prepare your child for their sacraments may this also be a special time for you - of deepening your own understanding and of growing in faith for the whole family!
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
A Roman Catholic Christian community.
We come together at our Lord’s invitation to worship God, celebrate the sacraments, and deepen our faith. We strive to be thankful, generous and welcoming, and are sent forth to help advance God’s Kingdom on earth by proclaiming the Gospel and serving others.
Helpful Links
St. Theresa Catholic School
Email: stt@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stt.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 2021 Brentwood Blvd, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-464-4001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.TheresaCatholicMiddleSchool/